Forum posts

Posted 4 years ago2021-01-23 16:33:30 UTC
in Lightmap resolution Post #345263
Throughout the forums, I have found quite a bit about lightmap resolution. I discovered that changing the texture scale also made a higher resolution lightmap for better lighting. However, I wanted to know if it's possible to change the lightmap resolution without custom textures? I'm currently using Seedee's Tools, and I've heard of things like -chop or -texchop but I never really knew how to use it.
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-18 19:31:11 UTC
in light_environment not casting light. Post #345248
Texturing all of the sides with the sky texture seems to have fixed it. Thank you!
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-18 16:24:35 UTC
in light_environment not casting light. Post #345243
First, I never knew that. I didn't figure out how to get the null texture until a little while ago, and I just used the trigger cuz it worked.

Second, here's the settings.
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ZHLT Fade is 1.0 and the ZHLT Fadeoff is Default. The pitch value is 0, same as it is in the axis.
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-18 08:49:40 UTC
in light_environment not casting light. Post #345240
I recently ported over some skyboxes to Half Life and wanted to make a small scene to show them off. Doing this however, I suddenly realized that for some odd reason, none of my light_environments work. I've deleted it and created it, along with creating entire new maps from scratch, switched the skybox, and moved around the outer brushes, but nothing seems to make a difference. I know for a fact its facing the correct way, and regular light entities work perfectly fine. I discovered that it appears to cast light on the viewmodels in game, but nothing else.
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I'm using an extremely basic scene right now, literally just a tiny little room and a skybox. There aren't any leaks, and I removed the glass as an attempt to fix it, which it did not.
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I'm really getting tired of these weird issues I have with goldsource, and I'm hoping it's just a misunderstanding of some sort of setting, not an overall error. My compile log is here, so I don't make a wall of text.
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-09 17:20:06 UTC
in Buttons made using JACK not working! Post #345191
That's really weird, thanks a million.
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-09 17:14:43 UTC
in Buttons made using JACK not working! Post #345189
The only fgd files I'm using are halflife.fgd, zhlt.fgd, and sdhlt.fgd, which is seedees tools.

The button has a target. I have given the button a name and a target, it has no flags, it doesn't have a master. It's still not working. Do I really need a master just for a button to work by default?
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-09 16:49:48 UTC
in Buttons made using JACK not working! Post #345187
Hi, I've been working hard trying to figure out what the issue is, I have a part in my new map where the player needs to go behind the desk to press a button and open a door. But doing this, I figured out that for some reason, none of my buttons work. I kept deleting it and making a new one, even just making a big box as a button, and clicking e would just give me the sound as if there's nothing to interact with. I loaded up the campaign to check if it was universal, and buttons in the regular story work perfectly. What did I do wrong?

To show what I mean, I made a small map with a button that turns on a light in front of it.
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However, when I run the map, it simply spawns with the light on by default, and the button just acts like a func_wall.
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I've been using Seedees tools if that means anything, and I'm having no compile errors with these settings.
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What am I doing wrong?