Forum posts

Posted 3 years ago2021-10-20 18:13:29 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #345983
Didn't someone called Mikela or Mikaela took his place iirc? They also seemed to be more talkative compared to Alfred, and willing to work on the engine more.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-26 15:05:17 UTC
in TWHL's Rat Problem Post #344575
Yeah just saw that. I've dropped a like. :cool:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-23 15:00:50 UTC
in TWHL's Rat Problem Post #344564
Indeed. Though, I would prefer if you upload your own first map concept on GameBanana since it's made by you (I hate to be a redistributor for some reason lol). I'll create the category when I come back home tonight.
I'm not sure where you can upload the template on the site, though. I'll check when I have time.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-22 15:41:11 UTC
in TWHL's Rat Problem Post #344561
I would make it an official GameBanana category as well. :crowbar:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-12 21:13:29 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344093
Pineapple pizza is the shit.
Oh look! Someone smart! :aghast:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-05 14:11:08 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344019
Hahaha. Oh, Italy.
I think I'm a stereotype.

Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-05 00:03:11 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344012

About You

Name: Alberto Zanella
Age: 29
Hometown: Vicenza, Italy.
Relationships: 4 previous. None at the moment.
Occupation: Pizzamaker and occasional computer technician.
Current goal(s): Find a good position in life generally. I don't really ask much.
Politics: Right wing (not the Trump one. Italian politics is different).
Religion: Agnostic.

Favourite Things

Food: Pasta, pizza (duh).
Hot drink: Hot chocolate, or what is generally known as "Latte" in America.
Cold drink: Peach flavoured tea.
Snacks: Anything sweet.
Movies: Almost every action saga.
Videogames: First Person Shooters mostly. Action RPGs occasionally. Cooperative games.
Music: Anything that triggers me a positive emotion (except sadness if I feel to).
Other: Beauty, Art, Cigarettes, Pussy, TWHL.

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: Onions, peppers.
Hot drink: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cold drink: Anything alcoholic. Some fruit juices.
Snacks: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Movies: Most of italian movies and series.
Videogames: RTS, P2W, mobile games.
Music: Anything that doesn't trigger me a positive emotion.
Other: Bullies, ignorants that wants to appear smart but fails, smart people that wants to showoff their culture in front of ignorant people that have no fault, italian communists, feminists, pacifists, and probably some other stuff I can't think of right now (also for the other categories).
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-24 17:51:54 UTC
in Shameful mapping confessions Post #343776
I've just found out about the CONTENT_WATER texture and its usage a couple days ago.
I've always made light shafts as func_illusionaries with double sided brushes instead of using CONTENT_WATER (because let's face it, who would've ever thought about using that texture with that name for such a thing? No one). :nuts:

So yeah: shame on me for not knowing that, and shame on the tool textures for having misleading names. :lol:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-05 18:07:24 UTC
in Proposal: A community code of conduct for TWHL Post #343427
Strict rules doesn't work most of the times, but this is usually directed to a more popular active community with a high number of members (1000+). Although, that doesn't mean that one day our community can achieve that milestone; who knows.

I agree with every rule, but I think it has to be super clear that common sense should always step in first (aka "think first, talk later").

I've been running several communities in the past years, and I've always used the same number and type of rules for them. Those are the following:
  • It is not allowed to disturb conversations with noises or echoes;
  • It is permitted to send or attach images with "NSFW" contents only in the specific channel;
  • Use the Discord channels appropriately;
  • Respect all users in public and private channels. Do not offend, do not insult, do not be rude or use provocative language;
  • The rules and briefs given by an administrator or moderator must be respected and not discussed (unless necessary);
  • Racist behaviors and sexual discriminations are absolutely not tolerated;
  • Advertising and spamming is not permitted.
Those who will behave in a dangerous and/or negative alternative way, will be the only responsible for their actions, and will be punished accordingly.
And it went pretty well in the past 6-7 years.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-27 21:33:17 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343412
It reminds me the Hazardous Course mod; there's a section with rotating and moving tubes to get to the other side.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-05 15:21:22 UTC
in Half Life 2 Style Background Map Post #343193
It can be made by using the Xash3D Engine. Vanilla Goldsource doesn't have that feature at all.

