I'll compile my thoughts and post later
Created 19 years ago2005-04-03 16:55:45 UTC by
I wrote a response that took my over an hour to write, but the server logged me out and I lost it allYou should make it a habit to always copy long texts when you are posting. Allthough it isn't as bad as it was before, the server logs you out sometimes. :
Losing a long post has happened to everyone before, that's why I compose my reply in notepad and copy and paste the text into the box whenever I write something long.I thought I was the only one! I'm not mad! Although I've had notepad 'causing an illegal operation' before, which is quite humourous, so my posts aren't even safe there!
After losing it all, you sort of lose interest in writing your thoughts over again. It's highly painful.yeah, I know...
the Roman Catholic policy on condoms actually contributed to many deaths in the fight to control HIV/AIDSWhich in my opinion is just wrong. If the Roman Catholic church says people shouldnt use condoms, it's up to the people to use them or not. There isnt an inquisition force making sure people dont do so, people are more or less free in that respect. The Roman Catholic says that the best way to prevent the spreading of HIV/AIDS is abstinence, not condoms. We may or may not agree with that way of life, but hell, they are right!!!
Main Entry: ab?sti?nenceNothing to do with different partners.
Pronunciation: 'ab-st&-n&n(t)s
Function: noun
1 : voluntary forbearance especially from sexual intercourse or from eating some foods