Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-01-23 10:08:28 UTC
in Placing Dead Zombies Post #244121
If you're using SoHL there's an entity like generic_monster_dead. You can specify the death animation type there.

You can use a sequence too, but is so much work. The one who can help you is placing a trigger_hurt that affects only monsters. Check damage's type, you won't probabily want the monsters are gibbed up.

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-02 15:41:49 UTC
in arrange mode Post #237506

Thanks for the comment but I think noone is able to write down a decent post now 'cause is not finished yet.

I'm covering a lot of things on our mod, included GamePlay. I've been researching over the years and I'm pretty sure how to make a game as you expected.

There is updated info at:

Cheers buddies!
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 11:20:02 UTC
in arrange mode Post #204138
Well, look all those nice posts :)

First: Yes HL 1 it's a old engine, and a lot of people knows that. So, why I created Am? I start mapping over 3 years ago, and Am only was a simple proyect. Now it's a really Big proyect and I just in finish it.

Like some boy said, it's possible to change the same (and best) Mod, using HL 2's engine. I know, and it's easier too, because I don't need to code all new effects, add physics engine, shader effects and more, so what's the point? I started Arrange Mode in a simple HL engine, and I will finish it in the same HL engine.

One more thing: I really don't know if I will use HL2 content. I doesn't need it at all. But keep in mind it, those effects, enemies, shaders and more, could be make it in HL's engine. It's a very powerfull engine and I love it.

Talking about HL2 mods... Some of them really sucks. They just keep in mind all features from this engine and they didn't make any new effect. Its not the same pleasure, play a HL1 Mod, a mod whit a lot of work, and a HL2 Mod, whit the original effects, and new weapons or gameplay style? C?mon, this is not a challenge for any Modder.

Right, I gotta go, Gabe Newell is calling me :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-21 13:57:06 UTC
in arrange mode Post #191170
Maybe you installed the Mod in a bad way. The "AmMappersEd" folder must be in your Half-Life folder, and the gl.dll and cggl.dll must be in there too. If not, you will experiment some crashes on client.dll when you try to run it.

Am has no big problems whit code and there is a few minor bugs, but anyone can't make the HL to crash.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-19 14:59:17 UTC
in arrange mode Post #190843
Yes... A lot of people said me that. IT'S A MAPPERS EDITION ONLY! There is not any story, models, novodex engine, ragdolls, and more because that!

I will release an update whit the english version. I just forget it.

Sorry. Stay stunned for this release. :cry: :nervous:
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-19 13:30:02 UTC
in arrange mode Post #190830
Well, yeah, is not a big name for a Mod, but it's important at least, for me. Thanks for the comments :D

Yes, I make a little mistake: I didn't erased the config.cfg so that you can see bloom effect very stronger... Just delete the config.cfg and all its done.
Respecting the lenguague... well, you're right... and a lot of people said me that too...I will change the names of the forums, at least.

Thanks to all :D Keep posting

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-12 14:05:17 UTC
in arrange mode Post #189816
Yeah, I know, I used a lot of models and props from CSCZ. This is not ilegal, anybody can do it, and stop saying that is ilegal. VALVe and their owners allow their use only if this is not for comercial proyects.

I'm using the Novodex engine to make this ragdoll and physics. My simple Mod it's not a commercial proyect, so I can use that engine. If my game could be a new game whit new motor, I need to send money to AGEiA. The rule it's simple.

Anyways there some moral actions that the people should do, and I'm talking about the creators of such models. I will credits to all of them, and today I'm asking if I can use their models. Some people said me Yes or Not.

Thanks for the answers, SysOp AR Software
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 09:32:06 UTC
in arrange mode Post #186222
Yeah, those effects are making using simple sprites whit some velocity and another little things. I will modify it later using Particles from Spirit Of Half.Life.

@Elon Yariv:
Sorry, can you ask me again? Please, this time use the right words. I'm from Argentina and a simple letter can change the whole word in fact.

Respecting the Demo, we are working on it and looking for a good server. I used Filefront to host it, but they closing my account because "I uploaded ilegal files"

Holy crap!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 15:17:17 UTC
in arrange mode Post #184437
Yeah, you forget it too...

There is another link. I don't think that its really matter, anywayz there is the link
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 21:08:40 UTC
in arrange mode Post #183812
Hey, look at those comments!

Yes, some people was right, another people does'nt, please let me explain:

Arrange Mode its a Half-Life 1 Mod. Like Gunter said it's a SP mod which has a lot of history.

About the video file, if any of you read the comment in the web page that says: ITS UNFINISHED AND I USE SOME COMMON MAPS, maybe you can understand what I am showing up.

This mod has S2p Physics and in this week a Demo version will uploaded. Every people over here can make your own conclusions AFTER play the Demo Mod.

About the models, I am use FA models (whit permission) but it's just by now. They will change in the final release.

Anyways, tnx for the good comments and the bad comments. But some of you could see all the info related to proyect and them can talk...

Thanx and all of you are good people :)

SysOp AR Software