Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-17 16:20:04 UTC
in 2nd level/floor collapsed onto 1st, why? Post #216176
Hey I just went ahead and removed the files, so those links won't work now. I'm just gonna copy the remaining level and paste it on top as a quick fix instead of starting over. They weren't grouped though I dont think, as the Ungroup button didn't do anything. Anyway, thanks for the replies Habboi. cya later.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-17 15:39:47 UTC
in 2nd level/floor collapsed onto 1st, why? Post #216173
Hello. I can't see where to "ungroup" anything, but they are definitely tied together by an entity. I did select move to world, but that did nothing. How else would I "ungroup"?

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-17 14:00:48 UTC
in 2nd level/floor collapsed onto 1st, why? Post #216156
Hello! Links to the vmp and bsp are provided below if you can take a look at this and fix the problem for me and then tell me how you did it? I can't figure out what happened. There are actually two levels (or floors) but it looks as though there is only 1. You have to look closely. Basically the top level/floor collapsed and now is stuck on the bottom level/floor. I can't even see how to cut and paste the levels/floors now to start over because they are joined together.

If you can solve my problem, I will owe you for eternity!

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 14:36:34 UTC
in get game_text to work, how? Post #215536
<"Get your file extensions right, please.">

Hey Hunter, how about you ingore threads when you have nothing constructive to add? And if this forum would allow me to edit my posts, I would have gone back and fixed my two typos, but if anyone was able to help me, they would have known what I was talking about anyway.

Madcow, No, this isn't a single player map. But I have other multiplay maps that use the game_text just right in half life 2 DM. I have cut and pasted the entities out of those maps and placed them into mine and then compiled. They won't work in my map after I compile.

And I have found 4 other posts in google from people that had the same problem but coulnt figure it out. Anyway, I am through with this. I've given up and moved on :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 06:31:53 UTC
in How else to compile vdf without hammer? Post #215522
Any other way to compile my source vmf without Hammer and get it converted to the bsp format? Thanks!
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 06:30:23 UTC
in get game_text to work, how? Post #215521
Ok. its the compile process thats making something wrong. I am using Hammer to compile the vdf. I know it's the compile because I took one of my friend's vdf's who has his game_text working and then I compiled it with Hammer. Sure enoguh when I ran the map the message would not display. Also, I cannot run the map through Steam; i can only run the map with a standalone dedicated server.

See my other post about alternative compiling programs. Thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 00:11:14 UTC
in get game_text to work, how? Post #215503
Thanks everybody for replying. Madcow, that is how I have it done. I also tried OnNewGame or OnMapTransition. I tried it with AllPlayers checked and unchecked. I tried it with FireOnce checked and unchecked. I changed the Hold time to 100 seconds to make sure I wasn't missing it. I changed setting from top screen to middle screen. It still doesn't work.

It shouldn't matter that this is a deathmatch map instead of a single player map should it?

Thanks again guys.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-09 23:05:09 UTC
in get game_text to work, how? Post #215447
I'm talking about the game_text. the "game_info" was a typo. I can't get the logic auto to work either, and of course this is just operator error on my part. I know the game_text works in Half Life 2 source maps.

Couldn't someone post a link to a simple vmf or .map file that has their game_text entity and target entity working right? Then I could just copy the two entities into my vdf and simply edit the text message. I'm using the latest version of Hammer and working on a source map.

But I suspect the game_text entity and target entity from half life 1 would work too if you had that in a .map file.

What I want is this. When someone logs into the map for the first time (onmapspawn) he will see the map name and my email address at the top of the screen. That simple :) Or so I thought.

Thank you!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-09 12:02:41 UTC
in get game_text to work, how? Post #215409
Has anyone gotten the game_info entity to work? My message never displays when the players log in. I have the flags for All Players checked, and for the Master I have info_player_deathmatch entered in the field. Other than that, I am using the default settings for the entity. I also tried it with the Master field left blank. No luck. Some one told me to use env_message

Thanks for any help.