Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-06 16:09:24 UTC
in Tutorials Post #224630
Well, since I still have a quick question. When I place a breakable object with a nodraw tile, I load up the game and it always crashes when i'm trying to run the map because of it. I switched the texture to a brick wall and it doesn't even show up on the map. Another question is the lighting. The monsters in my room are in pitch black areas but are still totally visible. I need to know a way on how to make so they aren't visible in the dark.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-06 15:34:21 UTC
in Tutorials Post #224626
Ah, nevermind. I figured out the problem.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-06 15:33:01 UTC
in Tutorials Post #224625
Well, I tried to load up some of the example maps in there and it says that it isn't the proper .BSP file and I can't seem to load it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-06 15:00:37 UTC
in Tutorials Post #224621
Is this site all about the original Half-Life or HL2? I'm trying to find some tutorials on problems with nodraw tiles, breakable objects (doors, windows), lighting help, etc. for HL2 and I can't seem to find any.