Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 20:24:27 UTC
in Any Help Appreciated Post #187385
checked that vox, but the problem appears to be with either my multisource or multimanager i think........tho the problem could be godzila destroying tokyo for all my knowledge of the matter

item trigger + door button
> multisource
> multimanager
> open door + monstermaker + kill

this is how i have them set up at the moment, and no monsters are spawning nor is the door opening but if i take both of the multi's out and direct target either the maker or the door both work fine :
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 18:24:28 UTC
in Any Help Appreciated Post #187375
ok as it stands now i have just 3 remaining problems

1) how do you enable part of a multisource on map load?
2) how do you then have a button turn it off?
3) is there any reason why my monster makers dont make monsters?

Elon your advice above helped alot but i think iv confused you with the order of things:

1)user enters room
2)user picks up item + recives warning
3a)if user presses button the are free to leave (relates to 1+2 ^ )
3b)if not when they leave 'some' of the monsters are replaced with therir evil twins, (using the kill/make method from earlier), an attack them.

unfortunatly the monster makers i have in place dont seam to be generating any monsters, is there any trick to it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 19:26:51 UTC
in Any Help Appreciated Post #187186
based on the advice given by people on here, i have managed to solve 1 & 3, and i think using Elon's method i have almost solved 2, so far:

A)picking up the item, targets & displays a message

B)which should if im understanding it right target the multi-manager?

C)then passing through the door way activates another trigger that displays another message, and targets the multi manager?

D) with both of these targeting the multi-manager, it then kills all the monster called "a", and targets the monster makers called "b"

E) spawns a monster, there is 1 monster maker for each of the monsters killed with the previous kill selection

however im not sure if im understanding this multi-manager right, and also i am still not able to get the monstermakers to spawn the new monsters, the current configeration for them is:

name: b
monster type: monster_zombie
childrens name: <blank>
No monsters: 1
frequency: 1
max alive: 1

flags: start on <ticked>
cyclic <ticked>
monster clip <ticked>
can any one see any obvious problems?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 09:52:41 UTC
in Any Help Appreciated Post #187114
first off thanks to every one who replyed, especaly Elon and Vox for giving some ideas as to other ways of solving the problem.

Orpheus, thanks for the luck, but i didnt try some thing this advanced out of choice, it was kind of dumped on me as a project to finish up some one elses work....... not easy when you've no idea how to go about it.

rowleybob, the example map helped a lot thanks.

oh yeh Worldcraft dude if you need to piss so much i surgest you visit a doctor as you may have some thing seriously wrong with you ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 20:13:59 UTC
in Any Help Appreciated Post #186878
im completly new at creating maps for HL and finding it very difficult to accomplish what i need to do even using the guides on this site, to that end i was wondering if any one out there could, explain to me in the simplest terms posible how i go about the following:

1) when a player moves over an area displaying a message on screen only the first time they pass over it, (at present i am trying to use the trigger_once mechanic but it does not appear to be working sucessfully

2) check the items a player is carring and shift the "monsters" behaviour to hostile if the player is carring a certain item

3) end the level (i understand this is carried out with the trigger_end but i do not fully understand the "master" part of the properties

as i stated above i am new to this and any help would be very much appreciated.