Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2010-09-16 07:23:37 UTC
in "Who the Fook Are You?" Versio Post #285386
hi guys im new here

Full Name: M. 0p
Age: Stopped counting
Hometown: Some place full of trees and fields that smells like cows
Born in: Some other place full of trees and fields that smells like cows but not as much
Self Classification: Playa
Education: Education, education...

Favourite Films: Dunno
Favourite Meal: Dunno
Favourite Actor: Dunno
Favourite Actress: Dunno
Favourite Game to Date: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Game you're most looking forward to: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing 2
Favourite Bands/Musicians: Shy FX
Favourite Drink Hot/Cold: GBL
Favourite Alcohol: Vodka
Hobbies: Dunno

Girlfriend/Boyfriend Yes/No?: Yes
Past Girlfriends/Boyfriends: Never counted
Things that make you smile: MDMA
Things that make you really laugh out loud: Nitrous oxide
Things that annoy you: Peter Mandelson
Things that well and truely piss you off: Peter Mandelson

m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-16 07:07:47 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #285385
Aphrodite - Ganja Man innit blud
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 14 years ago2009-07-01 12:10:17 UTC
in Firefox 3.5 Post #269235
I'll stick to Opera thanks.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 14 years ago2009-06-18 05:29:43 UTC
in Planet TWHL! Post #268357
User posted image
Zappaland is better than Metallaya. They've resurrected Frank Zappa and he is the president of Zappaland and Captain Beefheart is vice president (and he is also responsible for electricity production). Father Vivian O'blivion is the major of St. Alfonzo's Pancake City.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-15 18:51:57 UTC
in Desktops of May Post #267045
Openbox 3 + PyPanel + some wallpaper that I can't remember where I found.
User posted image
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-07 12:40:53 UTC
in Warp Drive - For Real? Post #266610
Even if it's not impossible, that doesn't make it possible for us with our current technology.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-06 00:56:23 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266502
Now it really looks like that the swine flu isn't going to be any different from the regular flu.
Just as I predicted ;)
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-30 20:59:49 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266248
Well, I do try my best.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-30 20:07:05 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266242
Stop whining, m0p. You're being more annoying than the people who are panicking.
But you know I'm right.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-30 18:35:51 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266231
I hope I catch it so I can cough on and infect all the pitiful retards who think it's serious business.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-30 11:55:46 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266220
I'm no expert on virology, but I'm positive that there isn't just a single strain of H1N1 that's responsible for everything from seasonal outbreaks to Spanish flu. Viruses mutate, antigenic shifts/drifts can occur.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-30 10:27:03 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266215
This isn't the same strain of flu that killed 40 million people. The death count thus far isn't exactly high considering the number of suspected infections. I doubt the cause for the deaths so far (which are relatively low for a disease that the the uneducated masses are billing as "dangerous") is cytokine storms, which is what most people generally regard as being responsible for most Spanish flu deaths. Not to mention that back then healthcare wasn't nearly as good and treatments weren't as effective or as widely availible in those days.

Also notice how there has been a single death outside Mexico so far (that we know of), perhaps their healthcare just plain sucks or there's some other factor that nobody has considered? Really there's nothing to be worried about at all, in my opinion. The panic is far more harmful than the disease.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-30 07:22:14 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266205
lol @ people changing their diets because of some sensationalist news
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-29 16:07:59 UTC
in Avast security alert to new web threat.. Post #266167
Nothing new here. People have been hacking sites and adding iframes that load malicious content (in the form of JavaScript/Flash/image exploits) from their own domains for a long time. Use Opera and disable iframes under Preferences -> Advanced -> Content -> Style Options and enable it for sites where they're absolutely neccessary under Site Preferences -> Display. Problem solved. Disabling plug-ins and JavaScript by default also helps.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-29 13:43:33 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266162

Except not.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 17:57:32 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266119
Richard Besser, acting director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, noted that although ordinary human flu accounts for 36,000 deaths every year, he was concerned by this strain.
"I fully expect we will see deaths from this infection," Besser said at an Atlanta news conference.
BREAKING NEWS! FLU CAN CAUSE FATALITIES! Nothing newsworthy here, move along.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 16:39:03 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266115
The last flu pandemic occurred in 1918, and 40 million people died from that.
And everyone had access to effective symptomatic treatments and vaccines in 1918! Oh wait..

