Forum posts

Posted 5 months ago2023-11-26 20:22:10 UTC
in How do I override engine (*pfn...) funcs? Post #348098
Even if you were able to - you probably shouldn't change pfnMessageBegin, that may break a lot of stuff to do with decals, blood, effects, etc
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
Posted 1 year ago2022-11-19 11:56:56 UTC
in Using player.mdl in scripted_sequences Post #347103
Try putting him and the scripted sequences on an NPC clip.
I don't know if that exists in goldsrc though.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
Have a look at the quake/quake 2 source code. You'll probably find lots of useful info:

Quake - Game source code
Quake Tools - Map compilers and editors
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
Oh. I'll need to figure out how to add the half-life RGB lighting support into quake somehow..
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
User posted image
Here's a half-life alpha map loading in GLQuake, I guess they must have not changed much of the BSP file format in 97.

Don't know why the lightmaps are broken though.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
GoldSRC also separates the hardware renderer and software renderer. hw.dll and sw.dll are actually entire builds of the engine but with different renderers.
That explains why the software renderer acts slightly broken on Windows 10, compared to OGL. Although the software renderer in WinQuake works fine, and I doubt Valve messed with much assembly code in the GoldSrc engine.

I also find it intresting how half life compiles it's gameplay logic to DLLs instead of into the executable like Quake does (Although, I think the QuakeC code might actually be similar...). It's also a feat in itself that valve renamed all the C code to C++ and got it compiling, somehow. Albeit with a lot of changes though.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
I feel like Valve borrowed the Quake 2 renderer for GoldSrc, as WinQuake seperates both the OGL renderer and software into seperate execs, but Quake 2 can change rendering modes on the fly.

DOS Quake came first, I believe. Then WinQuake, and GLQuake.

WinQuake/GLQuake are surprisingly similar to GoldSrc when you look behind the scenes.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
From my own findings, I think goldsrc was built off of WinQuake and then QuakeWorld features were added to the engine.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
I mean, quakeworld already has mouselook, very similar feeling movement and viewbob! You wouldn't need to change much.

I'm pretty sure xash is made off of the 2003 leak engine?

Here's the repo for my QW project thingy. Requires MSVC++ 6.0 if you really want to compile. Very messy!
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
I've got QuakeWorld compiling in MSVC++ 6.0 and I had an idea. What if you tried to mirror some of the capabilities of goldsrc in quakeworld/winquake? So I wanted to know if anybody knows if goldsrc/half-life was based off of winquake or quakeworld.

In the alpha 0.52 of half-life, you can see "engine.exe" and "enginegl.exe" which is similar to quakeworld, which compiles "qwcl.exe" and "glqwcl.exe", BUT, quakeworld doesn't support the "map" command, AND you can load the alpha maps in winquake. But, the Half-Life SDK contains client and server dlls, sort of similar to quakeworld. So I think it's probably a mix of both?
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
Posted 1 year ago2022-09-04 11:26:08 UTC
in Player speed limit? Post #346850
Does anybody know where the player movement speed value is? I'd like to make the player a bit slower for a mod. (I'm using halflife-updated)
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
I saw in your document you added "Half-Life 2" support, Not to discourage you but there's a lot more work and effort than Quake/Half-Life
That's why I added a question mark.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
Thanks! Must be something going wrong on my end. I'll have to fix that.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
This is basically the same idea as J.A.C.K. but open-source?
Pretty much. Although J.A.C.K is basically a carbon copy of hammer, which I would try to avoid, because there's probably a better way to handle the four-pane interface. Trenchbroom does it niceley, for example.

About J.A.C.K, I just bought it to support the developers. The supposedly "large" update didn't bring that many features, so it's pretty much the only reason to get the steam version. It even has DRM, so you can't run it without steam open and logged in.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
Do you have any sorta design document for the editor, or is this a type of pre-planning phase?
No, I didnt. But since you said, I made a very rough document. I've never really written something like this before so don't expect much. I have a pretty unoriginal name for it right now: "Worldcraft 2". I hope it doesn't stick, because I personally hate it. (I HAVE NOW RENAMED TO ENTITYMAPPER.)
Here's the link.
I've been using the free version for ages now. What features does the paid version have that make the free that obsolete?
I'm pretty sure they haven't updated that in ages. The Steam version has automatic mod setup which I think is unique to that version. It also had a big update a little while ago, if memory serves me correct.

I've just tried Eto.Forms, and I'll admit.. I don't like it at all, lol.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
What do you think about CopperSpice? It is a flavour of Qt but gets rid of some of its baggage.
I looked up copperspice, and did not find anything relating to actual code examples, or any tutorials about it. This is probably just me being terrible at researching, but a seemingly big lack of anything about the thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It may be great though, so I'll have to do some more research.
Also, what about C# instead of C++?
I don't know much about C#, but I have fiddled around with it a few times, from what I saw, it seems to be a good language.
There's Eto.Forms which is pretty nice, WinForms but cross-platform basically.
From what I see, it doesn't look too bad! I'll have to get around to trying it out.
It is possible to create new Qt UI without touching Creator/Designer. I think that's how TrenchBroom goes about it, actually!
Seems promising. Ill look up the trenchbroom source code to see how they did it.
Thanks for the help!
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
I've been thinking of making a cross-platform valve hammer editor replacement in C++. I know Jackhammer exists, and I use it extensively, but it is not open source or free (and nobody uses the out of date free Jack, I hope.) Trenchbroom could be a viable option, but half-life support is still under development, and is quite different to hammer. (I'm aware there's a four-pane view, I personally use that.) There may be an other option out there that I am not aware of, but as far as I know, something should be made addressing this "problem".

Here's what I think:
Qt | Seems like a viable option, but I cannot find any tutorials on this framework that don't utilise Qt Creator or Qt Designer. (This may be from a lack of research though!)
Dear ImGui | I don't think this can be made to look like a normal application. (?)
Win32 API | Probably the fastest, but is not cross platform.

Gtk might work, but I don't know enough about this.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
can't upload them right now, but if you've got the alpha 0.52, just decompile v_mp5.mdl and attempt to recompile them with the steam half-life sdk's studiomdl.exe
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
studiomdl.exe threw me this error when trying to recompile, after decompiling with no errors in crowbar:

Compiling with Crowbar 0.72: "C:\Users\brann\Downloads\New folder\v_mp5.qc" ...

Compiling "v_mp5.qc" ...
Output from compiler "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Half-Life SDK\Model Tools\studiomdl.exe":
entering v_mp5.qc

********** ERROR **********
/mp5sd.smd.smd doesn't exist
CROWBAR: Deleted empty temporary compile folder "C:\Users\brann\Downloads\New folder\valve".
... Compiling "v_mp5.qc" finished. Check above for any errors.

... Compiling with Crowbar 0.72: "C:\Users\brann\Downloads\New folder\v_mp5.qc" finished.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
Half-Life 0.52 models aren't compatable with "modern" GoldSrc, as far as I know. I've seen mods convert alpha models to retail, so it must be possible
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
a bit late but i use photoshop's "save for web" tool to export 256 color images, as it can make a pallete specifically designed for the image you provide
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG
I'm making a mod and I want to know how I'd add back the stencil shadows seen in prerelease images of Half Life: Opposing Force/Blue Shift.
brannanz brannanzBUGBUG