Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-18 16:54:36 UTC
in aztec bridge Post #190683
I agree. A model would be the best for a more complex bridge...and use func_wall brushes or zoner's null texture with solids. Using zoner's will cut down on the entities and that is a big help. Only problem I find in using the null texture is it sometimes doesn't stay put in the map upon compiling and I have to fill it in with func_brushes. Math? Just skew the brushes a few units.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-18 00:57:16 UTC
in aztec bridge Post #190605
It's not my method. Its the way the bridge is built in de_aztec. The difficult way is to build it with the 30+ brushes. If you intend to have around 450+ entities in the map then I would build with the 30+ brushes.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-17 01:13:04 UTC
in aztec bridge Post #190422
I would use a non-entity brush for the walkway and texture it blue, render it a solid. Then I would use a func_illusionary brush with the bridge texture to cover that non-entity brush. As for the ropes, a func_wall brush with a rope texture. The texture for the rope is one that is for the most part a blue background so you only see the rope. The render mode has to be solid and render fx 255 so the rope shows up and the blue doesn't show up as a dark texture.

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-17 00:30:34 UTC
in Hud minimap icon map scale overview zoom Post #190419
How do I scale the map and icon to be at the optimal zoom factor?

In making an overview screenshot the scale was 2.09, twice what it should be.

1.3 is considered to be the optimal zoom factor.

At 2X scale: In game play, the minimap HUD display shows the icon as too big.

Change the text file to 1X: The icon is perfect size but the minimap is now too small.

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-17 00:16:12 UTC
in Half-Life Engine Question Post #190417
Hmm. That would be cool. A func_ladder sphere would be interesting...but unstable. Won't be able to walk upside down. :
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-15 20:27:21 UTC
in Grrr Overviews!!! Post #190240
Well, well. I found my own answer to the HUD display.

I was snooping around in the console and found the commands for Day of Defeat V1.1. Not sure if they apply to other engines.


Change them to 0 and there will be no HUD displays.

These commands work for player and not spectator mode.

Got another problem though: it's the ZOOM.

Zoom is set 2X and I need 1X to match standard minimaps.

How to zoom to 1X at 1024 x 768??? What's the command??? Haven't found it yet.

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-15 17:13:15 UTC
in Grrr Overviews!!! Post #190224

There's a new problem.

1. These upper and lower black border bars are blocking some of the map...and

2. The neutral flag icons are there.

I tried all the hud_ commands that appeared in the console and nothing worked.

If I can't get rid of them...Corel Draw or Photoshop, I guess. :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-14 15:36:54 UTC
in Grrr Overviews!!! Post #190095
I found this link with this note. Tried to find the article. Article not found.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Use of the in-game console is not supported by Activision?. ... :cry:

Strange note because there is a console active, but it doesn't allow certain commands.

There's got to be a way to activate the developer mode as developer 1 does not work.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-13 00:17:31 UTC
in Grrr Overviews!!! Post #189888
I've got the same problem. I'm using Day of Defeat V1.1 and nothing happens. Game is not online. I'm using the engine to remake a map. I tried to enter -dev and -console in shortcut, but Windows ME does'nt allow it as the Original Half-life and Counterstrike does. So, I typed sv_cheats 1, developer 1 and dev_overview 1 in the console and nothing. I think all I have to do is activate the developer mode, somehow. The console is already active. Is there any other command I'm needing here? What if I use the old HL engine? I can run the map in the original engine. If so, then the commands: developer and dev_overview aren't there! I tried. Any suggestions? :zonked: