Can you trigger to change levels? Created 20 years ago2004-01-09 16:41:20 UTC by Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix

Created 20 years ago2004-01-09 16:41:20 UTC by Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-09 16:41:20 UTC Post #11351
Heres what i want to do:

For my intro for my game i want it to be as if the player is unconcious, so i place the info_player_start in a very small pitch black room.

I then have some text from my titles.txt come up using env_message whilst i have a breathing wav playing.

then after the text has dissapeared i want there to be a 3 second gap then i want the level to change to my first level where it slowly fades in as if he has just woken up.

My probelm is linking all this together. Ive tried some things like having the ambient_generic playing, which triggers my env_message which triggers my trigger_changelevel box which is around my player, but obviously this didnt work. To be honest i dont really know where to begin :nuts:

So if someone could help me please link all these things together i would really appreciate it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-09 21:20:20 UTC Post #11392
for halflife single player, I tend to just teleport the player to a 'black room' (an invisible room outside of the map) and just let him drop onto or appear in the trigger_changelevel. Either try a teleporter with a master (so that it only works when you want), or something else that might let the player simply go into the changelevel brush at the right time.

I'm not very good at these in SP (TFC is a bajillion times easier), anyone else?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-10 12:05:32 UTC Post #11483
Its really hard to do this, I cant do it! Well its hard for me anyway!

I thought it would be quite simple just how you link them all together and how to trigger them.

Any over suggestions?

Please help
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-10 12:29:41 UTC Post #11485
The easiest way to link things together and have them timed correctly is to use a Multi_manager. You should be able to set off your trigger_changelevel from your multi_manager too. Tick the 'use only' flag on the trigger_changelevel and place it out of the player's reach.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-10 12:33:35 UTC Post #11487
I forgot about use only. Now I can do lift transitions! YAY! Thanks slayer!
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-10 17:04:33 UTC Post #11517
Thanks for the tip about the multi_manager! I went off and learnt about it and i think its really useful, especially for what im doing.

But i still cant get the changelevel to work. Its the last thing i target in the Multi manager, and i have it placed under the player so its basicly inside him. If i click use only, then nothing happens after my little seqence, but if i dont press use only the map doesnt even load! Says something in the console about couldnt load gearboxsaved(mapname).HL... Whys it trying to load a saved file??

Could someone please help me with this?

I also did some research into change levels. I was naive and thought that all you had to do was have a changelevel entity at the end of your map with just the next maps name in the mapname bit and then it would take you to the next map, right where the player_start entity is. I didnt know anything about these info_landmarks and stuff. So tyo help you answer me this is what ive got on the 2 maps:
2 info_landmarks with the same name - 28DL0102
2 changelevel entities one going to the other.

I dont know what im doing wrong, please help? :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-10 17:13:25 UTC Post #11518
I dont think trigger_changelevel's can be triggered
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-10 17:37:49 UTC Post #11523
Maybe not, but what ive just tried to do was load the map on the other side, if you cath my drift but that crashed as well so its probably something im doing wrong with the changelevel.

I dont know what though, hell i dont actually know what im doing right!
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-10 18:59:27 UTC Post #11534
It's good that you are getting close. You'll get there. If you are testing your changelevel from Hammer (worldcraft), that could be your problem. You want to compile your map, then close hammer, then open your map from the HL console. For some reason the levelchange won't work from within hammer. Also make sure you aren't using any capital letters in your entity names. It's just a good mapping habit to get into because the capitals cause problems in some cases. I have tested calling the trigger_changelevel from a multimanager and it does work. Send me an e-mail if you want me to send you my changelevel test rmf's.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-11 05:44:56 UTC Post #11579
Yes they do! I always test my level transitions by compiling straight from hammer and it works fine.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-11 06:33:55 UTC Post #11592
It depends vassy, its a bad idea to go and ignore things like that, some day, it won't work, and you'll be wondering why, and then you'l be changing the wrong things
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-11 08:40:46 UTC Post #11606
Dark Phoenix
Have you look in the Map Valut/exempel map there is a exempel map for changelevels, the change between map 3 and 1 is a trigged changelevels is the same you shall use but with different target entitys in the multi_manager.
I think your problem is how you have place the trigger_changelevel, you must have it on a place there the player not can reach it.
If you give trigger_changelevel a name you can trigger it but it still work if you run in it.
Go here fore the map,
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-11 17:23:34 UTC Post #11682
No, because I forgot that you should run it from the console and ran it from the rmf and it worked fine. This was with VHE 3.5, it may only work with that.
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