Forum posts

Posted 2 years ago2022-11-27 18:09:47 UTC
in Button/Trigger to set the state to zero Post #347133
Thank You Captain P,
I have been trying with no success just using trigger_relay, can you share your test map with also button_target or give me some draw/schema?
Posted 2 years ago2022-11-03 20:30:15 UTC
in Button/Trigger to set the state to zero Post #347042
Hello everyone,

Is there anyway to set the state of an entity to 0 (zero) instead of toggle it (0 to 1 and 1 to 0) ?

Posted 8 years ago2016-05-25 10:22:18 UTC
in Sun lighting problem Post #330226
Vluzacn's ZHLT v34
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-25 00:34:47 UTC
in Sun lighting problem Post #330224
I got my conclusions:

If I set the original shade value: 255 255 128 I don't get the "halo" in the end of the shadows, but the model lighting transition is not natural:
User posted image
So finally I set the same shade and brightness color value to avoid the fake transition color to light sun from the shadows and I decrease the intensity of the sun to reduce the halo:
User posted image
I hope it can help someone else who has the same problem :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-24 19:50:35 UTC
in Sun lighting problem Post #330222
I almost solved the halo in the shadows setting the same color in Brightness and Shade properties.
User posted image
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-24 10:37:29 UTC
in Sun lighting problem Post #330214
Brightness: 170 130 238 70
Appearance: Normal
Custom Appearance:
Fade ZHTL Only: 1.0
Falloff ZHTL Only: Default
Pitch Yaw Roll: 0 45 0
Pitch: -60
Shade: 223 208 249 500

Compile Log
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-23 23:21:14 UTC
in Sun lighting problem Post #330207
Hello guys!

I have some problems with the illumination of my map.

First I have an non corresponding brightness of the model/player compared with its light around even in some places it showes almost black. Why could it happen?
User posted image
And second, I have an unreal transition of the sun light to the shadows in outside areas. It seems a halo rather than a natural fade. What is going on?
User posted image
Btw, I compile with:
hlrad.exe -ambient .01 .01 .01 -texdata 524288 -lightdata 524288 -extra -bounce 8 -estimate -verbose -texlightgap 12

Thank you for your answers! :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-16 23:12:30 UTC
in Texture for Goldsrc needed Post #330142
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-10 22:11:28 UTC
in Fitting model to grid Post #330085

maybe you can try to change the origin of the model, I asked for that one year ago:

Posted 8 years ago2016-05-08 21:01:10 UTC
in Wall does not block vis Post #330074
Thanks for your comments. I've read the hint tutorials and what I've got from it is:

1. Every brush is rendered actually in two triangles.
2. The engine will load whatever could be seen from the triangle where the player is.
3. The hint brush is used to seal some area as if it was a world brush but you can go through it and you can't see it.
4. If at any point in the extension of the triangle where the player stands is visible the hint brush, then the sealed area will be cleared and the engine will load the corresponding brushes.

I'm still optimizing my map with hint textures, I'm trying to reach 600 wpoly as maximum in every place, but it is so hard.

I'm putting hint brushes horizontally crossing all the map, like sky but in a lower level, and I've done this several times, in every highs level (roofs, etc).

Moreover I put some hint brushes vertically and diagonally in some corners of the hallways in the same way as explain the tutorials you mentioned (Shepard62700FR)

The fact is I have dozens of hint brushes, maybe what I'm saying is crazy but is what I'm doing, so please tell me if I'm wrong or not.

In addition I noticed func_detail don't block vis and made me some leaks in some places and they are also loaded before by the enigne than world brushes.

Is there any recommended limit for putting hint brushes?

Finally I put some images for who want to give any idea, in this case is a view of the back door from the outside, is it possible to avoid to load all the inside of the house?

