im trying to fix this broken barney model which I decompiled, it wasn't working so I'm trying to fix it, im really not sure what the issue is, im using heavy refrence from the qc file that CROWBAR 0.34 gave me of the model, and refrence from the original barney model, yet it isn't working for some odd reason, it shoots and does the right animation, but it wont walk around, it animates it and goes in the direction it should be walking but instead it
does this its very odd, Im not sure whats causing this, heres the qc file since this might be where the issue is at
$modelname "Model.mdl"
$cd "./"
$cdtexture "./"
$scale 1.0
$flags 0
$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 63
$origin 0 0 0 270
$hbox 3 "bip01 pelvis" -9.89 -5.66 -8.6 2.94 6.52 6.79
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg" 0 -5.92 -4 19.370001 3.78 3.73
$hbox 6 "bip01 l leg1" 0 -5.69 -3.62 18.83 3.07 2.94
$hbox 6 "bip01 l foot" 0 -2.99 -4.04 6.42 8.68 1.61
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg" 0 -5.93 -3.87 19.27 3.75 3.79
$hbox 7 "bip01 r leg1" -0.33 -5.73 -2.98 18.950001 2.96 3.19
$hbox 7 "bip01 r foot" 0 -3.24 -2.32 6.21 8.44 3.28
$hbox 3 "bip01 spine" 0 -4.89 -6.97 8.37 8 6.73
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine2" 0 -3.46 -8.32 6.11 8 7.53
$hbox 2 "bip01 spine3" -1 -5.99 -8.22 5.96 8 8.48
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm" -0.4 -4.18 0 7.2 4.75 4.2
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm1" -2.52 -4.57 -3.92 9.86 2.28 3.43
$hbox 4 "bip01 l arm2" 0 -2.85 -2.08 11.9 2.85 2.75
$hbox 4 "bip01 l hand" 0 -1.32 -2.29 4.66 2.6 1.65
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm" 0 -4.15 -4.19 7.53 4.12 4.24
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm1" -2.69 -4.65 -3.42 9.47 2.28 3.76
$hbox 5 "bip01 r arm2" 0 -2.73 -2.56 11 3.14 2.19
$hbox 5 "bip01 r hand" 0 -1.32 -2.91 10.38 3.23 4
$hbox 1 "bip01 head" -0.66 2.25 -4.24 6 7.97 3.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" -0.66 -4.25 -5.24 6 2.25 4.63
$hbox 10 "bip01 head" 6 -4.25 -5.24 11.19 7.97 4.63
$controller 0 "bip01 head" xr -60 60
$controller mouth "bone05" zr 0 45
$attachment 0 "bip01 R hand" 25 0 5
$bodygroup "head"
studio "barney_and_i_want_to_say"
studio "blackbarney"
studio "barneybeerhead"
$body "mesh" "barney-x_template_biped(gun-hlstr)1"
$bodygroup "guns"
studio "casuallife"
studio "gunman"
studio "barney-x_template_biped(gun)1"
$bodygroup "helmsandvest"
studio "barney-x_template_biped1"
studio "nohelm"
studio "novest"
studio "veshemles"
$sequence "idle1" "idle1" act_idle 50 fps 15 loop
$sequence "idle2" "idle2" act_idle 1 fps 15
$sequence "idle3" "idle3" act_idle 1 fps 15
$sequence "idle4" "idle4" act_idle 10 fps 12
$sequence "walk" "walk" ACT_WALK 1 { event 1004 3 "common/npc_step1.wav" } { event 1004 18 "common/npc_step3.wav" } fps 30 loop LX
$sequence "run" "run" ACT_RUN 1 { event 1004 5 "common/npc_step2.wav" } { event 1004 13 "common/npc_step4.wav" } fps 25 loop LX
$sequence "shootgun_blend01" "shootgun_blend01" act_range_attack1 1 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 25
$sequence "shootgun_blend02" "shootgun_blend02" act_range_attack1 1 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 25
$sequence "shootgun2_blend01" "shootgun2_blend01" act_range_attack1 2 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 40
$sequence "shootgun2_blend02" "shootgun2_blend02" act_range_attack1 2 blend "xr" -50 50 { event 5001 0 "21" } { event 3 0 } fps 40
$sequence "draw" "draw" act_arm 1 { event 2 7 } fps 20
$sequence "disarm" "disarm" act_disarm 1 { event 4 15 } fps 10
$sequence "reload" "reload" act_reload 1 fps 15
$sequence "turnleft" "turnleft" act_turn_left 1 fps 15
$sequence "turnright" "turnright" act_turn_right 1 fps 15
$sequence "laflinch" "laflinch" act_flinch_leftarm 1 fps 16
$sequence "raflinch" "raflinch" act_flinch_rightarm 1 fps 16
$sequence "llflinch" "llflinch" act_flinch_leftleg 1 fps 20
$sequence "rlflinch" "rlflinch" act_flinch_rightleg 1 fps 20
