Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-18 02:07:01 UTC
in Sandwiches Post #232383
For me, hands down, a Charley's Steakery California Chicken. It's grilled chicken with melted provalone (did I spell that right?) with lots of ranch dressing on a footlong toasted bun. So good.....

Anyone else have a Charley's Steakery where they live?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-12 16:12:34 UTC
in One Way Doors Question Post #231946
If it helps any more, things like that are made from the textures that have some transparent peices in them (the solid blue). If there is one of those you like and want to use, then you can make the func_illusionary and to make it transparent you just set Render Mode to solid, and FX Amount to 255.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-12 12:23:46 UTC
in Bomb destroys entities? Post #231935
Yes!! It works now... I was typing game_playerstart instead of game_playerspawn. Your typo threw me off for days haha.

Thanks so much.

(Yay Now I can start making my lawn mover for my map... Rofl)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 22:21:16 UTC
in One Way Doors Question Post #231915
I was going to mention the decal textures, but what he was talking about it seemed he had a specific texture in mind he wanted to use.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 22:19:01 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #231914
Btw, to Tosse:

Tosse -
And I got the Marshall for about 886 dollars, pretty sheap for a marshall.
Tetsu0 -
and 868 is a steal for that combo.
$599 and it comes with a FREE GIFT! :o

(Unless it's a different cab, although it doesn't seem to be.)
Very nice gear though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 22:05:28 UTC
in Bomb destroys entities? Post #231913
Yeah, but it needs to trigger it as the round starts up. Would I name the second render game_playerstart? Er.. does that work as I interpreted it from Daubster?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 21:58:57 UTC
in MUSICIANS - Your Gear Post #231912
This is a pretty sweet thread... I never knew so many people would play on here.

As of now, I have an Epi G-400 SG running through an old Traynor ts-20 (which ironically is a 15-watt I beleive) from the early 80's I'm pretty sure... or maybe it's older I'm not sure. I have a 15w Zoom modeling amp I use for tuning and some of the effects. But I use a junk DOD Super Distortion with it. I also have a no-name strat style guitar and a (very) cheap amp I bought from a friend for 5$ and a bug collection (lol) that has the ugliest white (with red/blue/yellow stripes) paintjob you'll ever see. After that I have a late 60's Teisco Del Rey that my dad used to have, and a Kay acoustic from around the same year. Both of those are pretty horrible to play, but they're "vintage" so they look nice. ;)

As soon as I get a job, I plan on getting a Fender Blues Deluxe RI with a tubescreamer... Anyone have anything from the Blues series?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 20:11:55 UTC
in One Way Doors Question Post #231895
Ehh, for the texture thing, just use the decal tool, or the "infodecal" entity. You can spray decals easily with the tool, but if you need it in a very precise place you might want to use the entity.

Is that what you meant?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 20:02:27 UTC
in Bomb destroys entities? Post #231894
Alright well I did all that; I connected the first render to the bomb, and that works just fine. But then I made the multimanager, named it game_playerstart, and put in the keyvalue targeting my second render (which I have render mode "texture" and FX Amout to "255").

When the round restarts the func_rotating blade is still transparent.

Am I doing something wrong?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 15:32:09 UTC
in One Way Doors Question Post #231863
I'm sure there is a better way
Well, I was right about one thing ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 15:20:44 UTC
in One Way Doors Question Post #231860
Well, I'm sure there is a better way, but maybe you could try rotating the door brush 180 degrees, making it reverse everything.

You'd do that by selecting it and pressing ctrl+M and rotating the z axis 180 degrees (I'm pretty sure that would be the axis you'd want)

I would think that would work....
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-11 13:40:48 UTC
in Bomb destroys entities? Post #231847
Well, I was experimenting for a few hours trying to get something to work, but it isn't giving me much luck.

My question is, can func_bomb_target's take out entities that aren't breakable? Like, with some kind of killtarget but will come back. For example, I have a sound at one site, and a rotating blade at the other that I need destroyed.

Is there a simple way to do this?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-10 02:54:29 UTC
in Continually moving ants? Post #231734
Alright well I tested the func_rotating and it doesn't look too bad. I was wanting the ants to go into the hole but I really don't care anymore. I fired it up on a test and it looked pretty good...

Thanks for everyone's help and extremely quick responses. If I get it done soon I'll probably post it on here.

Thanks again,
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 23:13:31 UTC
in Continually moving ants? Post #231729
No no. I just want them to kind of circle the hill a little so i can put a trigger_hurt in it so the player takes small rapid damage. I'd just need maybe 20 ants or so. After hearing this, if I would get it to work, I'd probably only have one, or just not have them connected.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 23:02:35 UTC
in Continually moving ants? Post #231727
Alright thanks for all the replys :D

I think I've scratched the idea of putting ants actually in the ground...

I've looked at all the tuts here (and a lot of other places) about trains, but they don't say anything about them running without being triggered, or more than one on the paths. With what Strider was saying, if i drastically cut down on trains, like maybe 10 or maybe 20, or whatever it takes, how would I go about doing that; like would it be hard to explain? And would it be possible to actually do it with trains? Because I want it out in the middle of the map, so I think I'll just abandon the idea if the trains won't work...

Sorry for being so stubborn ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 20:05:26 UTC
in Continually moving ants? Post #231718
Hm... Well I see what you mean, but I don't know if it will look smooth around corners, because I was wanting them to turn maybe...

I'm making this for a larger scaled cs map (rats like but not as large; de_gophers if that gives you an idea) in a small front yard type area. The whole thing I was wanting to do with them, is to make them actually have tunnels that two hills would go down through and meet at some place in the ground, where I could put the easter egg with credits and whatnot, with all the ants walking(?) all through it (only accessible by noclip and spectate). Oh, and trigger_hurts at the top. ;)

For those purposes I don't think scrolling textures would work... :

Idk, maybe I could experiment with them...

So is there any other way to make them as trains or anything in that essence?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 19:32:48 UTC
in Continually moving ants? Post #231714
Alright, well I've been mapping for a while, but I still don't have a vast knowledge of all the entities and what all they can do. I've always used these tutorials and I looked around for a few days and I haven't seemed to find exactly what I was looking for, so I decided to see if anyone could help me from here.

Well, what I was wanting to do was to make an anthill with ants moving around it, and I wanted them to go inside and loop through, so they can come out... eh.. yeah.

I tried some trains, but couldn't get them to work right. I need them to be able to run without being triggered, and I need a lot to run on one path (probably hundreds or thousands)

Can this be achieved? Or is it something simple that (me being retarded) I overlooked. If noone knows anything, I might just abandon it since it isn't a key part of the map, but I think it would look pretty nice. ;)

Oh, and since I'm here, is there a way to stop sounds from playing if say, a bomb explodes (cs map)?

All help will be greatly appreciated... and sorry for such a long post :D