Game view:
User posted image
World Craft view:
User posted image
Thank You people for your suggestions, your comments are so helpful for me :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-29 14:01:00 UTC
in Strange Invisible Walls Post #330001
Have you used the "carve" tool?
I remember, I got sometimes some strange clip-brushes when I used it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-27 02:04:34 UTC
in Wall does not block vis Post #329991
First test just putting an horizontal hint over the red container (Tetsu0).

I will keep testing all the other solutions you talked and I will tell you how it works :D
User posted image
User posted image
Thank you! :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-26 17:29:58 UTC
in Wall does not block vis Post #329989
I'm going to try everything and I will tell you about!

Thank you people for answers! :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-25 23:39:31 UTC
in Wall does not block vis Post #329984
I've compiled with -full

hlvis.exe -full -texdata 524288 -lightdata 524288 -estimate %mapName%

so I don't understand why the engine load that :/
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-25 20:15:53 UTC
in Wall does not block vis Post #329982
Hello people I'm here again with another topic.

It's true nowadays it is not necessary to optimize a goldsrc map as could it be 10 years ago, but I'm wondering the way that vis works in the game.

When I run the map with gl_wireframe 2, I can see the engine renders all the stuff inside the house and it is supposed that it don't have to be rendered because there are a roof and a wall to block the vis and create another leaf

This is what game is rendering, as you can see, the wall does not block anything.
User posted image
And this is a valve hammer top view, I marked in blue the walls of the house in order you can see the entries available to "see" the inner stuff of the house.
The player is marked as a dot.
User posted image
How can I block the rendering of the inside the house from outside? Where should I put a hint brush?

Thank You for answering!
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-24 14:30:58 UTC
in Rotate decals Post #329974
Thank you people for the answers, but I already knew the "Wally way". I want to use new textures as little as possible cause I'm trying to minimize the bsp file size

Thanks! :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-22 23:56:32 UTC
in Rotate decals Post #329953
Yes, Finally I see it doesn't work, if I move again the texture, valve hammer does not show changes in decals, but game does.
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-22 17:29:07 UTC
in Rotate decals Post #329947
Very nice Unq! it works! and then I re-rotate the texture to its original facing and the decal remains rotated :)

Thank You!
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-22 00:03:09 UTC
in Rotate decals Post #329945
Rotating the texture does not affect the decal... Everything I've tried last days is not possible...
bad luck :/
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-21 20:53:51 UTC
in Rotate decals Post #329942

is there any way to rotate the decals I set on a brush?

Thank you people!
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-18 00:53:04 UTC
in make dark Post #329929
Thank You people, I think I will try without the minimum light level in compilation and if I get all messed up I will just remove that dark zone from the map :P
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-17 23:40:33 UTC
in make dark Post #329925
I tried to close the room completely and separate it from any source of light, and it still remains with the minimum value of light I set in the compilation...

Now I think it is not possible... :cry:
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-17 22:50:29 UTC
in make dark Post #329923
Hello mappers!

In my map I set the minimum light level to 0.5 to avoid some zones get completely dark, but in some room I would like to make it dark, is it possible setting a light entity with black color or in any other way?

Thank you for answering, I'd really appreciate it!
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-12 17:34:02 UTC
in Can't close the door Post #329869
The idea is to make a dumpster in which the player can hide inside...
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-12 11:24:18 UTC
in Can't close the door Post #329859
Thank You PeterBrev, but in your rmf the lid only opens 5 degrees and the player can't get into the trash.

I modified this value but the player still collides with the clip button you put inside. I don't understand why you make it this way :?
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-12 01:48:41 UTC
in Can't close the door Post #329848

1. When I'm outside I can close it
2. It doesn't move at all

Here it is the RMF, if anyone want to take a look
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-12 00:36:44 UTC
in Can't close the door Post #329847
I use a button to trigger it
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-12 00:04:15 UTC
in Can't close the door Post #329844

I'm trying to make a dumpster with its lid openable, but when I'm inside the container I can not close the lid and there is space enough for the player crouched, so I can't understand what is going on :/
User posted image
Any idea?

