Forum posts

That's fantastic, thank you so much! Works a treat :)
Terrum TerrumCustom title ninja
Hi all, getting back into mapping after many, many years (mostly because I have time now due to a certain current pandemic!) Turns out I've been registered here since 2007 - wowser! :D

Anywho, I'm trying to set the Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) on some env_sprites that I'm using with MDL files. I would be using cycler but I'd rather not have the models usable or solid (env_sprite makes the models non-solid and non-usable).

However it appears the angles used for Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) on env_sprite are different to the angles used on cycler, as if I want to do a simple 90 degree turn in X, it works fine in cycler, but using the same in env_sprite puts it at some other wacky angle.

I've been trying to experiment with this for hours to figure which variant of angles make a simple 90 degree turn, but to no avail. Has anyone managed to crack this down? Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
Terrum TerrumCustom title ninja