Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-08-20 17:29:39 UTC
in Water Problems Post #193986
Ok thanks I'll check it out. :P

EDIT: Yaa it worked thank you so much.

Note added: Do not apply more then one brush to one func_water. :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 18:02:22 UTC
in Water Problems Post #193932
Nope nothing. I have a main river going through the ground straight across that works just fine. I then added this mini one that starts at one corner, stops at the main then begins again after it, and then stops at the other opposite corner to make a little water way going under. I connected 3 blocks on each side because it has to turn. Combined all 6 to one func_water (2 that make a turn and one that gives it height at the end for players to jump out of: on each side of the river). Any help?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 16:10:26 UTC
in Water Problems Post #193925
In 3-D view it looks just fine, water where it's suppose to be and everything. Could it have something to do with the compile process? :confused: Yes im on func_water, texture, 120. Wave height 0, speed 0 so that because it's underground it doesn't cut thru the ground texture.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 13:07:40 UTC
in Water Problems Post #193914
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-19 12:08:14 UTC
in Water Problems Post #193902
I'm making a CS map using Hammer 3.5 and ZHLT. I made like an underground river connecting two ends of my map. When I compiled it and tested it I noticed the entire map was drowned except for a single spot in some corner. Please help :confused: .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 18:28:39 UTC
in xt_flora.wad Post #193838
Thats the guide I've been using, it's on like 3 different sites. I'm not very good with trees :nervous: . Ill try to see if he won't mind sparing some of those textures or even the wad. Thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-18 12:08:14 UTC
in xt_flora.wad Post #193809
Im trying to make a good tree and I was wondering does anyone have a download to xt_flora.wad. I relized that it has a pretty good tree texture that I'd really like to use (not take credit for though).
Any help?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 16:41:07 UTC
in Trigger entity and ground weapons Post #181218
Also how do I add a custom sprite and or model into my map? Also im mapping for Counter Strike.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 16:28:23 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #181216
This is the most incredibilist (spelling) map I've ever seen.

If I could rate this out of 10 Id give it a 30/10. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 16:13:13 UTC
in Trigger entity and ground weapons Post #181213
I have a few questions.

1. What trigger entity works for each round? (resets when the round starts).
2. If I use playerequip will this take away the original pistol that each player start out with? If not the trigger per round will let me do that. And also how do I add ammo the weapon (deagle actually) that I make them spawn with?

3. How do I set the guns on the floor of my map to have ammo in them.?

Plesae help me I've been searching and I havn't found nothing to help answer my question.

Also how do I add a custom sprite and or model into my map? Also im mapping for Counter Strike.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 18:21:09 UTC
in Cant Open Custom Wad while running??? Post #180852
Ahh thank you this is what I'm looking for :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 17:37:04 UTC
in Cant Open Custom Wad while running??? Post #180845
Alright thank you. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 17:34:57 UTC
in Cant Open Custom Wad while running??? Post #180843
Ohhh I getcha alright. But I have another question if someone were to download the map how would they get the .wad or would you put it in the download too?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 17:31:20 UTC
in Cant Open Custom Wad while running??? Post #180841
The latter? PLEASE HELP ME I DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!! also above i meant to type "folder" not fodel wonder what I was thinking.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 17:26:13 UTC
in Cant Open Custom Wad while running??? Post #180839
Im a noob lol In the mod directory for compiling the map or the mod fodel under cstrike?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 17:05:01 UTC
in Cant Open Custom Wad while running??? Post #180834
I got the map the way I like it. I got the compile right I think. And just when I think I have everything right... :tired:

When I run the map in CS after compiling the .bsp it will close and say "cannot open file bk_txt.wad" (the wad im using for textures) Please
tell me what im doing wrong.

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-17 12:44:53 UTC
in DLL Load Post #180586
I know I've been answered this question before but I can't remember where. I got the map the way I want it but when I load it up it says "Cannot Find Filesystem DLL to load".
Please help :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 19:24:32 UTC
in AAATRIGGER Post #180448
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 18:19:14 UTC
in AAATRIGGER Post #180432
I messed with it for a few minutes and I got it so when I apply the texture (even though its clip) it'll come out as aaatrigger. (????) But I still have the original clip so I think im good. Thanks. And also I just relized its not the same nose from clip the pic is skin color.?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 18:02:08 UTC
in AAATRIGGER Post #180427
The Texture shows in the list as the original half-life symbol. When I try to replace it, it shows the clip symbol. And when I try to add the texture to a block or anything the texture is plain white. So even if I dont have this I can use just any old texture for entities? I'm only really using ladders thats all.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 17:26:29 UTC
in AAATRIGGER Post #180419
This is now the 3rd time its happened to me and its bugging the crap out of me. The only thing im doing is continusly (spelling?) putting in new textures in the game configuration. If anyone knows whats wrong please tell me.

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 18:58:43 UTC
in AAATRIGGER Post #180328
I tried that several times but it didn't work. I figured it out though anyway. I reinstalled Hammer and replaced all my textures back in and they're all back. Thank you anyway though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 18:42:16 UTC
in AAATRIGGER Post #180326
I had a problem when I was mapping. For some reason my AAATRIGGER was replaced with the "clip" texture (the nose one). 1. Is this a big problem or will everything work the same. and 2. Even if its not a big deal how do I switch it back?

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 18:34:20 UTC
in Transparent Texture Post #180324
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 17:18:27 UTC
in Transparent Texture Post #180309
Ok, im trying now to make my own map. A basic aim_ one because the big maps confuse me with all their entities. Im trying to put a railing up using only one texture. Now I originally thought that you could make a big slab and make some of the colors in the textures transparent so you can see thru it. (Please tell me if this is possible) Now im thinking that you have to get a seperate texture (like white for the bars) and put the texture on each sepereate bars (God they make this so much harder than it is). Please tell me which one of these ways is the correct way to make it.
