Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-02 14:44:12 UTC
in Best training level in a mod Post #224211
I blind or what? Notice the "training"
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-02 13:57:44 UTC
in Best training level in a mod Post #224204
You can select the monsters that spawn in the "safe zone" and then you can fight against them etc. Its great! I played this training level about 2 hours and i was not bored or you can spawn monsters from earth and from xen and watch them fight and see the "special attacks" featured in ssh

Its so fun
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-02 11:44:47 UTC
in Best training level in a mod Post #224192
Please test the Scientist Slaugtherhouse "training" level :) It's ggggggreat
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-31 10:42:47 UTC
in Best training level in a mod Post #223937
Scientist Slaugtherhouse :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 04:50:56 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #200080
Can you update the HalfLife: Uplink Extended "demo" in unfinished stuff. I WANT TO PLAAAAY!

The 100. post!!! WOOHOO!!!
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-18 17:24:01 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #200043
GRRRRRREAT! I loved the Half-Life: Day One 'or Uplink' :heart:

extended hoooooly shit