Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 12:26:42 UTC
in plz help som1 Post #225837
thx daubster that helped alot
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 12:07:20 UTC
in knife map / 1 awp Post #225836
thanks! that worked! ... only one othe rthing tho, is there any possible way to give a player nightvision?? ive tried looking in all the entities and none seem to let u give taht item to a player.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-20 01:47:14 UTC
in knife map / 1 awp Post #225759
so im trying to make a knife map, but theres a ladder leading to a room with 1 awp, and i cant figure out how to make an awp drop in that room that a player may pick up.
if anyone could point me in the right direction as to what to do, it would be much appreciated
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-14 21:42:55 UTC
in plz help som1 Post #225260
thanks, but how do you set what weapon it will give you upon spawning???
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-14 17:51:18 UTC
in plz help som1 Post #225249
so im pretty new to mapping, hve made a pretty sucky jump map for cs 1.6, along with a ct vs t deathmatch map, and am currently trying to make a scoutzknivez map.

i need some help with how to give a player a scout and knife at the begining of the round, if someone could help it would b much appreciated :lol: :D