Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 11:32:21 UTC
in Great Source for Custom Textures Post #202898
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 11:31:53 UTC
in Mapping T Post #198177
Exos not all mapping engines are the same, have a look at the unreal engine, Far cry and Jupiter nofl2 you dont get leaks in them.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-13 14:35:26 UTC
in Buying a new 20" / 21" Monitor Post #196444
well my laptop (well DTR) screen was a 1440x990 with no gloss coating, it developed a lot of stuck pixels, sent it back and it was upgraded for free to 1680x1050 with X-black coating or something, it just makes the colours seem more deep and not as faded.

I really like the coating but it can be very reflective so positions of lights can be important and using outside is a no go,