$sequence "smlflinch" "smlflinch" act_small_flinch 1 fps 30
$sequence "cower_stand" "cower_stand" fps 14
$sequence "locked_door" "locked_door" fps 28 loop
$sequence "fall_loop" "fall_loop" fps 28 loop
$sequence "barn_wave" "barn_wave" fps 22
$sequence "beat_grunt" "beat_grunt" fps 14
$sequence "beat_gruntidle" "beat_gruntidle" fps 14 loop
$sequence "flashlight" "flashlight" { event 1004 5 "*buttons/latchunlocked2.wav" } fps 14 loop
$sequence "diesimple" "diesimple" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 5 } fps 15 x
$sequence "dieviolent" "dieviolent" act_die_headshot 1 { event 2001 10 } fps 20 x
$sequence "diegutshot" "diegutshot" act_die_gutshot 1 { event 2001 33 } fps 15 x
$sequence "dieforward" "dieforward" act_dieforward 1 { event 2001 8 } fps 18 x
$sequence "diebackward" "diebackward" act_diebackward 1 { event 2001 19 } fps 15 x
$sequence "diecrump" "diecrump" act_diesimple 2 { event 2001 13 } fps 18 x
$sequence "barnaclehit" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_hit 1 fps 15
$sequence "barnaclepull" "barnaclehit" act_barnacle_pull 1 fps 45 loop
$sequence "barnaclecrunch" "barnaclecrunch" act_barnacle_chomp 1 fps 5
$sequence "barnaclechew" "barnaclechew" act_barnacle_chew 1 fps 5 loop
$sequence "lying_on_back" "lying_on_back" fps 1
$sequence "lying_on_side" "lying_on_side" fps 1
$sequence "lying_on_stomach" "lying_on_stomach" fps 1
$sequence "stuffed_in_vent" "stuffed_in_vent" fps 1
$sequence "standing_idle" "standing_idle" fps 15 loop
$sequence "cprbarney" "cprbarney" fps 20 loop
$sequence "cprbarneyrevive" "cprbarneyrevive" fps 20
$sequence "barney_dragvent" "barney_dragvent" { event 1000 1 } fps 15
$sequence "dying_barney" "dying_barney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18
$sequence "dying_barneyidle" "dying_barneyidle" fps 12 loop
$sequence "dying_friend" "dying_friend" fps 18
$sequence "dying_friendidle" "dying_friendidle" fps 12 loop
$sequence "c1a3_bidle" "c1a3_bidle" fps 3 ax ay azr
$sequence "c1a3_ventb" "c1a3_ventb" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr
$sequence "c1a3_emergeidle" "c1a3_emergeidle" fps 16 loop ax ay azr
$sequence "c1a3_emerge" "c1a3_emerge" { event 1000 1 } fps 16 ax ay azr
$sequence "haulbarney" "haulbarney" { event 1000 1 } fps 18 ax ay azr
$sequence "intropush" "intropush" { event 1004 15 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 24 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 34 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } { event 1004 44 "*buttons/blip1.wav" } fps 16
$sequence "fence" "fence" { event 1000 70 } { event 1003 70 "lightning" } { event 1001 70 } { event 1004 72 "weapons/electro4.wav" } { event 1008 100 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } fps 24 ax ay azr
$sequence "sit1" "sit1" { event 1003 50 "introchair" } { event 1003 102 "introchair" } fps 20 loop
$sequence "almostidle" "almostidle" fps 16 loop
$sequence "almost" "almost" { event 1000 1 } fps 26
$sequence "laseridle" "laseridle" fps 6
$sequence "laser_top" "laser_top" { event 1000 0 } fps 6
$sequence "laser_bottom" "laser_bottom" { event 1000 0 } fps 6
$sequence "barneyfallidle" "barneyfallidle" fps 33 loop
$sequence "barneyfall" "barneyfall" { event 1000 1 } { event 1008 2 "barney/ba_pain1.wav" } { event 1008 24 "barney/ba_pain2.wav" } { event 1003 55 "bsplat" } { event 1008 55 "debris/bustflesh1.wav" } fps 32
$sequence "c3a2_draw" "c3a2_draw" { event 2 13 } fps 16
$sequence "unlatch" "unlatch" { event 1003 7 "barney_door_lock" } fps 12
$sequence "retina" "retina" fps 20
$sequence "relaxstand" "relaxstand" fps 10 loop
$sequence "assassinated" "assassinated" { event 1000 1 } { event 1003 1 "blood1" } { event 1003 2 "blood2" } fps 18 x
$sequence "trackswitch" "trackswitch" { event 1003 14 "trainarmswitch" } fps 22
$sequence "pepsiswing" "pepsiswing" { event 1003 1 "die" } { event 1003 8 "swing" } fps 25
$sequence "pepsipush" "pepsipush" { event 1003 51 "topple" } { event 1003 90 "horror" } fps 18
$sequence "buttonpush" "buttonpush" { event 1003 7 "button" } fps 20