Forum posts

Posted 9 years ago2015-11-24 10:22:45 UTC
in Modelling for HL in Solidworks Post #327522
Thanks a lot for the swift reply, I'll be trying this lot soon.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-24 09:40:33 UTC
in Modelling for HL in Solidworks Post #327518
Is it possible to model something in Solidworks and export it into some way so that it can become a HL model?
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-22 13:49:03 UTC
in Xmas tournament ? Post #322924
Posted 10 years ago2014-12-11 01:00:22 UTC
in Xmas tournament ? Post #322725
I'm in for playing, too bad all my mapping has gone into kreedz maps and I have nothing to nominate.
Posted 10 years ago2014-11-22 08:42:16 UTC
in entities blinking in and out of transpar Post #322449
I just tested few more things and it seems that the problem is caused by the brushes I've set to render in pure color.

Is there a limit in brush render modes per scene? I seem to have them all in the same leaf (normal, solid, texture, additive, pure color). Although only the pure color ones are creating the problem. So when I have the pure color brushes AND the sprite/additive ones in my camera few faces of them are rendered out of transparency.
Posted 10 years ago2014-11-22 00:03:36 UTC
in entities blinking in and out of transpar Post #322443
Is there a known cause for entities blinking in and out of transparency at random positions and angles of looking at them?

My scene contains few additive and texture-mode entities and a glow sprite. When I'm walking around the area some of the faces become solidly rendered (including the glow which becomes plainly rendered) and then return to additive rendering after I moved my cursor or body a little.

I've checked for leaks which was the first thing that came to mind and couldn't find any. I tried Check for problems Alt+P but nothing's there either (although I know that it doesn't find all brush problems). I am having a very weird brush bug which I'm showing in the following screenshots which could indicate something (?).

What you see is made of 2 brushes for each of left and right side, 2 brushes for the white lines and 1 brush for the middle. The side brushes were made exactly the same way for both sides. On the left image you can see that while the compiler has merged the brushes on the right treating them as one, the left ones are not. In the right picture you can see a zoom-in how the brushes are distorted.
User posted image
I don't why this happens to only the brushes of one side and not the other one and I also don't know if this could be causing the entity blinking.

Has anyone ever reported a cause for the blinking? Any clues that might help.
Posted 10 years ago2014-11-21 14:04:19 UTC
in problem with entity work Post #322429
What have you tried to reset it? Does killing it remove it forever or just from that round?
I tried sending on/off commands with a relay afterwards with no success. I also tried killing but it probably removes the entity for ever.

What I thought was that the On/Off state of a door as a master would depend on it being open or closed. It seems those 2 aren't connected at all (?), as I have placed the master door right in front and set it to toggle with use button and it doesn't change the master state.

I am uploading the test map as it is right now.

@Jessie: I am using a func_door to reset the env_render successfully, I just can't find a way to reset the button/sequence of events.

EDIT: It seems that sending On/off state from a trigger_relay to a door keeps triggering between the two states rather than sending the specific command. For example, firing the ON relay opens the door and firing the ON relay again closes it. So I will strikethrough what I posted earlier.
Posted 10 years ago2014-11-20 19:04:17 UTC
in problem with entity work Post #322418
I am building a cs 1.6 map that has some entity work inside that I can't get to work the way I want.

The idea is for a button to start a sequence of events:
  • fire a door_rotating
  • fire env_render
  • will add sounds etc so more events
This will be a multiplayer map so I want the button to do this only once per round. This means that after usage the button must stop firing the sequence until next round comes.

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like before and after the sequence is fired:
User posted image
I've tried a ton of things without success so far:
Setting the button reset to -1 makes it impossible to retrigger in future rounds.
Setting a master for the button that is turned off after first usage makes it possible to turn off the button at least one more time firing the sequence again.

My last attempt was:
button-> dummy door (with master)-> multi_manager (start sequence)-> door_rotating & env_render & trigger_relay (master->off)

This makes it successfully impossible for the button to retrigger the sequence. Now what happens in next round:

restartround-> multi_manager(reset entities)-> trigger_relay (master -> on) & env_render (to reset the effect)

Using the button doesn't start the sequence.
The master I am currently using is another dummy door.