But as UrbaNebula said, ask Magic Nipples.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-08 15:47:28 UTC
in Fate of Gunman Chronicles Post #342973
As far as I know, Rewolf had engine access when they made Gunman. So I think that before an old Rewolf developer could give any approval they would need to discuss this with Valve first (which means that the SC team would need to add a lot of new lines of code to SC to be able to fully support Gunman).

Don't forget that Gunman also have drivable vehicles. :P
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-11 03:22:49 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #342448
Man this is truly awesome! :crowbar:

You'll certainly receive feedback from me these days. ;)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-05 01:31:49 UTC
in The wonders of lighting Post #340426
Here's with my compiling settings:
User posted image
Moving the light entity below the lamp (where it should be I presume?):
User posted image
From outside:
User posted image
I just did a couple things to make it easier:
  • I made the window as a single brush (having one for each hole is just a waste and it changes nothing visually) and changed its Render FX to 100 as it looked too dark in my opinion but feel free to revert it back to your liking of course;
  • I tied to a func_detail all the surrounding structure (metal bars and the metal borders);
  • I changed the floor's texture scaling to 0.250 as 0.160 was definitely too much.
Here's the "corrected" .jmf.

My compiling parameters:

CSG: -high -nowadtextures -cliptype simple -estimate -threads 4 -texdata 16000
BSP: -high -estimate -threads 4 -texdata 16000 -noinsidefill
VIS: -high -full -estimate -threads 4 -texdata 16000
RAD/Light: -high -extra -estimate -bounce 12 -threads 3 -smooth 200 -smooth2 200 -texdata 16000 -blur 0.5 -gamma 0.5

"-bounce 12" might be a bit too much for that map in particular. It was for another map of mine; so change it to whatever you like (I'd suggest "-bounce 3").
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-04 23:53:38 UTC
in The wonders of lighting Post #340424
May you upload the .jmf? I would like to check if everything is correct so that you can solve your problem fast and easy.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-06 12:15:51 UTC
in no D3D on steam HL Post #337329
I agree with those who've said that Direct3D performance was terrible. So I'm actually glad that they removed it.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-04 12:05:27 UTC
in Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. Post #337280
Hey Cayle! Good to see you here! :)

You already know what I think about HL:C and I can't wait to play it. ;)

I actually forgot to reply to your e-mail for whatever reason; sorry. I'll reply as soon as possible. :)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-26 19:41:18 UTC
in HL2: Episode 3 Post #337072
At this point, I only care about CS:GO when it will be ported to Source 2.

I didn't lost hope for EP3/HL3, but I don't feel excited or hyped anymore. I will probably become hyped again when Valve itself will say something relevant about it (90% of the stuff about EP3/HL3 over the years has been trolls or speculations about the story).

Valve CAN count to 3. They just don't want to, apparently.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-17 23:58:37 UTC
in TWHL's Discord? Post #336925
In fact, almost all public/semi-public Discord servers have specific text channels for that. Normally, it's the public chat. We could just recreate all the forums' sections as text channels.
User posted image
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-16 14:01:26 UTC
in TWHL's Discord? Post #336911
A Discord server is private by default. We could create a new link everytime a member joins We can also install bots that handles all the stuff; probably including the things rufee is saying. I have one on my own server and it can handle automatic roles like adding the "Visitor" role if they're not members and "Member" if they're members.

I could be a Discord moderator if that helps.

@Dim I joined by the way. Thanks.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-16 00:12:28 UTC
in TWHL's Discord? Post #336901
Do we actually have a Discord server? I could easily set up one in no time. It would be really good for all of us; everyone's using Discord for everything nowadays.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-07 18:33:13 UTC
in Half-Life Texture Error Post #336786
Glad it has been solved.

