making null project light(like sky) Created 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:16:27 UTC by seadao seadao

Created 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:16:27 UTC by seadao seadao

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:16:27 UTC Post #108642
ok i'm currently trying to get the 3d skybox working in spirit
so the problem is that when you put the sky box in
the light(light env) and fog only work inside the skybox and don't
effect the level,

i'm looking for a way to make null texture project light like the sky texture, i tryed making invisible func walls with texture light on them
but that doesn't give direction to the light, i also tryed putting sky on invisible func wall, but you can't have sky on func wall(for some reason)
i anyone got this effect to work i need to know how

P.S. there is a "tutorial" on the spirit forum but i can't understand it
they are using some kind of shader system to fix the problem

SO if any one know how to get the null to act as sky of how to use shader i would really like a vey detailed explanation.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:19:28 UTC Post #108645
Use the null texture around the inside of the sky, thus eliminateing the sky all together but not causing a leak. But env_fog does affect the level itself. What are your settings, maybe its too big.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:37:21 UTC Post #108648
#9. Re: Lighting in env_sky?
Okay, I will better explain: ( I made some changes since my last post )

You want to build a map, with an env_sky.
First, you create the map with a skybox.
Then, you create the skyroom with the env_sky inside.

Before if you wanted to draw the skyroom around the map you had to paint your skybrushes with the null texture ( that dont emit any light_env ).

Now, you have just to paint these brushes with a simple texture whose name begin with "sky" ( eg "skysomething" ) because the zhlt tools make the environment lighting and the hl engine draw the env cubemap, from these textures.

After that, to prevent the engine that you dont want that it draws the env cubemap ( that hide the skyroom ) from this texture , you have to put in a shader file a shader as this one:

{ "skysomething"
where "skysomething" is the name of your "null-texture-that-draw-the-sky-room".
The flag "Invisiblesky" to indicate that is a invisible sky ( but that draw the light env anyway ).

The shader system ( like quake3 shaders, not hl? ) is a tool that alow you to apply or change several texture on one.
For example, this shader:

{ "maxwalltile_l"
texture blank
	map "gfx/maps/texbackl.tga"
	map "gfx/effects/ref_metal_blur01.tga"
	flag "reflection"
	//scroll 5 5
	color 255 0 0 255
	scale 4

this is what the spirit forum told to do, i don't get it i made the skyenv texture but that didn't work and shaders??

i'll try the that WCD
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 18:58:08 UTC Post #108651
ok null on the inside of sky(level) and inside of the sky(box)
so light at all but fog in the skybox??
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 02:03:13 UTC Post #108854
ok i got some direct sun light to show up by messing with light_env
but no indirect light , so looks very bad
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