Any help appreciated.
Posted 10 years ago2014-11-18 17:31:25 UTC
in texlights and shadows Post #322355
It is indeed harder to see in the images than ingame like me but the point is: texlight - no visible shadow from the grid.
Posted 10 years ago2014-11-18 14:19:05 UTC
in texlights and shadows Post #322351
The following scene is lit by a texlight which I want to project the grid's shadow on the floor:
User posted image
User posted image
The grid and the surrounding pillars are all func_details. As you can see the pillars are producing shadows while the grid is not. The floor texture is scaled down on purpose to increase the lightmap resolution.

While using a normal light entity the grid has a nice shadow:
User posted image
Posted 10 years ago2014-02-22 12:24:26 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #318054
I'm going to try Sledge and report anything in this post.

For now:
  • Settings > Game Configurations > Saving tab: Browse buttons don't open the browsing folder window.
  • If enabling ig (Ignore Grouping) button while a group was selected, any object selected afterwards is added to the selection together with the group and operations like delete work on the entire group. To work around you have to disable the ig, deselect the group and enable it again.
  • When a texture is unrecognised, the texture tool doesn't show it's name when selected. This helped me track the unrecognised texture before and would be good to have.
  • I was zooming close in the 3D textured window when my pc froze and nothing responded until I shut it off through the power button.
Posted 10 years ago2014-02-22 10:15:49 UTC
in The browser war Post #318051
The first screenshot with the new "simplified" interface is too much like Chrome.
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-16 19:42:24 UTC
in lighting issue Post #317982
My compile parameters are the default ones, I tried yours and nothing changed. I have new information about the case though.

It it certain that the specific geometry of the trim is responsible for the light spots. Once I flatten it out they disappear from the respective wall. I also tried making the inwards curve of the trim outwards and the spots changed shape but were still there.

The spots originate from the light_environment's direct brightness colour, as proven by this screenshot compiled with 0 bounces (brightness of light is bright green and shade colour is purple):

I also drew an arrow where I think is a bit weird to have full shaded wall and full bright face right next to each other.

In the next screenshot I show the blocks that actually create the shade between the light spots, they are func_walls with Opaque(blocks light) flags. If I remove this flag, the light spots become a rectangle of light just as abnormal.

So, it's established that they are created by the sky on top of the map, they're not bounced light from other faces and that the geometry of the trim on the wall is somehow causing this.

EDIT: This is what happens when I point the light vertically downwards (-90 pitch, it had a slight angle -100 before).

I'm starting to think the compiler thinks the faces under the trim are falling under the skylight while the upper part doesn't. They are exactly on the same plane in hammer.
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-16 11:38:05 UTC
in lighting issue Post #317975
There is a sole light_environment, no other lights yet.
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-16 08:33:41 UTC
in lighting issue Post #317972
I switched my tools with V33. Now while trying to give my wall some detail I made some quick VM which got me this beauty:

Notice the random light spots on the wall. Those were not there before I made the trim on the wall.

Here's the geometry in hammer:

I really can't think of what could be causing this. The brushes cut into each other a little. The whole wall is standard world geometry, no entities.

If the screenshots aren't enough shall I post a problem map so someone can take a look?
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-14 20:20:42 UTC
in lighting issue Post #317953
I am using vlucazn's tools in some earlier version.

hlcsg v3.4 VL25 (Oct 23 2011)
hlbsp v3.4 VL25 (Oct 23 2011)
hlvis v3.4 VL25 (Oct 23 2011)
hlrad v3.4 VL25 (Oct 23 2011)
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-14 10:39:08 UTC
in [Q] How to make a running water . Post #317948
You make running water by tying the water texture to a func_conveyor entity. There is actually a tutorial in the Tutorials section of this site.

Rope, Waterfalls and Dripping Water.

Read the waterfall section.
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-14 05:04:44 UTC
in lighting issue Post #317944
I tried both entity and non-entity and the result was the same.

I have found that the light_environment is actually causing this, as I changed the angle the lights spread in other places and disappeared in others.

Issue remains, why does this patch of light concentrate above the face with the specific texture while the rest of the wall is darker?
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-14 00:43:01 UTC
in lighting issue Post #317940
lights.rad is empty
info_texlights entity only has 1 entry for a different texture.
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-12 21:03:15 UTC
in lighting issue Post #317923
I'm having a problem where some surfaces seem to be emitting/bouncing light where I don't want them too. This texture behaves like a texlight even though nowhere do I have listed it in texlights.

