Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-05 18:12:47 UTC
in Sound problem! Please help Post #211724
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-05 17:58:36 UTC
in Sound problem! Please help Post #211719
I know, sounds messy, if you don't understand my bad description, please explain in detail how you created and used custom sounds for your mod/map. Thankyou
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-05 16:54:27 UTC
in Sound problem! Please help Post #211718
Argh! I have tried everything but my custom sounds wont work! I followed the tutorial on this site and created a folder named sound in the valve directory, and then a folder named mywav, then i added the details to the sentences document as described in the tutorial, but it didn't work, the scientist won't talk! Then i tried to add it next to 'hello8' in the scientist section in the sentences file, naming it hello9, and then change the details in the scripted sentence... still won't work. Then i checked the sound format, nothing wrong with the format..
adding the sound folder from sierravalve to sierra didn't work either.
Then i overwrote the sentences text in the pak0 file, and added the sound in the scientist folder.. still wouldn't work.. tried the same thing by following the tutorial on this site and adding it to the pak0 file..

How hard can it be? What am i doing wrong?? please help!

Here is an example from my sentences file, when the sound was located in the sierrahalflifevalvesoundmywav folder:


ME_SPEAK1 mywav/help

HG_GREN0 hgrunt/clik(p120) grenade! clik
HG_GREN1 hgrunt/(t30) clik take!(e75) cover!(s5) clik
HG_GREN2 hgrunt/clik clik oh! shit! clik

By the way: Don't mind the grunt part, i also tried to create a space between // and MYWAV, as not described in the tutorial.

Please help
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 08:02:49 UTC
in Model Questions Post #209657
Don't judge me quite yet, i haven't tried to fill the path, but have a question before i do:P My model files are located in my PAK file, how do i enter this destination to get those default models to my level by using the monster_furniture? :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 16:04:01 UTC
in Placing the sky after finishing a map Post #209604
Eh, Orpheus.. chill out. Just because i know how to place walls, entities and scripts doesen't mean i know every little detail when it comes to mapping. I'm pretty new with hammer, but it's simple enough to place walls and be creative. No need to be aggressive, but i appriciate the help anyway. Thnx i guess.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 10:13:14 UTC
in Placing the sky after finishing a map Post #209577
I have a BIG problem. I was making a very authentic map based on a friends house (lol) for Half Life1 deathmatch. When my friend tried the map he laughed and felt like he was walking through his own house, but then he asked if i could make his garden, and the ability to go outside, wich would prevent the players from bumping into eachother all the time. Problem is, when i try to create a box around the map, hammer won't let me make it hollow. And when i try to create walls around the map, the map won't compile, and my computers cpu usage reaches 100% until i restart it. : And it's not like i want to start the map all over again, i mean.. the house is too well made, i just can't trash the project :( please help
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 10:03:18 UTC
in Custom textures done.. but.. Post #209575
So in other words, i have to adjust the hammer settings: create a mod folder with the mod name in the half life folder, add a folder named 'models' in the mod folder, add the models here, and choose the mod folder in hammer's 'mod game folder' setting? :aggrieved:
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-09 11:15:00 UTC
in Custom textures done.. but.. Post #209107
How do i include my custom textured monsters in my maps after saving them into a .mdl file?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 20:08:40 UTC
in Level change Post #209033
How do i create a level change without the player touching a trigger_levelchange?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 07:58:33 UTC
in Just a quick one Post #208982
thnx m8 :) Found it in my valve folder
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 07:45:12 UTC
in Just a quick one Post #208979
In the manual for setting up spirit in hammer, i'm asked to add a texture wad file named zhlt.wad from my spirit folder. But it's not there. No problems have occured and spirit seems to work just fine, but i got a little worried some errors might occure in the future. Do i need that wad?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-07 20:59:18 UTC
in Model Questions Post #208938
Hi everyone, got a few questions concerning models and stuff.

A) Where do i find those models used in so many mods out there? Like the purple frog with one eye, the worker in orange clothing, grass/plants moving in the wind/the 2 skin like abominations used in USS Darkstar and Redemption? I can find them with my model viewer (exept the last 2) but can't find them in the editor

B) You know a site where i can download half life monsters/characters/weapons? I don't mean texture updates but new monsters to place. Right now i'd love to be able to add some civilians in my maps, not scientists but normal everyday people.

C) Would i regret creating my new mods with Spirit of halflife?

D) How do i play sounds NOT included in the ambient sound folder by using an ambient_generic entity? Like a button sound or a scientist dialogue?

Thats all folks ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-05 21:40:27 UTC
in Compiling issue Post #208727
Hmm, nevermind.. i think i got it
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-05 21:38:06 UTC
in Compiling issue Post #208725
Hi, i'm currently creating a multiplayer map for HL 1. Everything went perfect for a while, but suddenly the map won't finish compiling when i try to. I waited for 2 hours yesterday to see if the hammer editor needed more time, but no, the whole program wouldn't respond. The level is quite small, so size shouldn't matter :glad: ..

But when i compile the map without running the VIS and RAD in normal compiling, it only takes a few seconds before the map launches, but now with leak-brightness and clipping bugs. Can anyone help me?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-28 00:07:15 UTC
in Custom sound problem Post #207756
yeah, how do i make my custom sounds work? i use the correct format and all but the sound tutorial says i have to put the sound in the C:sierravalvesoundambience folder in order for it to work..

problem is, the 'soundambience folders are not even there!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 08:57:55 UTC
in general Questions Post #207378
Hey m8's, i'm new to this site. I've been mapping for some time now, but have a few questions concerning HL 1's hammer :)

A) How do i choose the rotation angle of the rotating doors? I didn't quite get the last part in the tutorial, could you tell me more detailed?

B) How do i create that spawning effect that occur when xen aliens appear from the other dimention in HL ?

C) How do i create electricity, like beams and stuff?

D) How do i create hazardous enviroment conditions like electricity, fire, acid and gas?

E) How do i make rotating buttons? (that rotates in stead of disappearing.. annoying stuff)

F) How do i play an monster animation that results in the monster falling down an edge? Won't work, the monster just stops before falling.

G) How do i remove the players weapons for the next level?

H) And how do i create a 'custom' game with my own menues?

Thanks in advance :)