Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 19:52:38 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33418
I did. I'm still having problems with that .wav also.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 03:44:45 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33219
I was using an env_sprite.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 03:31:10 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33217
"but I've never heard of putting sprites in the Hammer folder. I know the DoD ones are in there."

You're saying that the DoD are supposed to be in Hammer but the CS in cstrike? Therefore me using a DoD in CS would mean that either directory would be faulty?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 03:30:13 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33216
Still no luck. DoD sprite in the cstrike/sprites folder set up correctly in Hammer with only the extension and not the entire path, one wad. Sigh.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 03:23:43 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33215
I will try to use the "counter-strike/cstrike/sprites/".
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 02:58:06 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33212
"Sometimes the "too many wads" problem sets this off too."

Put all the ten seperate wads into one with Wally. No luck.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 02:57:18 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33211
Tried a CS sprite (in Hammer/sprites/CS), no luck.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 02:48:01 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33210
Is that sarcasm Anthony? I have tried "steam/apps/account/counter-strike/cstrike/sprites/" and that does not work either.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 00:33:15 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33196
"Also if you have changed the model, for example a new player model or a new gib model, it can cause this problem. Re-install the old model."

I use Steam, there are no sprites except for the ones in the GCF file. I got it from the DoD GCF file and put it in my Hammer/Sprites/CS directory.

"Often because the cycler entity, cyler sprite or some other entity used has the wrong path/name."

Everything is correct.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 00:14:29 UTC
in Mod_NumForName Post #33194
I'm going crazy. I can't fix this thing. I got a sprite from the GCF file and I've placed it in both "Valve Hammer Editorsprites" and "steamsteamappsaccountcounter-strikecstrikesprites", changed everything in Hammer, and still, after the two hour compile I get the "Mod_NumForName: spritescsflames.spr not found." The error is different according to what I put in Hammer ofcourse, for example, "this is frustrating" would be "Mod_NumForName: this is frustrating not found".

Please. Help.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 21:22:38 UTC
in Bad surface extent? Post #33154
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 15:16:19 UTC
in Sound problem Post #33057
Ok, this is the problem. I put it in that folder and put it to that in Hammer so the Sprite Name is "cstriike/sprites/flames.spr". This does not work as I get the error from before. Now I try using "flames.spr" only and it doesn't show the sprite in Hammer. Before, it did, but when I ran the map it didn't work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 05:33:59 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32930
Ok when I tried to change it to that new folder in cstrike that I created it would crash Hammer so I made a new env_sprite and it worked. I will tell you tomorrow if it works, thank you for your time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 05:23:44 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32928
I placed them in the Hammer folder. I got them from the GCF file.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 01:42:02 UTC
in invalid structures Post #32890
The answer is no, it does not fully compile. I tried it out and got a bunch of errors.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 01:39:09 UTC
in invalid structures Post #32889
How many do you have? Nice avatar thing by the way.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 20:54:34 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32858
Ok, when I change it to "cs.flames.spr" in Hammer it crashes. Also, the sprites folder was already there in the "Valve Hammer Editor" folder, I did not create that one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 20:51:09 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32857
So you want me to delete the sprites folder and just use the CS folder or do you want me to just leave it as that in Hammer? I don't want to make any more "simple" mistakes which cause me to re-compile, sorry.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 20:19:46 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32848
Ok thanks, I was just asking because I didnt want to be a pain posting little by little.

And thanks for the help, the wav seems to work. "But"... now the sprite doesn't. Now I am new, but I'm no fool.

Game crashes, "Mod_NumForName: sprites/CS/flames.spr not found."

Says "forNAME:" and "sprites/CS/flames.spr".

In hammer, in the env_sprites settings, in "Sprite Name" it reads as "sprites/CS/flames.spr." So am I supposed to just have "flames.spr" since it doesn't give you the whole directory (C:/Ilovewookies/etc)?

So how would it know where to look? Or does the Batch Compiler take care of that? Okay, I hate compiling. I spell one word wrong and turns I've to go back and do it all over again.

Heres the thing: in Hammer, in Sprite's Name, there is the browse option, when I browse and find the file, it gives me the "sprites/CS/flames.spr". When I type in "flames.spr" it crashes Hammer. Should I type in the whole directory or what?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 13:18:46 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32690
Ok I'm downloading this .NET framework thing now. By the way, can you edit the posts here after they've been posted?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 13:16:37 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32687
I still get the same error. Yeah I've looked for my game files and wound up looking at those huge GCF files and I figured they were zipped and etc. Thanks for the link.