I'm thinking it's the light bouncing off the texture, but I don't know what to do to prevent it except from removing the bounces.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-12 11:51:54 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313310
Try the -stretchaspect argument. It may have the side-effect of fitting the viewport to your screen.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-03 03:01:21 UTC
in Question about env_beam Post #313251
This should go in a tutorial along with all the other ways people have found to do this.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-30 12:15:47 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313215
This is all very correct. What this means is that you can control the result of your lighting by adjusting both the Shade component and the bounces which gives you a lot of flexibility (turns out _diffuse_light is just an inside name for Shade).

There should be Shade values that can give you variation between 1-8 bounces so you can play a bit with the bounce number if it's needed for the rest of your lighting.

Thanks for the input from everyone, I think this topic is quite covered for me at least
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-30 00:12:56 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313200
I don't think light_environment is bounced during rad calculations. I have no idea how rad works, but from testing with 1 and 8 bounces, I don't see any difference. My testing scale is limited though, anyone with more information could help a lot here.

Therefore, diffuse_light will only make sense if there is an actual diffuse component for ambient light from the light_environment entity.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-29 19:27:16 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313196
If you take a closer look, I am changing one thing at a time. My point with the first two pictures is that RGB doesnt change (80 - 64 is no change), while I "jack up brightness" like you told me which doesn't bring me the darker result I want. This is why I tried both 20 and 200 brightness.

What happens here is not just my shadows being too bright, it's the whole room being overlit.

Now that we're onto something here, I will edit this post with some results about shade brightness so we can better understand this, unless someone knows it beforehand.

Brightness 200 130 130 50
Shade 64 0 0 10

Brightness 200 130 130 50
Shade 64 0 0 200

Brightness 200 130 130 0
Shade 64 0 0 200/10
(lighting result was identical for shade brightness of 200/10, probably because of light brightness 0 producing no shade (?) )
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-29 15:58:21 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313192
You're telling me this is exactly what I need to do?
RGB 80 0 0 brightness 200
RGB 64 0 0 brightness 20

I don't see anything getting darker, just redder.
Now allow me to post what I found to actually be working.
It seems like Shade is playing a big ass role in the final result.
Brightness 255 174 174 0
Shade 64 0 0 200

I am gonna play a bit with Shade brightness value and post results.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-29 15:39:25 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313190
OK that's a great example. Now compare the lighting result of the night image with my first screenshot. Mine seems like it's lit with brightness 20 or something.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-29 10:37:06 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313188
It doesn't ignore brightness per se, what I understand is that it adjusts the colour with the brightness value. The environment lighting result with 1 brightness for a bright and a dark colour is exactly the same. But you can see a difference from brightness 100 - 20 or 10 - 5.

For example, I set a bright red or let's say 255 200 200 with brightness 1, the weapon is coloured in a dark red which is almost or exactly the same as if I use 255 20 20 with brightness 1.

It seems there is no way to make the ambient light darker.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-28 22:43:05 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313186
For real dude, this is not my first day of mapping, just look at this picture with light_environment brightness 1.

This picture without it:

I want something in the middle.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-28 18:38:41 UTC
in light_environment tricks Post #313181
I am having a brightness issue in a map I'm making. I've set the light_environment to 1 brightness, yet the map is lit like it's summer time.

Is there anything I can do to make it darker? I'm not finding anything in ZHLT documentation.
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-17 13:10:30 UTC
in map_detail.txt in .res file Post #312668
So I made a map with a few detail textures, I upload it on server and put the entry in .res file


problm is that clients are not downloading the detail.txt file
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-22 12:01:46 UTC
in texture resources Post #311797
It's not free
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-22 11:51:14 UTC
in texture resources Post #311795
CGTextures seems to need an account to download the textures, otherwise after 4-5 downloads I get blocked. Other than that, yeah the textures are good, everything needs photoshoping tho (I can't even draw a line in photoshop but I can always ask friends).
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-21 17:33:11 UTC
in texture resources Post #311735
My major problem in mapping: textures. I can't find any, I can't make any and I see so many awesome textures in maps of this site that makes me wonder if there are any online resources for texture packs etc.
The only site I know CGTextures is very disappointing.
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-20 06:33:47 UTC
in max map models - 512 Post #311061
It does render only those that your leaf can see, when you noclip outside the boundaries I guess it hasn't calculated any PVS there so it just thinks you can see everything.

