Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2012-06-10 21:12:03 UTC
in Problem with custom transparent texture. Post #306969
Thanks, working fine now.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-10 20:26:35 UTC
in Problem with custom transparent texture. Post #306965
Ok, here's what i did - I opened PS, made 272x96 picture, chose 0-0-255 color for part that i want to be transparent, saved it, opened in Wally, made transparent texture with "{" in front, made .wad file, selected that .wad file in VHE, made func_wall with render Mode-Texture and FX Amount-255, and then when i compiled map that part which needed to be transparent wasn't, it was just plain blue.

So, where's the problem? Because, I think I did everything right. And with exiting transparent textures it worked fine.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 11:15:51 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297986
Finally got it fixed. Previusly i used SHLT which wasn't reading from ZHLT's lights.rad, now i changed it back to ZHLT and writed my custom texture lighting in ZHLT's lights.rad and it worked.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-15 10:56:29 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297980
Deleted valve.rad file and still don't work. Compile log shows if you use texture lighting? If it does, i can't find where it says that. I tried to use custom and exiting texture lighting on new map, both didn't work.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-14 19:39:32 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297950
+0~WHITE 255 255 255 100
+0~GENERIC65 255 255 255 750
+0~GENERIC85 110 140 235 20000
+0~GENERIC86 255 230 125 10000
+0~GENERIC86B 60 220 170 20000
+0~GENERIC86R 128 0 0 60000
GENERIC87A 100 255 100 1000
GENERIC88A 255 100 100 1000
GENERIC89A 40 40 130 1000
GENERIC90A 200 255 200 1000
GENERIC105 255 100 100 1000
GENERIC106 120 120 100 1000
GENERIC107 180 50 180 1000
GEN_VEND1 50 180 50 1000
EMERGLIGHT 255 200 100 50000
+0~FIFTS_LGHT01 160 170 220 4000
+0~FIFTIES_LGT2 160 170 220 5000
+0~FIFTS_LGHT4 160 170 220 4000
+0~LIGHT1 40 60 150 3000
+0~LIGHT3A 180 180 230 10000
+0~LIGHT4A 200 190 130 11000
+0~LIGHT5A 80 150 200 10000
+0~LIGHT6A 150 5 5 25000
+0~TNNL_LGT1 240 230 100 10000
+0~TNNL_LGT2 190 255 255 12000
+0~TNNL_LGT3 150 150 210 17000
+0~TNNL_LGT4 170 90 40 10000
+0LAB1_W6D 165 230 255 4000
+0LAB1_W6 150 160 210 8800
+0LAB1_W7 245 240 210 4000
SKKYLITE 165 230 255 1000
+0~DRKMTLS1 205 0 0 6000
+0~DRKMTLGT1 200 200 180 6000
+0~DRKMTLS2 150 120 20 30000
+0~DRKMTLS2C 255 200 100 50000
+0DRKMTL_SCRN 60 80 255 10000
~LAB_CRT9A 225 150 150 100
~LAB_CRT9B 100 100 255 100
~LAB_CRT9C 100 200 150 100
~LIGHT3A 190 20 20 3000
~LIGHT3B 155 155 235 2000
~LIGHT3C 220 210 150 2500
~LIGHT3E 90 190 140 6000
C1A3C_MAP 100 100 255 100
FIFTIES_MON1B 100 100 180 30
+0~LAB_CRT8 50 50 255 100
ELEV2_CIEL 255 200 100 800
YELLOW 255 200 100 2000
RED 255 0 0 1000
C14_LIGHT_BIG00 160 170 220 567
SUBWAY_LIGHTS 160 170 220 8000
grate_light_ury 160 170 220 8888
quaintLight1bar 160 170 220 8888
C14_LIGHT_null 160 170 220 200
comp_lights2 255 200 100 200
+0~GENERIC65 255 255 255 750
+0~GENERIC85 110 140 235 20000
+0~GENERIC86 255 230 125 10000
+0~GENERIC86B 60 220 170 20000
+0~GENERIC86R 128 0 0 60000
GENERIC87A 100 255 100 1000
GENERIC88A 255 100 100 1000
GENERIC89A 40 40 130 1000
GENERIC90A 200 255 200 1000
GENERIC105 255 100 100 1000
GENERIC106 120 120 100 1000
GENERIC107 180 50 180 1000
GEN_VEND1 50 180 50 1000
EMERGLIGHT 255 200 100 50000
+0~FIFTS_LGHT01 160 170 220 4000
+0~FIFTIES_LGT2 160 170 220 5000
+0~FIFTS_LGHT4 160 170 220 4000
