Forum posts

Posted 5 years ago2018-12-06 07:06:40 UTC
in Func_Illusionary problem with lighting? Post #341393
Huge thanks!
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-06 01:48:04 UTC
in Func_Illusionary problem with lighting? Post #341390
Hi guys, I found a little problem with my map, every func_illusionary entities are kind of shinning? as if they would be receiving direct lighting, does anyone know how could I solve it?
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Posted 6 years ago2018-08-07 05:06:54 UTC
in Half-Life Echoes releasing soon Post #340436
Almost there :zomg: I appreciate that you're not releasing it during studying days xD
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-03 19:19:19 UTC
in Half-Life : Catastrophe Post #340394
Immense Thanks! :D it is like a real treasure for modders, and it's very impressive, I will use it the best way possible and add more codes, all the credits will be given, again thanks!
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-02 00:16:45 UTC
in Half-Life Echoes releasing soon Post #340375
It's fine to wait, it will be completely worth it!
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-02 00:10:27 UTC
in Npc moving through a long path Post #340374
I think screenshots could explain better :D
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Posted 6 years ago2018-08-01 21:56:51 UTC
in Npc moving through a long path Post #340371
Hi I wanted to ask if someone knows how to make an npc move through a non-flat terrain in a desired specific path, Is it possible to set it similar to the func_train? this thing is what I need to finish a cut-scene I'm working on
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-31 21:30:09 UTC
in Half-Life : Catastrophe Post #340353
Yes so far is just me, I also learned a bit about how to modify models, I probably will try doing some simple custom animations for the sake of better looking combat

I didn't know a project like that existed :zomg: If you could send it, it would save more than a year of time, I would be eternally grateful! all the credits would be included :D
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-31 15:57:33 UTC
in Half-Life : Catastrophe Post #340347
Thanks! Vielen Dank 23-Down! I have no experience at all with anything I'm just very insistent with learning, and the only special ability I have is learning languages fast :D I must continue as fast as possible and release the mod before graduating in university (which will happen in 2 years and a half) once I finish the mod I will release all the map sources for future mappers

And the mod is for regular HL but it will include new codes, having new features and some things from Opposing Force
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-30 01:49:10 UTC
in Half-Life : Catastrophe Post #340331
Thanks a lot!! I'm doing my best and will try to do better :D those tutorials will help nicely! I will use the Shoutbox when I can't fix something or can't organize the script completely :aghast: there are some very interesting things coming for the mod
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-27 23:13:02 UTC
in Half-Life : Catastrophe Post #340287
Thanks! it was not intentional, I learned mapping a week ago :biggrin: I will use smoothing from now on! is there any website with mapping tutorials?
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-26 18:23:13 UTC
in Half-Life : Catastrophe Post #340265
Hi everyone, I just want to introduce my mod (And myself) to the community, It's in early stages of development.
It will show the HECU's strong offensive for Black Mesa after the initial failure of the Recon operations. But I try not to give spoilers.

Some Wip pictures here:
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I already published it on moddb:

Any suggestions / feedback / constructive criticism will be appreciated and listened!