Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-07 17:16:41 UTC
in Batch compiler Post #253436
I didn't say it was, but thanks for the info, I didn't know that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-07 17:08:40 UTC
in Some questions about wads Post #253407
Do you have a .res file?
Put a .res file (basically a txt file but res extension) and name it exactly like the map. In it put the locations of the files you want to be downloaded with the .bsp
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-07 14:00:13 UTC
in Hammer's camera view distance is short r Post #253411
Wonderful. Thank You.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-07 13:42:35 UTC
in Hammer's camera view distance is short r Post #253408
With the camera view I used to see quite a long distance without it becoming black at a certain range. But now, for some reason, the distance became a lot shorter, anyone know why? anyone know how to fix it? Its really annoying, I have to go close to the stuff I wanna see and select.

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-07 13:30:50 UTC
in Batch compiler Post #253406
Well I don't know anything about batch compilers but if you just wanna compile a .bsp with all the textures included in it, use ZHLT. Thats what I use, and for the .bat file put "hlcsg -nowadtextures".

I don't know if Nems compiler worked for you, the link worked for me, but if you decide to use ZHLT and want more info, just say so and I'll explain.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-02 20:58:53 UTC
in Fan interaction problem Post #253280
Oh thank you thank you. I'll do that.

Does anyone know why that exactly happens though?
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-01 22:36:14 UTC
in Fan interaction problem Post #253261
I have a few rotating objects around my map, not all them are fans but they are all set to kill upon impact.
For some reason players get killed at certain locations around the rotators, while not obstructing them. Sometimes walking on or moving around the rotating objects' enclosures kills you.
Anyone know why?

Also, I thought about removing the fan pain and just adding a trigger_hurt, but then where you used to get killed you just hear object-obstructing noises and the rotating object stops because its being obstructed.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-01 14:45:41 UTC
in Annoying Vertex Manupilation Problem Post #252013
I see, thanks.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-01 13:44:10 UTC
in Annoying Vertex Manupilation Problem Post #252011
Sometimes when I start editing vertices on brushes, weird things start happening. They aren't invalid solids. And somethings one face on the brush disappears (giving complie errors)

Heres an example
As you can see, the solid has a 'dent' (made by me) on the right side, yet the camera shows it being full.

Whats happening?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-25 13:51:24 UTC
in Model Custom Brushes Post #251821
Is there a way to build a custom brush by, lets say, making a cube and adding vertices to it. For example, you can split a face, can you split a side and get an extra vertex to manipulate?

Actually I found out how. Nevermind. Sorry.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 13:45:21 UTC
in Custom Masked Textures not working. Post #251751
Thank you both, and thank you for the tutorials. It worked.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 23:27:41 UTC
in Custom Masked Textures not working. Post #251442
I made a 16x16 RGB:0,0,255 texture with '{' in the front of the name, put it in the wad with wally, used it on a brush, set it to func_wall Normal Solid FX255.

I still see it as a blue texture and not transparent.
If I use the originals (eg. rails) they work perfectly.

I also tried to make the texture in photoshop and indexed it too.

Any ideas?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 19:48:25 UTC
in Texture 'fit' and Flashlight Post #251257
Hmmm, I added -notexscale to my .bat like so "hlrad -notexscale de_map", and it still has the same problem.
The compiling log did actually say that texscale was 'off'.

Any ideas?

Can someone please really quickly if this -notexscale method works?
(Just make a room, 'Fit' the textures on its surfaces and play it, does the flashlight illuminate the entire surface?)
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 19:44:31 UTC
in laser trial for grenade? Post #251356
Why are you posting something for HL2 in the HL section. Wrong.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 18:32:50 UTC
in Edit Map Code... Post #251352
Hah, you, Stixmaster.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-14 21:41:56 UTC
in Texture 'fit' and Flashlight Post #251254
I was hoping it wouldn't come to that, but thanks for the help.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-14 20:57:03 UTC
in Texture 'fit' and Flashlight Post #251252
Well its not just limited to walls. I may make big boxs, and stretch the box textures on their faces, they'll still have this problem.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-14 19:04:16 UTC
in Texture 'fit' and Flashlight Post #251244
When I make a huge wall in my map, or any surface, and then 'fit' the texture the flashlight always illuminates the whole wall. Now I know why, because the small texture has been stretched, is there any way around this, where the flashlight radius stays the same as normal?
