Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-21 08:03:55 UTC
in Feeling kinda stupid again Post #268626
Sorry doublepost...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-21 08:03:07 UTC
in Feeling kinda stupid again Post #268627
I am used to HL1 Hammer mapping but it was a really long time ago I actually used aiscripted/scripted sequences (since I mostly make solids/maps and not scripted stuff) and now I thought "well I do right how I remember how I did" and now the scripts always starts when I start the map, no matter what I do (I have a AAATrigger-thingy ready and all Target/Name/blablabla). I couldn't find anything about it on the tutorials either, or maybe I just missed something.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 10:15:57 UTC
in Shoot through fences Post #252284
it was not listed in the Error guide, i checked it before I posted here.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 07:42:05 UTC
in Shoot through fences Post #252281
I added those things but now the map wont work

Command line: D:\Program\VALVEH~1\hlcsg.exe D:\Sierra\Half-Life\gearbox\maps\elevator
Entering D:\Sierra\Half-Life\gearbox\maps\
Error: Missing '[' in texturedef (U)
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

WHERE is the ZHLTProblems.html? i cant find it anywhere on my PC!!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 05:36:23 UTC
in Elevators cant lift pushables? Post #252280
okay, it seems to be a problem.

anyway, i actually had a back-up plan.

i will put it up but i wont say just exactly how its supposed to be figured out yet, but its not that hard to find out i think, hehe.

back soon with it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 19:15:51 UTC
in Shoot through fences Post #252267
yes, sorry about that.
i was thinking i was posting too much, but i will think of that in future, okay??

but, okay, illusionary. i remember that now, but how about player clip? i cant see any flag at all at the entity...
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 19:13:10 UTC
in Elevators cant lift pushables? Post #252266
Spirits improved? where do i find that?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 19:01:07 UTC
in Shoot through fences Post #252260
I think i did this before, but i dont remember how

i know how to get rid of the blue stuff on the fence textures but i cant remember how to make them shoot-through!!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 17:49:11 UTC
in Elevators cant lift pushables? Post #252254
i wonder if it is so that pushables in elevators causes problems?

i just started making a new singleplayer map, or maps, i dont have any goal right now, i will figure something out later!! but the thing is one puzzle in the map is following:

1. the player have to go to third level in a building, but elevator is broken and cant go to third (just no path to third hehe)

2. so the player will go to second floor, and find a room with boxes and barrels

3. from there, the player sends the elevator down to the bottom and begins to stack up with boxes and barrels until it reaches up to the second floor.

4. then the player jumps aboard the boxes and presses the elevator button and SUCCESS the player is on the third floor.

the problem is, that the elevator just cant lift all the barrels, and sometimes they even get stuck in mid air!!

so, now i winder if i should give up this puzzle or rather get a hint how to do it properly wihtout errors.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 16:47:11 UTC
in why not clipping? Post #252250
ok sorry HAHA! i never knew this, because some day long time ago I used that vertex and that gave me that error thing.

and yes, I must have mixed up carving and clipping :P hehe. i have never used the real carving thing, thankfully.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 16:31:22 UTC
in why not clipping? Post #252247
why is it so bad to use the clipping tool in Hammer? i have never had a problem with that for years.

but everyone keeps saying "huuhuh vertex tool is so awwesoome" or something like that. WHY?? here is the result of me, using the vertex tool for the SECOND time in my life today (last time some years ago with same result), just to see how "awesome" it was again... NOT!!!

from under, a nice V-shaped thing like I wanted it to be:

but i moved the camera over and I wanted to smash my PC to pieces:

sorry everyone, but clipping owns the shit out of vertexing.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 16:11:03 UTC
in I really don't know this... Post #252245
aha, okay.

I just used some random sounds from the original games/mods (but... why is there suck few sounds, its like 1-2 per mod only?!? why?) and this is how it looks...

Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 11:49:08 UTC
in I really don't know this... Post #252229
this shit is making me mad, its still not working and no there is no spaces and i have not made any specific changes to any sounds because im only using ONE sound.

right now im on that Key-tutorial, i found that really interesting but this sound thing just dont work...
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 10:46:46 UTC
in I really don't know this... Post #252226
been mapping since 2000 i think, but never seen this. whats it about really?? i dont even have a sound called "D" in my map... strange!!!

thanks for any help