Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 19:31:53 UTC
in Properly Compiling a .MDL? Post #183800
Hi. Just for experimentations sake, I'm trying to insert weapons models from Counter Strike into Half-Life. However, I ran into some animation anomalies; it would cycle animations whenever I performed an action with the weapon (equiping, reloading, firing, etc.). So, I decompiled the model using milkshape and rearanged the order of the animations (and inserted some extra "idle" animations to fill in some gaps at the beginning of the list.) This fixes the animation problem, but introduces a new one: the model is screwed up in the recompiling process. For instance, in the "v_ak47" model, one of the players hands moves away from the weapon. Basically, the compiling process alters the model. I've tryed compiling in Milkshape and StudioMDL and both give the exact same results. Is there a trick to or technique to the process I missed?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 17:57:23 UTC
in Help Laying the Groundwork for a Mod? Post #183589
Hey. I've read the "setting up a mod" series of tutorials, but they only tell you how to make a map based on already-existing data (such as models). Basically, I want my mod to use a different .pak file from the default "pak0.pak" file in the valve directory. Suppose I have already finished the first part of the aformentioned series; what next if I want to change the .pak to be used?