Hi! If you change sentences.txt, the people who play your map will need to change theirs too, and if they then go on to install other custom maps that also change sentences.txt, your map will break. So it's usually not a good idea to change it for a custom map. But if you make a mod folder for your map, that's not a problem, you can replace anything, including scientist.mdl.
Hi, thank you for your response. Firstly, all my custom files are already located in a custom mods folder. I simply modified my base fgd in a vain hope that because your mod runs off the base games system executables, that the model might show up. The same goes for my sentences.txt (this is also a custom one for my mod.) Finally, this is an entity wholly separate from the scientist model that shows up in the game. (Even though I did reuse the Luther head and skin.)
You need to change the code for the entity to change the model. Most entities in Half-Life don't support custom models, so the model listed in the fgd will only show up in the map editor.
Thanks, unfortunately, I don't know what you mean by this. Would you mind elaborating?
EDIT: After doing some digging, I have figured out what to do next. As a result, I no longer require any help. Thanks!
Thank you both very much