Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-21 14:42:01 UTC
in User Interface Post #213247
How hard is it to modify the GUI?

And where do i start?

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-18 10:42:21 UTC
in Can you play cut scenes? Post #212893
Also when using the NPC_template_maker, how can i choose which way the spawned npc is facing? obviously for the cutscene i need them to be looking in the right direction!!

Sorted: Using Pitch Yaw Control Stupid!!!
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-18 10:36:25 UTC
in Can you play cut scenes? Post #212891
Thanks again madcow, one more thing.

Can you make the camera change which entity it is looking at half way though a vcd?

(Ive got 2 npcs at each end of a corridor, and i want the camera to switch views to look at each of them)

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-17 15:28:49 UTC
in Can you play cut scenes? Post #212777
Thanks madcow, works a treat!
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 13:38:32 UTC
in Can you play cut scenes? Post #212698
Thanks, im trying to get that to work but when i run the game it says:

"npc_template_maker spawnmaker: template NPC barny not found!"

Under the options, what should i be putting under:

"Name of template NPC"

Should that be the name of an NPC already in my game?

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 12:49:49 UTC
in Can you play cut scenes? Post #212693
Thanks for your response mate.

When it switch to the camera, obviously the player player character isnt there.

How do i get around this?

I thought about having a npc that can appear and then dissapear?
If i place them on the map i know i can use "kill" to get rid of them, however the problem is i dont know how to make them only appear when the scene is played!

Any help much appreciated!
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 10:14:21 UTC
in Can you play cut scenes? Post #212666
Ive been playing with it and i take it you use the entity point_viewcontrol?

How do i disable the player and make it switch to point_viewcontrol entity?

At the moment, it appears to dissable the player camera and the view just drops to the floor!
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 09:17:10 UTC
in Can you play cut scenes? Post #212653

Is there a way to play a cut scene?

Ive been playing with faceposer and making simple vcds. Do i do it by using those?

I want to make it so i walk into a room, and it plays a cut scene of the person paying and a npc talking. Someone told me you have to add a new camera and stuff.

Could someone please enlighten me!

Many Thanks
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 07:28:56 UTC
in Apply texture to just one face of a bloc Post #212644
I could do it using loads of different walls, but i take it that would be a lot more inefficient and run slower?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 07:25:52 UTC
in Apply texture to just one face of a bloc Post #212643
Thanks for the replys guys, sorted appying textures to one wall.

I cant work out how to apply different textures to differnt parts of the wall tho. When you say "clip tool" which one do you mean? I take it not the block clipping tool?!

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-15 21:22:38 UTC
in Apply texture to just one face of a bloc Post #212592
When using the hammer editor can you apply different textures to different sides of the blocks?

Also different parts of the block?

For example i have a wall that i want to be 2 different textures at each end!

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-14 09:34:26 UTC
in How can i give text output to user Post #212458
Spot on, works perfect! Thanks a lot mate
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-14 07:57:39 UTC
in How can i give text output to user Post #212441

I want text to come up on the screen, for example:

When you open a door text comes up and says "find the gun in the room".

