Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-08-20 21:43:59 UTC
in Very strange lighting glitches - Only wi Post #284419
My map is having some ungodly weird lighting issues with opaque lightflags, but only in ZHLT 3.4 and higher (including the latest SHLT)--2.5.3 compiles fine.

Here are some screenshots:

Shots 3-4, and 6-7 are opposite sides of doors marked opaque. 1-2 are the same door. 5 is a light in an airduct that seems to only be casting halfway (it's the lower light, not the upper one, and isn't marked opaque or anything, but I thought I'd include it anyways). Note that 4 seems to cast a shadow across an area that should not have a shadow (the only light source is that one in the upper corner). Same with 7, since there's not really anything in the other room to cast light. (I'm not complaining about the cut-up light on the ceiling--I know that's because the light brush isn't a func_wall).

It's very confusing, and very annoying. I don't have any real reason not to go back to ZHLT 2.5.3, other than that I like running the latest tools, but if this can't be fixed, then I'm going to have to--there's no way I can have some of these doors not marked opaque, since they are very dark on one side and very light on the other.

Is there anything else I can try before going back to the old tools?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 18:14:37 UTC
in Tripmine Wars (inprog) Post #223242
Me and my friend were working on a map to test out certain effects in HL (Namely, the energy beam...just look at the screen shot) and decided to make a totally whacked map.


I call it "Tripmine Wars" which is a very apropriate name

A10 provided the base map (remember, this was born from a test map so it was slapped together rather fast) and I totally changed half of it. I built all the technological parts, including the elevator and base. Just look for anything with semi-aligned textures.

So...what do you think for our first touch of half-life mapping?