Thanks in advance :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-11 23:59:39 UTC
in bulletproof wall (CS 1.6) Post #329843
Thank You! :)
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-06 18:46:48 UTC
in bulletproof wall (CS 1.6) Post #329699

In Counter-Strike 1.6, I would like to make a wall which no weapon can make damage through. Is this possible with any trick? for example making the wall with one sky solid between two textured solids?

Thank You for answering!
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-19 01:35:33 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323378
The original scale was 1.0.
When you decrease the scale of a texture, allocblock increases.

I also reduced the texture size of the pillars to decrease the allocblock, original texture size was 64x64, and now is 16x16.

In my experience, there is no light difference between func_wall, func_detail and normal solid (normal solids with 1 u separeted from adjacent solids, if you don't do this, in this case, the pillar would cut the floor and the ceiling making in them wrong light results).

There is light difference between "face" and "world" mapped texture. I recommend "world" as Archie said before.
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-18 21:03:49 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323376
Finally I fixed it scaling the faces to 0.6 and the light went right on pillars :)
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-18 20:02:16 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323373
func_detail is treated like an entity in valve hammer/world craft but not by the goldsrc engine, so it does not count as model. It just a way to say the engine to don't cut the adjacent world solids.

func_wall is an entity and it also does not cut the world brushes because of its entity feature.
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-16 17:04:54 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323346
compiled with bounce 3 and same errors, I will do what Bruce said and I scale less than 1 the faces to consider the grid size of the lightmap
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-16 13:58:54 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323342
It doesn't clip surrounding brushes, doesn't count towards the entity limit (func_wall does) and still casts shadows (func_wall doesn't).
Now func_wall and func_illusionary cast shadows with vluzacn tools, I also use this cs_expert-tom793c_wcModels.fgd

I will test the bounce when I get home
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-16 10:52:53 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323336
Offtopic: There has been a story that a guy got arrested for mapping his school in US i believe, charged with helping terrorism or something similar like that. This happened 4-5 years ago if i recall.
Here in Spain, like student, I mapped my school, my high school, and 12years after, this time like a teacher, I map the high school where I work... no problem, it s just a game :)

Edited: Furthermore, the first school I mapped when I was a child was a catholic nun school xD
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-16 10:15:56 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323334
Firstly, make sure you're compiling with the best compile tools available. At the moment, it doesn't get any better than Vluzacn's tools. I expect simply switching to these tools will fix your problem.

Secondly, try tying the pillar to a func_detail. If that doesn't work - try a func_wall. This will prevent the cylinder from cutting into the floor during the compile which is potentially what's causing your hard edges.

Thirdly, I'd always recommend compiling your radiosity with a few bounces for more even, natural lighting. '-bounce 3 -extra' is a good starting point, but you can ramp that number up and down to achieve different results depending on the scene. A higher number will produce smoother lighting, but will take the definition out of your shadows which is not always desirable.

Lastly, make sure all the faces on the cylinder are mapped to 'World' in the texture application tool (shift+a). 'Face' will sometimes produce odd results if you don't use it deliberately.
I'm using the latest vluzacn's tools, version 33.
I use func_detail and func_wall for pillars, and I also tried normal solid with 1 unity separated from the floor and ceil and it gets the same light.

I didn't notice before about the face/world kind of faces, but I checked all of them and they have already turned to world.

In addition I compile the radiosity with this:
hlrad.exe -texdata 524288 -lightdata 524288 -ambient .001 .001 .001 -extra -bounce 16 -estimate -verbose %mapName%

And I also tried with the -smooth parameter but I get fix some pillars but I get other errors in other many places.

If I fix it, I'd write here about it

BTW, the pillars are 16faces.
If VHLT doesn't help then make the pillar with less edges or of larger diameter or scale down the texture, because lightmap grid size is 16 units for texture with scale of 1 so you want faces no smaller than 16 units to avoid smoothing bugs

anyway better not map your school u can get arrested ^^
get arrested, why?
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-15 12:14:56 UTC
in Bad light faces with columns Post #323309

I got this light result with some columns and it looks so bad :(

Does anyone know if there is any compiling parameter or something to improve it?