Btw, grouping the entities did fix the problem.
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-19 20:11:43 UTC
in max map models - 512 Post #311053
My map gives me this error on load in CS:

Host_Error: PF_precache_model_I: Model 'models/agibs.mdl' failed to precache because the item count is over the 512 limit.
Reduce the number of brush models and/or regular models in the map to correct this

By brush models does it mean the solid entities? My map currently has 330 solid and 48 point entities, and loading it with AMX Mod just gets it over the limit I guess, but I want my map to be able to be played in servers and I can't control the plugins loaded there.

Will it help if I group more solids together? Or is there something else I can do?
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-14 10:34:50 UTC
in texture alignment problem Post #310959
Thanks for the detailed example. This seems like the logical thing to do yeah, I was just wondering if there was an automated way to do this in VHE. Since this texture is moving round (it's a conveyor) the edge where the textures are badly aligned is very obvious.

I should be able to fix this one way or another.

edit: I just used trial-and-error method increasing texture size by bits until it completely closed. This was quite faster than the math suggested :P
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-13 19:33:55 UTC
in texture alignment problem Post #310947
I have an alignment issue on a texture on an archlike conveyor. I'm aligning them with Alt+Right click but they end up losing alignment every time I circle the whole thing.

Any tricks for this situation?

Posted 12 years ago2012-11-07 22:57:38 UTC
in increased vis times Post #310834
My map suddenly showed increased vis compile times by a huge amount. Last thing I did was add a few detailed brushes, about 100 polygons. Does this explain the fact that vis went from 5 seconds to 40?
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-11 13:05:38 UTC
in Map has hiccups! Post #290277
As I posted above, the hiccups were caused by the flickering lights which caused the lightstyles warning I also posted. I removed them and hiccups problem solved, it was not a wpoly problem, it was a triggered lag.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-11 12:32:24 UTC
in Map has hiccups! Post #290274
I don't think this works in half-life 1 engine but it seems hell of a lot useful tool. If there is a way I can have it for cs 1.6 please explain me how.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-11 11:21:24 UTC
in Map has hiccups! Post #290272
I removed the flickering lights from the map and the lightstyle warnings ceased. This stopped the hiccups.

Thanks everyone for guiding me. It's a basebuilder mod map for cs, I'm not sure if it's got a spot in map vault, if so I will surely upload it when it's finished.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-11 04:21:18 UTC
in Map has hiccups! Post #290268
First of all, as I said the "hiccup" occurs roughly every 2 seconds or so and it seems to happen in a standard interval. I failed to find something happening to trigger it.

As for entities, there are 3 lights that flicker, a rotating fan, a multimanager that's off, 2 env_beams that are on and a simple sprite. All of those are out of rendering range from the room I'm talking about though.

Texture scales, there are no textures scaled too low and the biggest scale is 3.0. And no func_trains or anything like this. There is a func_friction somewhere.

The only I get in my compile log is this:
10%...Warning: Too many light styles on a face(238.000000,-1999.989990,-708.000000)
Warning: Too many light styles on a face(250.000000,-1999.989990,-708.000000)

I'm also tryin to see if it is my laptop causing the hiccup but it's not easy seeing other maps don't get this kind of lag.
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-10 20:32:48 UTC
in Map has hiccups! Post #290263
There is no water in the map, models are minimal (I removed them and there was no difference, epoly is at 4000 with them anyways) and there is no brush more complex than a clipped rectangle. As for lights with effects there are only 2, which I compiled without and there was no difference either.

Anything else?
Posted 14 years ago2011-02-10 18:53:25 UTC
in Map has hiccups! Post #290260
I'm having a problem with my last map, it seems to lag in an unusual way.
I have made every possible move and reduced the wpoly to 1400 in the corner of the room which is the worse place.
The map seems to have constant 100 fps although every second or so it gets something like a hiccup, for one line in my r_speeds I get like 30 fps and then 100 fps lines continue.

What's driving me crazy is that I've been comparing my map to another one which has 3000 wpolys and the crazy thing is, while this map may not have constant 100 fps on my pc (it fluctuates from 90 to 100 fps constantly), it doesn't have this hiccup thing that mine has.

This has led me to believe that there is something else in my map that's lagging it and it does not have to do with wpoly count.

Anyone got any ideas of stuff that make maps lag? I could give you download link to investigate if that's needed.