Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-19 11:21:28 UTC
in Making a Zombie Post #232432
Ok, thanx for trying buddy. Much appreaciated. If anyone knows how to get this decompiled, please post. Thanx again. ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-19 10:07:59 UTC
in Making a Zombie Post #232430
espen180, just wondering if you ever gave this a go for me. You said you might be able to get something to work for me. Thanks for any help.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-19 09:35:18 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #232429
Well, mat_bumpmap did absolutely nothing. :( Should I have mentioned it's a spiral staircase? Anyway, how can I upload my map? I'd like someone to look at not just the steps, but if you have time the whole map, and see where it could be improved. I just started it, so there isn't much to it yet. Again, any help is appreaciated.

EDIT: Figured out how to upload my map, here is the link:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-17 18:16:11 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #232373
Hehe, i've been gone a couple days, but will try that. Thanks. If it doesn't work, I'll post my map ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 14:14:28 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #232147
Nope, neither "model" nor "prop" are in the name. The complete name is concrete/concretefloor027a

EDIT: Ran that buildcubemaps, it didn't seem to do anything, my screen flashed for like 2 seconds and that was it. I reran map, and now the top two stairs are black!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 20:33:54 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #232104
Im sorry,I dont know what you mean :
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-13 15:05:58 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #232006
Im not sure what you mean by model texture. I tried two different textures. The first one was one labeled as "stairs". I could never get that one to align right, even on the stairs you see, so I switched to one for "floors", just solid concrete. Either one, both those 2 stairs appeared black on top, no where else on the stair, just on top.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-13 09:57:37 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #231990
Thank you very much. I used the "shift" trick, worked great. Now I have another problem with same stairs. Not a big problem, but it bothers the hell out of me, so I won't proceed further with map, till I figure it out. In the stairwell, no matter where I put light entities, even right above them, stairs 6 and 3 from the bottom, are black on top. I want players to be able to see all the stairs. I assume it's a shadow or something, but damn it, it can't be. I've moved lights around in there all over, at least 10 times, and no matter where I put the ligths, those two stairs are always black on top. Even ones right after them are seen plain as day, makes no sense to me. Any thoughts?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-12 16:12:54 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #231947
I made a spiral staircase, per the tutorial here. However, the top stair does not line up with the top floor. I just need to rotate it (the entire staircase that is), so it is flush with the floor. How can I do this? I looked in properties, and there was no option to rotate it. Help please!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-10 23:32:18 UTC
in Making a Zombie Post #231825
Yea, it's for counter strike source. Thanks for anyone that can help. :heart: :glad:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 22:32:43 UTC
in Making a Zombie Post #231725
Again, thanks for trying to help, but again I have no idea what your talking about. I suppose it's something in Hammer? That's fine, but how do I get a zombie? That's my real problem, just getting a zombie in my map.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 21:12:27 UTC
in Making a Zombie Post #231721
Just came back from looking up that 3ds Max you mentioned, thats an expensive program. I didn't want to have to buy a program, just for a zombie. Anyone know of a website, where they have custom stuff for Source, that you can just download?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 20:58:37 UTC
in Making a Zombie Post #231720
Hey thanks rimrook, unfortunetly, I have no idea what you just said. :( I don't know how to decompile, don't know what 3ds max is, and don't know how to get it back in my map. :confused: Oh well, i thought you could just plop one they don't let you.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 19:05:41 UTC
in Making a Zombie Post #231712
Hiya. I'm making primarily a gungame map, but it takes place out side in a graveyard. How can I make a zombie, just walking aorund, that the players can kill if they want, but won't attack them? Maybe have it moaning too? Any help is appreaciated
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 17:05:31 UTC
in Help with cutting wall Post #231645
Um, I think I get it now. (sorry am a bit dumb with this stuff) I will play around with it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 15:38:12 UTC
in Help with cutting wall Post #231639
Thanks for all this help, you guys are great! I used the clipping tool, but yea, I didnt get it cut in half, I didn't know to select tool again. I ended up deleting one of the halves. So I just used "shift" and left click to dupe the wall, then made a 3rd wall to fit above the door. Back to what you guys were talking about, I originally tried the carve tool, but in no way could I figure out how to carve my wall to make an opening, it actually didn't seem to do anything. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 15:01:06 UTC
in Torch lights Post #231633
MADCOW: I'm sorry, I went back into Hammer, because I wasn't sure, and found out, I AM using env_fire. But they do not give off light. I went thru the properties of them, and there is no color selection for light, or anyway to turn it on or off. What now? :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 14:49:34 UTC
in Torch lights Post #231631
TO MADCOW: I already have the fires in place. They are NOT emiting light. I have two practice torches on the wall, both with flames, but no light. I believe I used sprites in stead of env_fire...there was a reason for that. What should I do if that is the case?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 10:19:49 UTC
in Torch lights Post #231596
I am making a map, with a dungeon motif, and have created torches to be hung on the wall. How would I be able to show light emiting just from the torches, and have a orange/red glow that flickers, so it looks like real torches? :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 17:10:28 UTC
in Help with cutting wall Post #231528
Thanks man, I will give them a go! ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-07 15:19:26 UTC
in Help with cutting wall Post #231516
I need some help, I made a wall. At the time, I didn't have a door for it. I have since made my door, actually it's a big steel gate, my question is, how do I cut the wall, so my door will fit in it? Is there a way to cut out around the gate, so that it fits perfectly in with rest of the wall? Help please!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 07:28:25 UTC
in Ok where do I post then? Post #229566
Ok, I just joined because I have mapping questions. I am new to mapping. I read a few tutorials here, and they say for questions, check our forums. Well the mapping section says not to post questions there, so where do we post them? If it's here, maybe it should say that in the description of the forum, so people know where to go.