You should definitely inform the developers of Evolve to check this issue providing the same video you showed us, since they're stating that it's compatible with Steam (hence its games I presume).
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-07 17:31:58 UTC
in Half-Life Texture Error Post #336776
Try to start HL with the -nofbo launch command and see what happens.

Even though it's really strange; I've never seen such a thing on HL in my life... I hope your video card is not dying.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 16:45:00 UTC
in light model which falls Post #335418
Don't use monster_generic for prop models. Use cycler_sprite.

If the program crashes when you load models using cycler_sprite, edit your FGD in the cycler_sprite field as it follows:

@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) Studio() = cycler_sprite : "Sprite Cycler"
model(studio) : "Model / Sprite" : ""
sequence(integer) : "Animation # sequence (Models only)"
framerate(string) : "Framerate (Sprites only)" : 10

I hope it helps.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-10 19:21:03 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335354
There's no need for a new monitor. I have a 1440x900 monitor as well, but with Nvidia you can use Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) which lets you use a 4 times bigger resolution, in both our cases it's 2880x1800 which well surpasses 1080p and 1440p. Then about recording and streaming, AMD have those softwares only because Nvidia had them before AMD, which are Nvidia Share (the old Nvidia Shadowplay), and streaming software. With both of those I've been able to record a CS:S clip with no performance issues (no fps drops at all whatsoever, unlike Fraps).

It doesn't matter if you don't use light styles because other people does and you'd suffer fps issues anyway, also because the flashlight causes some problems too, and that's irrelevant because it's a game feature, not a map feature.

Just to make it clear, I went from an ATi Radeon HD 5870 to an Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 Ti, both are pretty similar in power, but I gained a lot more performance on both Goldsource and CryEngine based games with the 560 Ti. Respectively, ~100+ fps on Goldsource and ~20/30+ fps on CryEngine.
Also, CryEngine based games runs better on Nvidia chipsets; going from Far Cry 1 to Crysis 3.
Basically, you can start thinking that there's no particular difference in Nvidia and AMD cards only if you play modern games (2013 and above). But still, some modern games suffer from performance issues with AMD, giving Nvidia the lead anyway.

It's not about being an Nvidia fanboy, it's about matter of facts.
The only thing about Nvidia is that their drivers are a bit less stable than AMD ones. That's it.

Then the choice is yours, I'm just trying to point you in the right direction. I've based myself on my personal experiences and overall people experiences, since Nvidia owns like 70% of the market as far as I know.

Cheers for the map though. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-10 15:34:59 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335346
@Admer: my 660 Ti is not new, that's why I've paid it 60€ (well 70€ with shipping).
And to be honest, 720p is not that good nowadays. It's better to do 1080p (60fps for gaming) with Nvidia Share (the old Shadowplay) or OBS.
An AMD video card would certainly give you performance issues on any Goldsource based game, so I'd recommend getting an Nvidia rather than an AMD if your most played games are Goldsource based ones. AMDs has some problems maintaining a good performance when a lot of light styles are used in a map, or if the flashlight has been used for several minutes the performance keeps going down and down.

@Windawz: GTX 750 doesn't support Vulkan API on DOOM, you need to have at least 3GB of VRAM. Don't even try or your game would just get stuck forever and you'd need to force close it via Task Manager.

@rufee: I can actually run DOOM almost maxed out (OpenGL) at 60+ fps with my 660 Ti OC. It has a boost clock similar to the GTX 1050. But instead of a 1050 you could get a new RX 550 for 80€, which is amazing if you're on a budget. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-08 16:46:44 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335291
Admer, when you'll realize that you can do a lot of things with a good pc, you might stop mapping for a bit and start playing the games you've always wanted to play or do other things.
That's how it started for me. I started mapping a lot because #icandoitnow and then after a month or so I started playing all the games I couldn't play and basically fucked up the mapping side for a while, then came back again at it but not as much as before because you realize something really important:

Why do I keep mapping for Goldsource with a good pc while I could map for Unreal Engine 4 and create actual good shit that a shitload of people would enjoy more than a game/map made with a 19 years old engine? :P

Well, unless you're a Goldsource fan like crazy people such as Urby and Archie. Those two guys are the worst trust me. :lol:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-05 10:23:34 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335268
It might depends on what normal map filter you use. That looks like a 9x9 or a 7x7 filter. Try to use a 4 sample filter or a Sobel 3x3 with average RGB; that would make the borders a lot more sharp, while 9x9 and 7x7 filters make the borders look smooth/blurred or bigger. If the texture you're using to create the normal map is a bad quality one or a low resolution one, using a 9x9 or a 7x7 filter doesn't help in most of the cases.

Just fyi:

9x9 filter:
User posted image
7x7 filter:
User posted image
4 samples filter:
User posted image
3x3 filter:
User posted image
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-04 09:39:15 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335259
I've seen the thread on GB. Waiting your PM. ;)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-04 08:41:29 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335255
Is there a way to test de_kobbl, Admer? I missed it.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-04 04:39:50 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335247
Actually, my 660 Ti is factory overclocked. It's the Gigabyte GTX 660 Ti Windforce OC 2GB:
User posted image
The core clock goes up to a max of 1136 Mhz, which is around 100 Mhz less compared to the new RX 550. :D
Even though Unigine Heaven tells me that it goes up to 1320 Mhz... Probably a bug:
User posted image
I'm about to be 27 years old in october, and I've managed to have a powerful pc only when I turned 25. So I feel you Admer.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-03 15:00:51 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335242
I can actually run DOOM 4 and Star Wars Battlefront at max settings over 60 fps lol. And well, HL2 is old, I can run that game at 300+ fps. All the games you mentioned are kinda old. It's not that you need a "mighty" pc to run them. You just have a basic multimedia video card. :P

A GTX 1080 Ti is mighty, not my 60€ GTX 660 Ti lol.
Then I'm a god with my GTX 750
Almost. My card is slightly more powerful. :P
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-03 13:01:45 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335239
And I have a dual-core with 2 gigs of RAM. Another important factor is the GPU - you have the mighty GTX 660 Ti (which is overclocked, too). I have the Intel GMA 965. If we were to compare the 2, it's like comparing an ant (my laptop) to a wolf. xd
Well I wouldn't say "mighty", but yeah I was like you when I was stuck with an AMD Sempron single core, 768 Mb of RAM and an ATi Radeon 9250 128 Mb. I was basically wishing to have any pc that was better than mine, even a dual core with 2 gigs of RAM would've meant the world to me.
But hey, if you manage to make great things with your pc like I did back in the day, you'll have even more respect for what you do. ;)

Anyway, the video card is not important for compiling, but seeing those low fps on de_kobbl running on your laptop sure is a pain in the ass for you I suppose. :P
Thanks for all the info. =)
Anytime. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-03 12:37:29 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335237
The more you blur, the more the compiling times. HLRAD calculates the shadows and then blurs them, that's why it's taking more time.

About the differences, maybe using a value of 0.00001 is incorrect; try with 0.1 instead.
That's how much it would take my laptop to render 1 frame on that map. XD
Well, since we all know what kind of computer you have, it's pretty normal I'd say. :P
I have a quad core with 8 gigs of RAM. That's the difference. :P
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-03 10:26:42 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335234
No indeed, it's the good old Goldsource. :3

That scene took me 2 minutes and 43 seconds to compile.

Thanks btw. :glad:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-03 10:13:16 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335232
Yes. Although I had no intention of creating big sized rooms with that kind of floor because that would be too expensive; mainly because the model used on top of the floor's texture must have a decent amount of polygons to achieve a nice and somewhat realistic smooth fake specular effect.