I'd appreciate it :)
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-04 04:30:48 UTC
in grass from de_aztec Post #323096
So, after have analyzed closely the maps de_airstrip and de_aztec I can ensure, as some of you said before, the engine renders automatically random models of grass on the textures pi_ground, pi_groundt and pi_groundw, originally located in de_piranesi.wad.

Furthermore, if you want to get the automatic grass rendering on your own texture, just set the name of the texture to pi_ground, pi_groundt or pi_groundw.
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-03 01:13:27 UTC
in grass from de_aztec Post #323086
Does anyone have the RMF/MAP of de_aztec to see it and ensure what's happening?


I googled it:

the f*** river is empty o_O
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 21:23:34 UTC
in grass from de_aztec Post #323075
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 20:58:40 UTC
in grass from de_aztec Post #323071
Hello people,

I've just noticed about the grass in the river of the "de_aztec" that they gradually disappear if you get away from them and appear gradually if you approach to them again.

What kind of entity are they? and which model? I tried to decompile with winbspc to see it but no success, cause I found nothing in the river in the *.map file.
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 18:50:13 UTC
in Wrong lights for models Post #323066
With info_sunlight or light_environtment it does not happen anymore, so it's solved.

In addition, with light_environment it can't get the enough darkness as it could be without sun, but with info_sunlight can get it.

Hence, in conclusion if you don't want any light environment in the map, you should set an info_sunlight with 0 0 0 0 value to avoid light model errors.
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 16:27:41 UTC
in Wrong lights for models Post #323064
I compile the illumination with vluzacn's tools 33 version:

hlrad.exe -texdata 524288 -lightdata 524288 -ambient .001 .001 .001 -extra -bounce 16 -estimate -verbose %mapName%

The two images belong to the same BSP, so I charge the map, I change to cs_italy (for example) and I go back to the map and I got that result, I will try the sun with "zero" brightness and I ll tell you about
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 15:14:06 UTC
in Wrong lights for models Post #323061
It has not work, It seems all the models get the last light_environment value, cause in my dark-night version I have no sun, I will try to put there some sun with 1 of brightness.

Here are the screenshots:
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 04:10:13 UTC
in Wrong lights for models Post #323056
It's for counter-strike goldsrc engine and I mapped this with cycler_sprite, but you give me an idea, I will just duplicate the models with other names, and I think it would be solved, what do you think?
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 03:51:39 UTC
in Wrong lights for models Post #323054
They have some differences but the same models. So different maps with same models.
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-02 03:39:12 UTC
in Wrong lights for models Post #323052
Hello everyone!

I'm mapping two versions of a map changing just the ilumination, one is at day and the other is at night, but the same map. There are also some models like trees and cars.

So, in-game when I change between each other, the light of the models keep illuminated though I go to the night-dark version of the map, the models get the light from the day version.

Does anyone can explain me what is going on?
Thank you!!! :D
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 15:00:53 UTC
in Models disappear and appear Post #313894
Thank you backup, the problem is dealt. I write below the steps I've followed if someone else had my problem they'd have find this helpful:

1. Open the MilkShape3D.
2. Tools -> Half-Life -> Decompile HL MDL File
3. Choose the model you want to "bury" its origin.
-- Decompilation done.
4. Edit the file modelName.qc with the notepad.
5. Add the line:
$origin 0 0 150
where 150 is the value you want to lower the model. Save and exit.
6. In the MilkShape3D, Tools -> Half-Life -> Compile QC File
7. Choose the qc file just edited.
-- Compilation done.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 13:11:53 UTC
in Models disappear and appear Post #313891
I guessed it would be for that reason, do you know how can I dig the origin of that trees? The models are not mine so I don't have the sources.

I've just used info_overview_point Reversed-Yes and nothing different happens, maybe I didn't set the entity in the correct place :