People are totally blowing this out of proportion.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 09:17:22 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266084

Sensationalism. There's nothing to be even remotely worried about, and if you're even remotely concerned I really feel pity for you. The only people who should even care are the doctors who have to put up with the thousands of idiots who think they need vaccines.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-20 11:28:25 UTC
in Problems with new computer. Post #265809
There should be a jumper on the board somewhere that clears it, probably near the battery, if you can't locate it yourself it's probably in the manual. Unhook your PSU from the mains or turn it off, flip the jumper over to the opposite position for 10 secs then put it back to it's original position, hook your PSU back up and you're good to go.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-20 10:35:04 UTC
in Problems with new computer. Post #265807
The freezing/BSODs could be anything; CPU/RAM instability or it could be purely motherboard related. Have you tried simply clearing the CMOS? A corrupted CMOS could be responsible for both system instability and clock issues. Normally when I need to clear my CMOS, I usually can't even reach POST let alone get past it without freezing, but it's worth a try. What motherboard are you using? Maybe there's a known bug with the particular BIOS revision you're using?
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-19 15:08:26 UTC
in TWHL Vent? Post #265768
Skype is better.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-17 18:08:38 UTC
in Gaming Addiction Post #265688
Gaming for hours on end is better than sitting in front of a TV for hours on end. It actually somewhat stimulates the mind, unlike TV which usually just deadens it. Yet, sitting in front of a TV all day is considered "acceptable". Funny that..
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 12:21:56 UTC
in God Post #265513
It's not hate, it's pity. I pity people who put their faith in the supernatural. It provides false hope to those are too weak to think for themselves. I can't deny that our knowledge of the universe isn't good enough to totally discount the existence of a "god", but the difference is, christians put blind faith into the existence of such a being without any consideration. It's purely delusional thinking.

Most christians try to justify their beliefs by telling you how it saves people from addictions or depression or other similar situations. The truth is, hope, no matter how false, is still very powerful - it's a placebo.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-14 11:38:59 UTC
in God Post #265506
If someone is stupid enough to put their faith in a fictional being to cure a life threatening illness, they don't deserve to have children. She should be locked up and never be allowed to reproduce again, or come into contact with her child. Brainwashing your kid with religious propaganda is bad enough but entrusting their life to some silly fictional character in lieu of the hands of a trained surgeon is just madness.

Christianity and indeed other religious should be considered serious mental illnesses right up there with major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. They share a main characteristic with psychosis, delusional thoughts, belief in the supernatural.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-13 12:21:26 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265471
Likes Fails'n'Roses.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-13 12:12:34 UTC
in New Monitor Post #265470
CRT 4 lyfe.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-11 16:49:40 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265398
Has an annoying name.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-10 15:27:20 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265327
Is a crafter of worlds.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 12:59:43 UTC
in Later, XP Post #265177
and will only provide OS security updates beyond that date
Seeing as Windows XP is already very mature and most of the bugs excluding those concerning security are resolved, no more non-security patches is just fine. XP isn't a "deadbeat" OS and won't be for a long time. There's still many legacy machines that won't be capable of running Windows 7. XP will still have a huge userbase even after being discontinued and developers will still ensure their software is compatible because of this.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 13:29:12 UTC
in Quake Live Post #264930
There's a QuakeWorld stats site running too (it uses scoreboard info, so there's no accuracy stats, but there's plenty of feasible ways to implement that). It's not exactly hard to implement stats, MVDSV/KTX (the most common QuakeWorld server/side modification combination) has had limited statistics support for ages, and supports detailed XML statistics as of recently, though you'd need to waste alot of bandwidth and CPU time downloading + parsing every single log.

I personally see nothing special about Quake Live at all. I personally believe they should've based it on Quake as opposed to Quake 3, but I guess Quake 3 is a little more idiot-friendly with the railgun, overpowered shotgun, lack of aircontrol and generally slow gameplay in comparison to QW and they're trying to get mass appeal here I guess. That, and QW would just suck with the amount of lag Quake Live exhibits. Not that I dislike Quake 3 at all, it's a good game, but I much prefer it's grandfather.