Ok, this is dumb. Now GCFScape doesn't want to run properly. It just errors me and shuts down when I try to run it. And that guy on the icon looks like Dr. Strangelove.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 04:25:28 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32614
Yes I've changed it in Hammer. And I downloaded that wav because I could not find the game's wavs. But if they're in the pak... then I would like to worry about it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 02:28:26 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32591
What? You're saying the format is wrong? How do I change that? Or do I need a new one? And what about those paks?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 23:04:00 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32571
Well the only thing that does not match is the bits, mine is 4 and Captain P says it is supposed to be 8.

So where exactly is the folder supposed to be in?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 17:06:59 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32473
I use steam. It is 4 bits, mono, and 11 khz. I have it under "...myemailcounter-strikecstrikesoundambiencefire.wav"
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 16:36:53 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32462
No. What do I use? Winrar?

Well I made an soundambience and put it in there and I still get the error.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 03:34:56 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32227
Thanks. I use Batch Compiler, but I don't have the ambience directory.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-10 23:41:48 UTC
in Sound problem Post #32179
I have an ambient_generic, wav file that I got from a random website. I put it in some "sounds" folder, only to download another map and find a "sound" folder created. So I deleted my folder and put the fire.wav in that one. The path in the ambient_generic settings are correct by the way. So I compile the map (an hour long process if I am lucky) and when I run the map it just stops when it is "Verifying Resources". It doesn't freeze, because after a while it changes the map automatically. I opened the console and it said "Error: Could not transmit 'soundD"
Ok, it's something like that, I typed that one out by memory. I recently changed the files name to "D", and set it up right. I haven't tried that yet since compiling takes so damn long, but do you think that will solve it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 13:38:46 UTC
in Weapons Post #29512
I know how it is man, I attend the Xbox forums and you will not believe the type of stuff we get there. You tell somebody that the sky is blue, and they will come back a week later, spamming in caps, saying, "why is the sky cinnamon".And yes, I did research and that is how I got my answer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 01:08:33 UTC
in Weapons Post #29408
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 01:07:54 UTC
in Weapons Post #29407
I've got it now. Using Expert FDG(GD?) I created a brush and set it to "player_weaponstrip" and it will make the brush big, just set it big enough and over your spawn points (or the whole map). Then make a armoury_entity or game_player_equip over your spawn points. You must not have it because you need the Expert file, I'll get a link for ya.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 00:35:50 UTC
in Weapons Post #29401
It's cool.

game_player_equip shows "rendercolor" under Key Values.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 23:41:11 UTC
in Weapons Post #29395
You're just the kind of ignorant person I despise. It is not about intelligence, it is about knowledge. And I do not have the knowledge to do what I want to do, therefore I come to the forums for help. See that "(help)" next to the Forums link?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 23:36:07 UTC
in Weapons Post #29393
Ok I figured out how to place a weapon on the map, but how do you get the player to start with only a knife?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 23:22:08 UTC
in Weapons Post #29392
How do you make each player start with a knife, and only a knife for example? And how do you put a weapon on the floor for pickup?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 19:56:11 UTC
in Map doesn't show up Post #29196
Using Batch Compiler, I get an error that says:

Could not find ...test.wic
Could not find ...test.lin
Could not find ...test.p0
Could not find ...test.p1
Could not find ...test.p2
Could not find ...test.p3
Could not find ...test.prt
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 19:42:02 UTC
in Map doesn't show up Post #29195
I'm using Steam, and there is a Cs "New Game" there. The directory where the maps are saved is the one I'm compiling to.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 19:39:16 UTC
in Map doesn't show up Post #29192
I've compiled in every way possible, using Hammer and Batch Compiler and some GUI thing. It worked for me before, I went into CS and went to "New Game" and my map showed up on the list, and it ran well. Now I have a new map and this one doesn't show up.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 01:40:00 UTC
in Running errors Post #28431
Nevermind, I have found the solution. I had to move all of the custom wads I was using to the valve folder. Ex: C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsYOUR EMAILcounter strike(mod name)valvecustom.wad

Now, I still received the "Could not find filesystem.dll" error through Hammer and Batch Compiler, but when I ran the game through Steam itself, created a new game with my map, it was fine. :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 00:28:06 UTC
in Running errors Post #28427
I found the "filesystem.dll" file inside the /counter-strike folder, right where it should be (I guess). So it must be that somewhere along the way something was setup wrong, and that is why it was not reading the .dll. But since you asked me if I was mapping for Steam... then it might be something else.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 00:25:56 UTC
in Running errors Post #28426
Yes, yes I am. Don't insult me I am new :
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 23:59:08 UTC
in Running errors Post #28424
When I use Hammer to compile the map by pressing F9, it gives me an error. It reads: Could not find filesystem.dll to load. I used the Run cmd to add the map, and it added a .bsp, .pts, and a "MAP file". So when I run HL(CS), and I click New Game, and select the map from the list (it shows up), it tries to load it and gives me an error. It says, "could not find blazurban.wad." I followed a tutorial and did everything right (to my knowledge), I would love your help. :|