Forum posts

Posted 7 months ago2023-10-09 23:00:02 UTC
in How to define gravity in source code? Post #347936
Thanks Admer! This worked!
Posted 7 months ago2023-10-08 09:26:43 UTC
in How to define gravity in source code? Post #347926
Hey thank you for the detailed response, and sorry for coming back to you so late!

I've tried a number of things but somehow can't get it to work. I have to add that I am not a professional (c++) programmer, my understanding is quite basic.
I think you are correct in that the best way is to do it in CWorld::Spawn as that is where the global sv_gravity value is assigned. However I am unsure how to, so to speak, change this value with an rng if it's in quotation marks (as it will literally paste my code as text as the value for sv_gravity). What would be the logical approach to do this?
Posted 7 months ago2023-10-03 17:20:07 UTC
in How to define gravity in source code? Post #347911

I'm working on a randomizer for Half-Life 1, and I was wondering where in the source code the gravity is defined? I know it's ultimately defined with a console command (sv_gravity), but is it possible to overwrite this in the source code with my own value instead? I already know how to do the randomizing part.

(Simply said, I am looking to replace something like Gravity = sv_gravity's value with Gravity = myvalue

Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance!
I had never heard of QuArK so I gave it a go, and indeed it also does the same thing. But, since it does the same thing, BSP Edit works well enough in my case :)
I actually found out how to do this! BSPEdit 1.7 has a super friendly interface that will show you all entities on the map. You can then change the entities to whichever you desire. I've been looking for this for years but for some reason I totally missed this?

Download link:
So there's this metamod plugin Stripper2 that lets you strip weapons and items from the map that you specify. It also allows you to add new entities on coordinates.

However, finding coordinates is quite a lot of work to do so for each map that you want to edit. I'm hoping that there is a plugin or tool or any other way that lets you swap entities.

For example: ammo_357 > (becomes) item_healthkit
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-01 22:12:47 UTC
in Biggest HLDM maps Post #342389
Thanks for the quick suggestions! I don't think I've played any of those yet!

Keep them coming if you know more :)
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-01 07:58:41 UTC
in Biggest HLDM maps Post #342373

I'm looking for the biggest maps created for Half-Life Deathmatch. One that I really enjoyed was HL_Resident_Evil.
What are other huge maps that you know of?

Oh and glad to be a part of this forum now :) I've been a Half-Life fan for 16 years now. I spent a lot of time on the Snarkpit website (it's down for the moment but will be up soon again) and even built a few maps myself.

Thanks in advance!