The lack of modability also annoys me greatly. Quake 3 had many great mods that the new generation of scrubs whose first Quake experience is Quake Live are probably never going to experience unless they go and buy a copy of the REAL Quake 3. The Quake series has always supported modifications, since the days of QuakeC being released to the public, and id have history of making their engines GPL'd after being out for a few years. This whole closed system just feels like a bit of a slap in the face.

Not to mention that there isn't even a GNU/Linux port. If they can port it to OS X, unless they've made full use of Apple's proprietary features to the point they'd need to rewrite a HUGE amount of code, they can damn well port it to other *nix-alike systems. There's easily as many Linux gamers as Mac gamers.

I guess this Quake Live junk is just Quake wrapped up for a new generation of stupid gamers. The real Quake fans will probably stick to their beloved QuakeWorld/Quake 3+CPMA/OSP.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 08:16:53 UTC
in Quake Live Post #264915
Just seems like a laggy rehash of Quake 3 to me, not worth playing. If you want a TRUE Quake experience, QuakeWorld (aka better version of Quake 1) is still the way to go. There's several free clients for it (you still need pak1 but it's cheap to buy on Steam, and some improperly configured servers will let you download all of the official maps anyway negating the need for pak1).

If you like Quake 3, you're better off just sticking with the real thing + CPMA. Vanilla Quake 3 is pretty mediocre, and a laggy version of it with no support for community modifications is just a waste of time.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 06:45:20 UTC
in Guess the game! 2 Post #264718
It's WoW :s Strider wins.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-28 21:52:44 UTC
in Guess the game! 2 Post #264708
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-28 20:43:04 UTC
in Guess the game! 2 Post #264705
Isn't that one of the things the Lass NPCs in Pokemon games say when you aggro them? D:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-23 13:07:49 UTC
in Earth Hour Post #264458
LOL GLOBAL WARMING, as if I'm going to sacrifice my own enjoyment just for some really terribad theory that we're destroying the planet with CO2. HEY GUESS WHAT, almost all of the CO2 in the atmosphere is from natural sources, WHOA I'M REALLY GOING TO MAKE A DETRIMENTAL IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT WHEN I LEAVE MY COMPUTER ON FOR AN EXTRA HOUR.

Not to crap on your thread, satch, but I don't know why people still push this ridiculous CO2 = global warming stuff. If anything, it's the other way around.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-21 06:58:37 UTC
in Avant Post #264372
Chrome is okay if you don't mind Google harvesting all of your personal information.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-19 18:24:00 UTC
in Avant Post #264327
Heard of it, don't know much about it/haven't used it. Isn't it just a front-end for MSIE? If so, it's trash. Opera is still king.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-17 03:10:03 UTC
in Bandwidth being drained. Post #264209
Video files aren't neccessarily safe.. WMV certainly isn't safe by design and there's plenty of vulnerabilities in various decoders and players. It's not a common vector of infection but it's a possibility. Security software is basicly a waste of time too, I got by without any security software on WinXP for a few years without any issue (unless you count ProcessMonitor as security software) and only stopped counting because I'm back on GNU/Linux fulltime.

I'm more security conscious than most (checking legitimacy and integrity of system files from BartPE, running services with limited priveleges, fixing a large number of the security issues inherent in a default WinXP installation, using a limited user account, running my browser in a sandbox and running unknown code in a VM), but I went a little further than the average user would need to keep their system infection-free.

The problem with antivirus software is that it rarely catches the latest-greatest well-written stuff, and is more of a safety-net for stupidity for the most part. However, your system is only as secure as the software you use on it. If you never update your stuff, or you use software that you know is vulnerable, then you're screwed by default.

Also, Linux ISN'T bulletproof. Only moronic Linux fanboys and people who don't know better actually think that. The reason I'd recommend it for security is because it has such a small share in the desktop market that it's users are rarely targeted and due the open source nature of software commonly used on it, response time for fixing vulnerabilities is often faster than with closed source solutions. Instead of having a single small team of people with access to the codebase, anyone can download the source, fix the bug and submit their solution, and due to the community-driven nature of open source projects there's often quite a number of people interested in fixing bugs.

