To put it into the game you have to put your saved model under the models folder in the valve folder. Or any other mod. But make sure it has the same name as the original model.
For the torch: Make a wooden spike and flip it upsidedown. Then make a thin crete box and put it in the middle of the torch for a mount. Add a sprite. Put sprites/fire.spr under the sprite location. Add a light and a firsound if u want to.
For a candle: Make a tall, but thin stick. Stick it on a base. You have a candle. add a fire sprite but make it VERY small. Put a light in.
Warning: Unable to open '/var/tmp/phpDrXzom' for reading: No such file or directory in /mnt/web_i/d18/s00/a000tm53/www/twhl/mapvault_submit2.php on line 67
Warning: Unable to move '/var/tmp/phpDrXzom' to 'mapvault/' in /mnt/web_i/d18/s00/a000tm53/www/twhl/mapvault_submit2.php on line 67 Sorry, server is being stupid. Please retry your upload.
I am currently in the making of a Half-Life medieval mod. Everything is going along smoothly except the sword you start with is very cheap looking. I was wondering if anyone could make a sword model.