But I managed to achieve some pretty good results with Goldsource in terms of detail, such as this (screenshots are at a resolution of 2880x1800, better view them in fullscreen):
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
The quality dropped a bit because Imgur likes to convert my perfectly uncompressed png screenshots to awful compressed jpegs... But you get it I guess. :lol:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-03 09:44:14 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335227
You're welcome man.

I did so many things and tests with Goldsource engine games like omg... Like this one:


I like to experiment, apparently. :hammer: :crowbar:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-03 06:40:19 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335224
This might be a good example of the -blur parameter
User posted image
User posted image
I made this a year ago and I can't remember which values I've used, but you should play around with it as I did; as you can see I've achieved pretty good results.

Also, this might interest ya'll:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-28 23:18:37 UTC
in how do you bhop properly in cstrike? Post #335128
Quake 3 doesn't have bhopping though, it has strafe jumping.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-11 10:33:58 UTC
in Station - Twitch Development Post #334862
Lol Tet. I almost have the same speed, just flipped (10.8 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up).

And that's the max I can get.

Stupid Hetalia...
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-25 18:02:25 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333742

Shepard means that this competition is for Goldsource and Source only. Not Unity or any other game engine (even though it's not 100% specified on the thread).
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-23 23:39:49 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333717
Impressive, DocRock! Love the sounds and the texture style. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-21 16:53:05 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #333676
I'm in. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-14 12:29:12 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333504
Count me in too, trempo. ;)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-28 16:15:28 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333207

This is awesome. <3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-30 15:22:45 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331815
I prefer to focus on what I can do best instead of doing everything myself and compromise the quality of the final product.
If you really want to make your own music, textures, sounds, models and other things, then you should spend a lot of time on all of these to get better and better. The main point is: would you like to spend the amount of years of your life you used to learn the thing you can do the most just to learn how to do every single thing you said? I personally have almost 12 years of level design experience. That would mean spending 60 years to be the best at everything. That's a no-no for me.
It's not only something that you can learn in books, it's mostly about experience.
To be a man with free time or not to be a man with free time? That is the question :P
That too, indeed. :P
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-30 00:43:15 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331811
If you don't know how to animate, then don't do it for GoldSource.
I never wanted to animate for Goldsource, indeed. So I can't understand why you say that, since I've never stated that I want to animate.
Instead, look for some tutorials on general animation, and then expand that knowledge to GoldSource.
Probably not gonna happen. I want to focus myself on level design, not modelling. If I'd really need a specific model for a map, I'd ask help to someone else that's definitely better than me in accomplish such task.
Reason why videogames made by a group of people are most of the times better than the ones made by only one person. Everyone focuses on what he can do better. In my case: level design.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-27 14:34:20 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331775
I only use vanilla Goldsource. Standard Half-Life copy on Steam.

My goal is to achieve a nice effect on the vanilla engine.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-27 08:27:18 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331772
This could be used for fake water
Tried that 2 years ago already. Didn't work that well since the model needs to be animated to give the needed effect (I don't know how to animate).
you could maybe trigger an env_render entity
Good catch! Will try that soon. ;)
the reflection became unusually bright. Have you found a way around that?
Since Half-Life models have a single point-light origin, if you point the flashlight on it, it will be brighter. To avoid that just move the model away from the origin (in a modeling software) and let it be lit by a light entity placed on a place that the player can't reach (like a hollowed brush outside the map with a light in it). That way you can decide which light color and brightness amount you want your model to have without being affected by any sort of light, either dynamic or not.
Also, don't worry about the model's size, because the thing that really matters is the actual origin, so you don't need a big space to put it in. You can simply make a hollowed brush a bit bigger than a light entity and you'd do the trick.
winners uses true reflective surfaces/mirrors/specular
This is literally not possible as that would mean I'd need to make a mod and release a map for it since vanilla Goldsource doesn't support that stuff.
Also, it's bad only if you fail in your intent. I will not.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-26 17:15:08 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331767
Thank you SugarMan. :3

Any real suggestions now? :P
About toning down the specularity effect strenght, I'm working on it btw.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti