Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 15:09:09 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #200954
in the screenie the light looks blue it looks much better in game Idk why it turned out to be so blue in the picture, all the lights have yet to be added to this map so it will be much brighter, the ciealing texture will be changed amoung other things.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-26 02:41:43 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #200877
Here is my new site, there is a picture of my mod there much more and many more pictures to come.

"hang in there with me guys"
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-22 16:03:46 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #200420
to the poeple that think that it doesn't exist...I dont have to explain anything to you, you can think what you want just wait and watch for 2007 and see for yourself if its real or not.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-17 22:37:14 UTC
in half-life wad but for half-lfie 2 Post #199956
can anyone make/find or know of a place that has half-life textures redone for half-lfie 2 but in a wad format?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-21 23:19:07 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #197170
I would like to hear comments or questions you have about this mod if there are any areas or other such things you want to be in this feel free to contact me on AIM at Fox Mavrick and we can talk personly.

this mod is for you guys so anything i can do to make it better for you dont be scared to say.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-21 23:06:16 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #197169
I will also be realsing a sort of "demo" of the predisaster C1a0 or the Anom Mat Labs Secter C this will be in map format. some content will not be in it as this is being saved for the mods relaease and this area will contain one of half-lifes most guarded areas never visted only seen.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-21 23:02:02 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #197167
I understand how you feel, and its alright.

I am not using this as an excuse but I have been quite busey trying to get my website back up and running and of corse finishing the project.

what sort of prove do you need? visualy it looks the same as the half-life games and the areas are left un modified therefore they look as they always did just open up to the other areas so therefore screens shots are not that diffrent from any in the game you have seen before.

but since you insist i will put up a small gallery of pictures explaining them and the process.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-21 19:30:38 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #197162
after this I am done completeing this project using the Half-Life engine I will be turning it all over to a dear friend and he will be the one to update it to Half-Life 2 and so forth I will have nothing to do with these updates and such I am just the man for making it possible someone else will take over from there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 02:00:29 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #196158
1. What is this mod all about?
Fox: well it is about having a complete picture of the Half-Life Black Mesa Facility to explore.

2. Who are you and what do, you do on this project?
Fox: I am the man responsiable for all of this! (laughs)

3. how did you come up with the idea for this?
Fox: well I got the idea one day playing through the game thinking how great it be to play agaisnt friends in the facility and just went on form there.

4. Will there be any new areas/storylines?
Fox: no this mod retains the exact story lines are in the previous games except you will not get to play as Barney or Shepard (although you will still see them as they were) no news areas will be added just simply the ones that were there and had no pior access to. also i am hoping this will connect all 3 stories from the games and allow the player to see every angle of the story.

5. How did you prepare for this mod?
Fox: I studied screen shots, played all 3 games many times over, talked to vavle it has been alot of work to get this far.

6. will there be new weapons/models for the NPC's such as female scientists?
Fox: no new weapons sorry, and no there will be no new models, but they will have a larger role, as seeing you will be Gorden and only have a level 3 security clearence.

7. will there be any ester eggs?
Fox: yes there will be many little things here and there you should enjoy, even a part of the facility that was key in all 3 games and never got to go to only seen, but you will have to find it yourself, I'll never tell.

8. When will this be comming out?
Fox: I plan on having it out by mid 2007.

9. Will this be free?
Fox: yes 100% half-lifer's may do what they please with this (after all its for them) it will be post on my site along with all the info that I have collected.

10. Do you have any plans after you Release Black Mesa Complete?
Fox: yeah I am going to retire, take a long vacation, maybe get married whos knows.

11. Will you keep this up to date such as make it into a half-life 2 mod?
Fox: I plan on it but not for quite a while.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-07 04:32:09 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #195846
frist off thanks killer1102 for answering a question for me.


to answer muzzleflashe's question there are two variations one is the facility Predisaster and the other is after the disaster, I admit it is mostly just the struture (desks chairs ect... there all there.

I will post a detailed summery of what the mod offers soon.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-04 23:56:41 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #195662
I have been reading the comments on here and to sum up...

1. yes this is/has been a very amitious and possibly pointless project to some of you but like all we have our passions one of mine just so happens to be Half-Life, I started this long and hard project with one goal in mind to give Half-Lifers a complete expirence in the Black Mesa facility, it has always been somthing I wanted to see myself.

2. Incase some of you looked at my profile and wondered what Half-Life theory as I call it is...well it is the study of the black Mesa Research Facility as a whole which things belong where, trying to fill in the missing gaps ect...( note I dont change the facility at all I just simply study to better understand where everything fits togather, I also study the personal and try to learn about there personal information, I have all this information if you would like to look at it e-mail me and I will send it to you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 23:35:06 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #195526
sorry for my previous comment, no I started this back in worldcraft 2.5 days (before it was known has hammer)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 20:38:41 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #195515
this mod is still a long ways off but it will get done when it is
I have a website where you can downlaod this, due to hackers it is down at the moument I will let you know when its up

it will be the complete known Black Mesa facility, it will look exactly like the original the things to note with this mod are:

1. yes the known transit system will be connected and yes you may stop at any of these points, some you will have to change trams but you can viset nearly every where.

2. the grapics are half-life one and will still be a huge download(I myself have been using 2 computers to store and make this project its rather large)

3. I have been working on this on and off for years almsot ten years on planing and yes dedication,studying the 3 games that feature the facilty and working to connect the ducts,rail ways and ect to other points of the facility.

4. yes you will be able to enter most ducts that lead to the corrisponding areas.

like I have said I have spent may years planing and studing ever detail of the Black Mesa facility, yes I am very dedicated to getting the details right, this project is my passion for all half-lifers to enjoy.

I have a few screen shots I may put up soon.

my goal for this project after it is completed is to port it to half-life 2 so you my enjoy it with the enhanced grapics.

anyone that has any questions or would like to know more about the black mesa facility can e-mail me with there questions at
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-02 19:52:02 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #195434
been working on this for years...

basicly it will be the complete Black Mesa facility blue-shift,oppossing force and half-life you will be able to viset all known areas within the facility inculding most vents and ducts, few things will be off limits such as the complete mapping porcess of the facility have a few gaps in the struture.

Just think the Black Mesa Research facility will be yours at last!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-29 03:49:36 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #194980
adding detail is great and you do need a lot in there but make it in the architecture and no in a bunch of stuff thrown togather to make the map look busey somtimes less is more.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-29 03:33:33 UTC
in mod questions about half-life Post #194979
1. I put the strings.lst file into my mods gfx/shell folder and when I activate my mod the new text does not appear how do I fix that?

2. how do I put chapters and chapter text in my maps?

3. how do I use the titles test so I can set up messages and things? (like the opening to half-life)

4. is there anyway I can make it so I can have a green hud without the sdk or c++?

5. I wanna change the hev suit to the blue-shift one(blue shirt and hands instead of the orange hev suit)

6. is there anyway to get the amour and helmet from blue-shidt useable in half-life?

sorry so long guys thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 22:03:29 UTC
in textures Post #194695
I have been looking and I cant find any textures from Jurassic park to make a wad out of I wnat to use simular textures as in the movie where can I find some?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 21:27:34 UTC
in need help! Post #194690
I am making a mod based on Jurassic park for the frist half-life i nedd:

1: my maps/bsp wont run (I have them in a maps folder in my mod folder, and the liblist file is the same as the map/bsp I will start on) but when I activate my mod and go to load the single player game the loading screen just stays there, how do I get that to work?

2: I am looking for somone to create the jurassic park vistors center for my mod (I have tried this and its is just too complex for my skill level)