+0~LIGHT1 40 60 150 3000
+0~LIGHT3A 180 180 230 10000
+0~LIGHT4A 200 190 130 11000
+0~LIGHT5A 80 150 200 10000
+0~LIGHT6A 150 5 5 25000
+0~TNNL_LGT1 240 230 100 10000
+0~TNNL_LGT2 190 255 255 12000
+0~TNNL_LGT3 150 150 210 17000
+0~TNNL_LGT4 170 90 40 10000
+0LAB1_W6D 165 230 255 4000
+0LAB1_W6 150 160 210 8800
+0LAB1_W7 245 240 210 4000
SKKYLITE 165 230 255 1000
+0~DRKMTLS1 205 0 0 6000
+0~DRKMTLGT1 200 200 180 6000
+0~DRKMTLS2 150 120 20 30000
+0~DRKMTLS2C 255 200 100 50000
+0DRKMTL_SCRN 60 80 255 10000
~LAB_CRT9A 225 150 150 100
~LAB_CRT9B 100 100 255 100
~LAB_CRT9C 100 200 150 100
~LIGHT3A 190 20 20 3000
~LIGHT3B 155 155 235 2000
~LIGHT3C 220 210 150 2500
~LIGHT3E 90 190 140 6000
C1A3C_MAP 100 100 255 100
FIFTIES_MON1B 100 100 180 30
+0~LAB_CRT8 50 50 255 100
ELEV2_CIEL 255 200 100 800
YELLOW 255 200 100 2000
RED 255 0 0 1000
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-14 18:43:32 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297947
No errors from compile log. Only lights.rad file in my computer is at Valve Hammer Editor/tools/lights.rad. But in that direction is another .rad file named valve.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-14 11:59:55 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297935
Valve Hammer Editor/tools/lights.rad is the right direction?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-14 09:00:33 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297931
Still don't work. I tried to use 4000/10000/20000 even 50000 brithness, still nothing. Tried to put "~" front of texture name, still nothing. Tried to delete func_wall entity and just use normal brush, still nothing. Tried to not clip brush, just use square, still nothing. Tried to use exiting texture on lights.rad file on my brush, still nothing. Try to not connect my brush to other brushes, still nothing. Try to use texture only from one side, still nothing. When i tried to make new brush and use exiting texture from lights.rad, it didn't work. Maybe i have tu put some settings in VHE?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 20:31:31 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297895
Yes, i have looked at that tutorial, but i couldn't find my answer there. But if it need to be "~" front of the texture, how can you explain me those textures what work without "~" (like texture called "yellow")?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-13 19:52:46 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297888
Help, please. [BUMP]
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-11 07:27:36 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297711
Discostu, i've tried already exiting texture without '~', it worked fine. I used de_piranesi lantern texture - 'pi_lantern 255 200 100 1000'.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-10 21:57:41 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #297683
When i try to make my custom texture lighting it doesn't work, but if i use texture what is already in lights.rad file, it works fine. I wrote like this 'mytexture 2x[tab] 255 200 100 1000'.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-10 19:05:20 UTC
in How to make archway? Post #297675
I did almost the same as dexter's snarkpit link, just did it all with vertex tool, thanks for help.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-09 14:25:00 UTC
in How to make archway? Post #297597
A lot of mappers say 'don't carve cylinders'. Then how do i make archway the right way? I made half-cylinder with arch tool, then edited it with vertex manipulation tool, got little bit more wpolys than with carving the archway.