Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 10:30:51 UTC
in custom textures Post #194767
thank habboi it worked :) finnaly i can finish my supermarked :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 07:49:04 UTC
in custom textures Post #194742
i don't know what you mean with that but i'll descriph step for step what i;ve done, first i get my image, opened it with vtf edit, i maked a vtf file and a vmt file in: steam_steamapps_acc_counterstrike source_cstrike_materials_vgui_logos_"mapname":

when i browse for textures with hammer my textures are displaying fine, but whenever i make a block where ever i want the texture i only see black and no texture,
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 07:40:55 UTC
in custom textures Post #194737
so i know how to insert custom textures with vtf edit ( something like that) and i know how to include them in the bsp, but i when i load my textures true hammer i browse for textures with the block tool, and i see my texture listed with the image (all correct) , but whenever i place the block, i get a black block with no image on it,

can anyone help me
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-20 08:45:24 UTC
in My map crashes on load up!! Help! (CSS) Post #193970
i got exactly the same problem, the update of 11 august is saying something about it but i still got the problem with my map, i started to make my map after 11 august so it should work fine right???

well... it doesn't..... however my maps work fine when i test it but when the linux server changes to my map, it just crashes:(
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-19 06:54:24 UTC
in loading map problem Post #193866
i already worked it out, thanks
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-18 06:29:25 UTC
in own textures Post #193796
how can i load my images in hammer and use them as textures?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 07:56:26 UTC
in how can i let a player spawn with ammo?? Post #193717
so here is my problem, after searching this forum i finnaly discovered how i can let players start with weapons, but they got only 1 clip, example: i want to make an aim map based on ak's but i want to give them at least 3 reloads how can i do that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 07:32:40 UTC
in loading map problem Post #193606
so i made a map and it worked fine, now iam busy with my second map but everytime i load it trough hammer or trough css/create server my css and hammer will crash. what could be in my map that will make it crash???
can anyone help???
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-02 16:27:31 UTC
in weapons in my map Post #192294
i don't think ammo is also on the floor because if you shoot the gun the gun will be moved but not the ammo,

and if i lay a weapon on the floor it only has 30 bullets, or more/less depending on the kind of weapon,

i wish i could use game_player_equip, i read the tutorials but i just don't get it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-02 11:05:57 UTC
in weapons in my map Post #192273
i want to put weapons in my map, but everytime i put weapons in my map they only got 1 magazine, example: i put an ak47 in my map it has only 30 bullets, when i put a deagle in my map it only has 7 bullets, can anyone tell me how i can give the weapon more bullets?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 15:15:57 UTC
in Modifying entities Post #192215
i don't think think if you can save it into bsp, but i know you can extract it to hammer and with hammer you can save it as a bsp
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 15:13:15 UTC
in Buttons Post #192213
when i check for error it says that entity (trigger_once) has bad I/O connections????

i am sure i named env_shake "shake"

i made a brush set it to trigger_once iam sure the target was "shake"
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 13:52:36 UTC
in Buttons Post #192205
how can i trigger it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 13:34:29 UTC
in Buttons Post #192203
ok so here is my problem, i want to create a button when i push it a explosive oildrum will appear, i read several tutorials about this, and searched many forums but i can't find it, can someone plz explain it to me very detailed becuase the tutorials aren't detailed enough, it needs to be for css.

second problem: eveytime when i put an env_shake in my map it won't work i set the radius i set the strenght of the shaking but it won't shake, i step into the radius but nothing shakes? can anyone help me?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 13:25:05 UTC
in ball models Post #192202
i hit apply but it just resets hisself.....
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:35:32 UTC
in ball models Post #192185
problem: so i choose to be func_physbox, but when i click on something else and then back on the object it is just a brush again......
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:11:59 UTC
in ball models Post #192182
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 10:51:17 UTC
in ball models Post #192180
wow thanks i made one, but here is my sec question, it won't move becuase it's a brush how can i add some physics to it, i presume tie to entity, but which one must i choose?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 10:17:20 UTC
in ball models Post #192176
how can i do that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 10:10:18 UTC
in ball models Post #192174
i want to put balls in my css map, but i don't have the models, can anyone tell me where to get these models,