Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2009-09-10 23:36:03 UTC
in Having trouble selecting objects in 3d T Post #273193
Lol nah, that's just a younger me messing around with face paint lol. Yeah I used to map off a portable drive, but only ran across that problem on some PCs. I'm running XP XP.
Posted 14 years ago2009-09-10 18:57:10 UTC
in Having trouble selecting objects in 3d T Post #273185
Hey thank you so much! Yeah that's all I needed. I was about to lose all hope too, hah.
Posted 14 years ago2009-09-10 15:15:32 UTC
in Having trouble selecting objects in 3d T Post #273180
I can't select individual faces or paint them. I'm not sure what i've done wrong. Perhaps installed incorrectly. I'm trying to get back into mapping, and thought i had set everything up properly but for some reason I can't texture faces. Or even select them for that matter. anyone know what might be wrong?
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-16 05:18:13 UTC
in Prefab situation, setting up Hammer. Post #253854
Duly noted, I just use a free c++ compiler
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-15 15:42:03 UTC
in Prefab situation, setting up Hammer. Post #253815
Many thanks!!! That 3.4 installer is what I was losing my head trying to find lol, I think I got it now... Thx
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-15 15:38:09 UTC
in Prefab situation, setting up Hammer. Post #253813
this may get tricky cause i only have the 3.5 build - its pretty bare too... no help file or installer of its own, and its become difficult to find earlier Hammer version installers.
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-15 15:26:30 UTC
in Prefab situation, setting up Hammer. Post #253811
Alrighty, so it seems i may have set up my Hammer without an installer - i mean i found the folder Hammer was running from and found the prefabs subfolder as well as that library file, so now i guess I'll just have to back-track a bit and install Hammer properly lol.
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-15 14:52:34 UTC
in Prefab situation, setting up Hammer. Post #253808
Let's see I've looked around a bit to see if I could find a solution to this problem I'm having with prefabs but I haven't been able to get a start on it yet. I've just about got all the other kinks worked out and Hammer works fine. But in Prefab Factory I've not a single library. I remember in the day there used to be some standard ones that were just there such as the Usable library but theres nothing. Could I have set something up incorrectly? Or is there a way to get those libraries?