Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 17:33:52 UTC
in Batch Compiler Help !!! Please. Post #315588
Da li si radio decompile?
Ne znam bro sta je decompile ako mozes ovde da mi kazes kako da uradim :) ili preko PM-a :)
Ako mozete naci te cetke , obrisite ih i videti da lice se sastaviti mapa . Ako je karta sastavlja , onda morate da ponovo napravi cetkice
Bro please write that on english :) i think i will understand that beather on english :) Google translate isn't good for me :(

Hvala svima sto pokusavaju da mi pomognu :)
tnx everyone becaus try to help me :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 15:24:41 UTC
in Batch Compiler Help !!! Please. Post #315583
Stojke bro ne znam sta je trimesh ili vertex :P ali nista nisam dirao na tim brushes 23 24 25 26 i 37 samo sam dodao jednu prepreku posto pravim mapu za dr, a ta prepreka nema nikakve veze sa tim brushes :) ako ti treba jos neka informacija slobodno pitaj :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 12:00:53 UTC
in Batch Compiler Help !!! Please. Post #315578
Do i have to delete that brushes when i search or i can do somethink like move that or i donk know. I compile this map many time, and that brucher are there and before and i didnt have problem.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 11:41:04 UTC
in Batch Compiler Help !!! Please. Post #315573
Hi everyone first i like to say im from Serbia and sry for my bad English. I have problem with Batch Compiler when i Run it. This hapened: and this:
If someone know what is problem please help me.