Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 16:43:42 UTC
in High r_speeds, low fps help Post #221990
ive put too much time into this map to release an editable version to the general public. can i not just show a screenshot or something?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 23:41:29 UTC
in High r_speeds, low fps help Post #221906
Alright I have made a bomb/defuse map and I have had many complaints of low fps in certain areas of my map and I've tried different lighting, removing textured entities, and reducing the skybox.......regardless of what I try I just can't fix it. I personally don't have this fps problems but a majority of the people that have tested my map do. The scenario of the lag is the top of a corner building with border walls on 2 sides and short distances to lower floors on the other 2 sides that are also bounded by a wall
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-05 19:58:19 UTC
in Bomb/Defuse Help Post #221105
sorry for all the messages but can somebody just tell me how to have 2 bomb sites that have separate explosions thx.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-05 19:39:51 UTC
in Bomb/Defuse Help Post #221103
well just ignores my info_map_parameters because the radius is definitely greater than 1
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-05 19:29:39 UTC
in Bomb/Defuse Help Post #221102
Hey, I've been working on this map for a while now for cs 1.6 and for some reason only 1 bomb site is working. I created func_bomb_targets at both bomb sites along with func_breakables to explode after detonation. When I plant at bombsite A, bombsite B blows up as well. And when I plant at bombsite B, I just stand in the room and don't get hurt at all. I also have a info_map_parameter setting the bomb radius as 1 because of the way the map is laid out which seems to work perfectly when I stand between both sites :. Any help?