Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-10-24 08:05:58 UTC
in Gate (func_door) issues Post #236935

I'm having some problems with my gate I built; or rather with the sound of it.
It's a source map and I'm aware of the differences between the old hammer editor and the new one. I can't figure this one out.

I put some screen shots up on my website:

Anyway, the gate you see is a func_door entity and I specified a value for both sound1 and sound2 properties. Now, when the gate opens, sound1 works, accepts when the gate stops, there is no sound.
The other way around; when the gate is closing, I'd expect sound1 would emit, like when it opens up, there is no sound though, only when the gate stops sound2 emits.

Its hard to explain, so I'll add the map so you can see for your self.

I've tried everything. Perhaps you guys know more about it how to solve.

Oh yeah, I'm using Half-life 2 textures for this cs map, so make sure you include the halflife2.fgd in the game data when you load it into hammer editor.

Another thing, you'll notice from image 2, that there are 2 buttons operating the gate, one to open and one to close. In hl1 maps you would add 1 button, and set the target's name of the gate entity and it could be used to open and close. I'm not sure how to do that here. So if you have a different solution for that too so that only one button can be used, instead of 2 :)

Then one last thing, if you watch image 4, notice the light above the gate. Every time you fire a shot, the texture of the light goes to black.

And one final question, since this is my first map in source, how exactly do you create a car? :nuts:

Thanks in advance,
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 10:06:25 UTC
in problem: buttons & triggers (elevator) Post #208045

I have an elevator in my map without doors, but doors on each floor ("elev_dr_top" & "elev_dr_bottom"). the elevator itself is a func_train ("elev") that moves between 2 path corners ("pth_elev_a" & "pth_elev_b"), on each floor there is a button (unnamed) to call the elevator to the floor.

Inside the elevator there is another button (you see one, but it's actually a normal brush, the real button is invisible and is on both floors, triggering different triggers)

for each floor I planted 2 trigger relays, the triggers on the upper floor are called "elev_go_down" and and those downstairs "elev_go_up"

when elev_go_down is triggered (with the door button of the ground floor or the elevator button on the upperfloor), the doors on the upper floor closes and the elevator goes down.
same happend the other way (to call the elevator up)
Also i should mention that when the elvators reaches a path_corner, the path_corner triggers the doors of that same floor, forcing them to open.
(IE pth_elev_a triggers elev_dr_top and pth_elev_b triggers elev_dr_bottom, using the "Fire on Pass" properties of the path_corners)

Until now everything works like it should be. Now here comes the problem:
When the elevator is already at the upperfloor, a player can still use the door button (on the upperfloor) to call the elevator up, which trigger elev_go_up, but the elevator is already up, so what happens:
instead of the doors (elev_dr_bottom) to close, they open. it will also trigger the "elev", forcing the elevator to go down. when the elevator is down, the path corner "pth_elev_b" triggers "elev_dr_bottom", forcing them to close again.

So the elevator is down, but the doors are closed. This should not happen. because, if i call the elevator back up, the doors downstairs open again and when the elevater arrives at the top, the already open doors at the top will close back.

If I could some how disable the door buttons, I can prevent this from happening. My question: How can i disable func_button entities to enable them back later?

another problem I'm having is a lightning problem: I have a lamp and a ligh_spot entity beneath it to emmit light. It emmits light, but still it's like the light is not comming from the lamp, as it is still dark.

The screenshots below might give you a better view on the probs:
Elevator doors front with door button
Elevator doors front with door button, doors open and elevator
Inside elevator with elevator button (on the right), doors closed
Inside elevator with elevator button (on the right), doors open
Elevator view in dev Valve Hammer Editor

Lightning WH Int. (Notice the lights on the ceiling, as they emmit light, but appears to be too dark to be a light source.)

That's all, hope you guys have some solutions :)
Thx in adv!

PS: allow the screenshots to load, it might be a bit slow cuz the server pc puts all its bandwidth to the half-life server which is currently full.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 20:20:26 UTC
in need help, hostage prob Post #207975
When creating maps for Condition Zero make sure the CZero bots dont learn the map while it's still in development. (You can do this by NOT including bots to the game)

I noticed that I accidently included a cpu player - bot - into the game the first time i ran a test run, so they learned the map (as they do it automatically when its an unknown map). But because I added more stuff to the map, the nav file the bots created was quite incorrect, which resulted in this in this problem where bots don't join anymore and the hostages are stuck at their spawn locations.

I fixed it by just deleting the .nav file in the maps folder. (I figured out that this couldn't be a map error)
Example: my map is called cs_map1, which is store in (condition zeroczeromapscs_map1.bsp), and the .nav is stored in the same folder, with the same name as your map, in this case "cs_map1.nav"

So, if you ever have this problem (this is only for Condition Zero and CS:Source, not 1.6), just delete the .nav and don's include bots.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 14:55:13 UTC
in need help, hostage prob Post #207943
* solved *

neva mind, found the problem. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 14:16:59 UTC
in need help, hostage prob Post #207935

I made a cs map with hostages and in cs 1.6, they follow when you use, but in condition zero, the dont wanna follow you. Is there a way to fix this?

thanks in adv