I'll be around for 2 weeks more yet, so don't spaz out.
FAREWELL TO TWHL! (fo' real this time) Indeed but a happy ending.
It's getting close to the end of the school year, which means i have to go to college and take my legacy with me. I'll have ABSOLUTLEY NO FUCKIN TIME TO DO ANY FUCKIN THING! But it'll pay off biiiIIIIiig time!
Not to bash on the mappers of this site, but while you're mapping for Half-Life and it's Mods, I'll be off getting a bachelor of science in VIDEO GAME ART AND DESIGN! gimme a hell yeah! but the thing is i'll be too busy to map. Besides, i'm gonna enjoy designing classwork stuff for school anyway.
I will definately not forget what i have learned from mapping with HL. Hoping to maybe snage a copy of HL2 and some freetime, I might reappear, or perhaps drop in to help out the newbs and say hi to my beloved friends at THWL.
Having said all this mushy bullshit, I will now announce my TRIBUTE TO TWHL MAP. It's in the works and hopefully it'll be realeased soon, as well and some other maps that need finishing. Here's a little tease for ya'.
I will release a map-pack with all the wads and artwork I've ever used in case someone finds them useful. If i ever won a compo, for the next compo, I would instantly choose to put together a wad for people to use and then see who can make the best HLDM map. (hint hint) but i'd never win with such talent and skill around.
On a more personal note. I haven't givin out much information. I've felt rather impersonal to others, so here's some info about me.
My name is Ben. I live in Cape Coral, Florida, of the USA.
I am innately a creator of many arts and forms. I am a drawing artist with many styles and mediums. I draw furry/anthro, cartoons, human figure, landscape, and science fiction. I've been an artist before I learned to walk.
Also, I write stories and Novels avidly and I enjoy writing love stories with action and comedy. The Name RIMROOK is my favorite character from my stories, so I chose that as my screen name on TWHL.
Since i was 9, I've learned to compose music on my computer using a variety of programs. I like to compose Breaks, Classical, Techno, Cantacles, ambient music, BGM for games, and music loops, and sound effects design.
Lastly, my love for video games, not only to play them, but to design them. I've been wanting to make my own video since i first seen the Super Nintendo. All this time i spent on Earth was for this goal, and looks like I did it.
I am a creator. I love to build and work with limited resources and bring something that doesn't exist to life. I love to see the mecanics of science work from rules i've set and breathe life into my art. The world is my playground.
For shitz, here's a link to my online artwork gallery. I don't want to hear ANYTHING about the content, just enjoy it, whether or not you like it.
yeah, i'm a furry... have been since i got my GF. She thinks it unberably cute, so i stuck with it.