Finally, no you wouldn't need any antivirus software on GNU/Linux. That's not to say that there aren't viruses out there written for the platform, but they can't (usually) take control unless they're executed as root (there's exceptions, but generally privelege escalation vulnerabilities are considered critical and get patched very quickly). I guess you could write a keylogger with limited priveleges or you could even "rm -rf ~" which could be quite devastating, but the simple fact is that nobody really bothers and these are all things you'd actually have to willingly execute (unless you get exploited via your browser or the like), you don't have 1000 worms out in the wild trying to attack you (and if you're not stupid, failing because you've got all incoming traffic blocked at the router) like you'd have with Windows.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-17 02:26:19 UTC
in Bandwidth being drained. Post #264207
Credit card.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-17 01:48:15 UTC
in Bandwidth being drained. Post #264201
Ultimate virus-free porn surfing guide:
1. Install GNU/Linux.
2. Install Opera.
3. Install Flash.
4. Install mplayer.
5. Have fun.

P.S. Change all of your passwords and if you used your CC online during the time you were infected, get a new one :P
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-13 07:45:39 UTC
in Bandwidth being drained. Post #264114
Steam is only 70% win because it's kinda slow and uses MSHTML. MSN is certainly 100% fail though.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-11 04:21:50 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #264071
The Velvet Underground - Run run run
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-09 18:06:08 UTC
in Ridiculous SSD RAID array/Samsung Market Post #264009
Didn't watch the vid but I bet you they're doing cached tests which don't reaaaaaaalllllly count. Plus SSD's aren't really viable for realworld use unless they're SLC and have a good controller, the performance degrades rapidly when you write to them, regardless of how evenly you wear them. That, and they suck at random writes. Maybe it's fun for epeen though..
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-09 18:02:12 UTC
in Verifying a File Transfer Post #264007
If they fail it'd probably be down to a dodgy drive/cable/controller and you'd get warnings/errors in the event log if the error correction didn't take care of it. Human error when manually copying everything would be more likely :P
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-08 19:35:48 UTC
in download youtube\flash video Post #263975
Look at the source of video page on failtube and you'll see how to do it..
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-08 18:03:47 UTC
in download youtube\flash video Post #263968
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-06 20:14:15 UTC
in Getting hl2 to compile Post #263908

Make sure you've done this:
Finally, in the Solution Explorer right click 'client_hl2', and select Properties, then:
In the client_hl2 properties window, navigate to Linker -> Input
Select the 'Additional Dependencies' box. Then click the '...' on the right hand side of the box
If there is already an entry here, take a new line after it (a space will suffice if you cannot create a new line), and type 'user32.lib', and without the quotes. Vista users may have to input "user32.lib" and "kernel32.lib" within the double quotes.
Repeat these steps for 'server_hl2'
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-06 19:53:37 UTC
in Getting hl2 to compile Post #263906
The MSDN link works for me. Try refreshing :P Your other error is also fixed by installing the platform SDK, Google is your friend.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-06 19:24:23 UTC
in Getting hl2 to compile Post #263904
VC++ 2005 Express isn't a complete package, you need the platform SDK.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-05 02:58:01 UTC
in Unreal Editor Post #263784
I stand corrected, Hammer's format is actually slightly different from the standard Quake format (something todo with texture alignment and some additional features from what I've read), though it can read standard Quake maps, naturally. However, according to the changelogs for GtkRadiant, it has supported Valve 220 (it actually says WorldCraft/Hammer format, but assumedly they mean Valve 220) since 2004 (changelogs are your friend).

Seeing as Nexuiz was released in 2005, either you were using a version of GtkRadiant that was a YEAR OUT OF DATE, or you were just plain doing it wrong :P Perhaps you were trying to export it in Q3's format, which would make Hammer crash if you tried to import it. I haven't used Radiant in a long time and I never tried using it for HL so maybe I'm missing something here, but logically there should be no issue.
m0p m0pIllogical.