Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-05 23:01:15 UTC
in creating the gren jump in ep2 Post #237763
Thanks for all the help!:)
A SOLUTION: after trying various combinations for awhile it turned out i had to actually increase the mass scale multiplier . makes sense i guess... a peice of paper flying into gordon at 1000 mph has a lot less force than a lump of iron,just didnt expect this. the phys engine still amazes me.
I used env_impact over physexplosion in the end, it seemed to have more force, not totally sure whether its a better choice yet, i imagine the force is just directional instead a spherical but... im not sure. Anyway, i still had to set the magnitude extremely high for gordon to get any lift, around 1,000,000. gordons sure is packed into that suit. suprised he can breath!
As for the trigger, iv had a look and im not sure how to template a brush and spawn it so... i guess its kinda lazy but i just used an extremely high strength coupled with the " on health chaged" output. ill come back to this:/
i tried using the "block bullets" texture but that seemed to also block explosions.

thanks again for the help n ideas
works a charm... well,almost.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-01 17:36:14 UTC
in creating the gren jump in ep2 Post #237471
hi, a platform on a hinge over a small ditch. throw gren under platform then stand on the platform resulting in gordon being blown into the air.
any suggestions on creating this?
im using a phys_hinge only the blast from the grenade is only just enough to make the platform move an inch, nevermind when gordons standing on it. i guess a more accurate question would be howto alter the weight of a phybox without using propdata, as that seems to overide the damage threshold. i even tried adding a thruster to the underneath of the platform to try to even out the weight but that just... didnt work.
any helps appreciated
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-26 14:18:05 UTC
in Env_Beam not damaging player correctly Post #223496
Hi, made a basic env_beam using func_train and Path_tracks. Set the damage to 1000 but it only seems to damage me at weird times. i can walk through it and not be killed, yet other times killed before iv touched the laser. Width seems to have a slight affect on it, it kills me slightly more often, the same if im close to the func_train the lasers targeting.
I tried using it as a tripwire and using the !activator command to target the player then kill...the game crashed. no doubt im using it wrong, if anyone how to correctly use it id appreciate it. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 21:55:40 UTC
in Can entity func_rotating have a shadow? Post #222885
Thx for the help grim
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 21:43:58 UTC
in Can entity func_rotating have a shadow? Post #222373
hey (again, sorry for all the posts:)
how can you make a brush tied to func_rotating appear solid to a light source so that a shadow is cast around it and light doesnt just pass through it?
Thanks a lot.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 18:01:05 UTC
in NPC Wapoint trigger and Using prefabs Post #222303
Thanks for ya help... and patience.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:03:56 UTC
in NPC Wapoint trigger and Using prefabs Post #222248
heh, kinda embarrasing... thanks for the help.
Since i couldnt ask a more stupid question im gonna use this opportunity to ask another one.
is there a quicker way to select everything within an area than control clicking?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 14:53:42 UTC
in NPC Wapoint trigger and Using prefabs Post #221967
NPC Solved

Hi, how do you load prefabs into your map, the guides i have found mention simply selecting prefabs, in categories, in the object toolbar only its constantly greyed out when i try to use it. Have i missed something when configuring hammer?

oh and one more thing, setting behavior for npc's as in who they consider ally and enemy.

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 14:38:45 UTC
in Elevator - Aligning Path_Track Post #221965
ok, tried these things still isnt aligned correctly for some reason. iv displaced the path_tracks slightly tho, so atleast once its moved once the alignment is correct. it just starts through the floor slightly. Not a big deal i guess. Anyway thanks for the help:)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 14:48:47 UTC
in Invisible Crates Post #221848
Thanks for the tips
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 14:44:57 UTC
in Elevator - Aligning Path_Track Post #221847
ok...erm stuck again on something. Sorry about all the posts.
I have created a elevator (func_tanktrain) but the elevator isnt aligning itself to the center of the path_track entity's...anymore. It spawns alligned correctly to the first Path_Track but after being used the alignment is out by about 5 units on the 2 path entitys i have.
The centre mark "X's" are definately aligned correctly and in Func_tanktrack the "Height above track" value is set to 0.


Sure u dont wanna help me out on this one penguin...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 03:09:47 UTC
in Multi-Manager Post #221801
thanks fro the help runs back to hammer
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 02:27:52 UTC
in Multi-Manager Post #221797
Also, i remember reading something that said that creating chapes with concave sides causes problems. just in worldcraft? or still...a problem.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 02:20:56 UTC
in Multi-Manager Post #221796
Hi, is the entity for sequencing events named multi_manager in hammer? I read a tut and i cant find an entity named this...the tut was for worldcraft tho.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 18:55:36 UTC
in Invisible Crates Post #221754
sorry, my mistake. so you cant use a crate with prop_static; has to be prop_physics. Just incase any other new mappers ask the same question. should really spend more time reading tutorials. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 18:43:12 UTC
in Invisible Crates Post #221753
Hey, just wondering if anyone has ever had a problem with crate props not displaying once the map has loaded.
the fade distance is set to 0.

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 01:51:36 UTC
in Textures - Beginner stuff Post #221708
hah, man...ur doing the noob that was worth ur time, itd be 1 quick post for anyone helpfull enough whos used hammer before i imagine. i told u iv just started using hammer now. nm the fact that it says beginner in the post title. if its such a problem ill just look at a tut, probably what u did when u started alright then.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 01:09:19 UTC
in Textures - Beginner stuff Post #221704
Oh and and how do i un-fit a texture? a simple clicking of the button again doesnt seem to work...nor does pressing any of the others.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 01:04:58 UTC
in Textures - Beginner stuff Post #221703
Hey, iv just started a map am kinda havin trouble with the textures. just looking for general stuff on how to make it look as natural possible.

-can u fit the textures on certain sides? After fitting the textures on the main side of the wall or object the top or sides look streched.
-is there a way to fit the textures for the height...then tile the pattern horizontally. As opposed to fitting both vertically and horizontally...which makes it look streched horizontally if im making a long wall.

Also, anyone know where i can find a tut on keycards?

Thanks in advance. :D