Howz my Idea? Created 21 years ago2004-01-08 20:30:42 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 21 years ago2004-01-08 20:30:42 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-08 20:30:42 UTC Post #11265
I have a MOD Idea and want you to see if its good. Its a regular SP MOD, but has a new storyline.

It appears that the reaserchers in Black Mesa where trying to create a wormhole (Hope you know what a wormhole is and dont have enough time to tell you because it would take a looooong time. If anyone else has a simple explenation, feel free.) The material that they used was to help keep the wormhole open, but as they tested it, the aliens came through the other end, but ended up only near where it was created.

You are reasercher Kyle Johanson and are working with a non-government funded program that has set its eye on making a wormhole. They need to know how the origonal people in Black Mesa did it, and how to control it, so they need info on the origonal expirament. Your Job is to find the person who expirenced it first hand, Gordon Freeman. He is estimated at about 60 years old and is dangerouse. Find clues that will lead you to him. First stop, the origonal Black Mesa facility to collect info, since Gordon is the only survivor because of the Governments plan to kill all associated with the project (Stupid Government, must have been Clinton).

The story progresses from there to find gordan in a small shelter in the middle of the desert. He looks exactly like the G-Man. He tells you that he doesn't want this to happen again, because it ruined his life. Just then the government has tacked into your equipment and know where Gordon is.

You save Gordon.

He help with the project.

The government blows up your facility and you have to escape.

The only way is through a wormhole. Go a long way to power up the generator to make the wormhole work.

You all warp to the alien world, execpt Gordon who chooses to stay behind to save you all.

It ends as you are stuck in the alien world, but right before Gordons says goodbye, be tells you that he will get you out.


Tell my how it is, but don't use anything from it.

Please :) Lots of typing in so little time makes bad spelling and grammar so don't correct. :)

Edited by Seventh-Monkey for spelling of "Gordan" :P
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 07:19:47 UTC Post #11298
'power up the generator to make the wormhole work'
'It ends as you are stuck in the alien world'
Poke646 as well

Interesting idea, but I prefer more original ideas that distance from those already available and halflife itself. You seemed to put in a backstory, skipped the middle, and then put in the plot twist you probably thought of before writing this. You didn't really explain what you will actually be doing between retrieving gordon and going to Xen.

and on that note, Xen really does suck, please don't make a mod that has anything to do with xen ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 13:31:17 UTC Post #11318
how bout the wormhole messes up and send u 2 a parralel universe where men av bin replaced with women! lol, red dwarf. still, a parallel universe in which things r a bit like the 1 u left would b good, but give the new world sum fiendish changes...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-09 21:23:20 UTC Post #11396
2ry n-0t t@lkin in l33t sh0rtspek al teh t1me
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 00:02:21 UTC Post #11413
Great Idea ministeve, I wont put xen in it after all jobabob. The Xen textures are cool, and it gives me a reason to use lots of evil dudes, but it was boring in the first game. I just have to figure out where it should warp you to. I don't want it to be in the past but on earth, cause that would be too much like planet of the apes. I didn't add the middle of the Idea in the forum because all there is in the middle is a bunch of pointless fights, think of original HL. :P

I know someone will argue against that.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 11:19:45 UTC Post #11476
anyone else? Hello? I've already started, but I need constuctive critisizm to help me. I want to see what everyone else has to say about it, so I'm sure it will be good. ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 19:15:53 UTC Post #11541
well jobabob, abbrevin is quicker than norm typin and i am lazy THEREFORE i use it frequently.

hey if ur goin bak 2 bm then make a thing like the train bit at the start of hl. hav it go 2 the anon materials lab then cut 2 a demo of whoever u r lookin in freemans locker. if u want 2/can create that.btw i dont mean ALL the train bits, just a train that goes 2 the anon materails labs.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:10:55 UTC Post #11545
Thats good to, a question. How do I decompile levels? If Its possable, then is it legal to use the original locker? do all I have to do is change a little?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 20:38:54 UTC Post #11551
Why would you want to decompile the level? It is Illegal.
Just make the train and the locker that look the same.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 22:38:31 UTC Post #11554
OH, it is illegle. Better not then.

Ok, I'll just study that part of the game and try to make it look similar. I fi'm goin' to make a movie, then I'll have a scientist look at the locker and one of those things that grab you with their toungs and eat you apppear above him and eat him. :badass:

THat will start the part where you have to fight aliens.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 23:23:38 UTC Post #11557
hmm...fiendish way 2 use the xen textures wihtout making xen levels... make the aliens drag u off 2 thier base/outpost in black mesa. just an old warehouse with xen stuff growing in it. course u dont need 2, but u was sayin how u thought the xen textures was cool. but remember black mesa got blown up, so make everything look nuked.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-10 23:59:18 UTC Post #11567
OK, nuked it is.
But then how will the train work?

Great Idea with the aliens draggin you off, but they usually show no mercy. Maby they are trying to feed you to something big and evil.

anyway, I was thinking that your whole team dies by the aliens and it shows a cool battle, where there are a few assassins and a bunch of scientists and the aliens slaughter them. :badass: :badass:


I've already made part of the intro, and it lookes like our friend Kyle is a matnence man that gets in the wrong place at the wrong time, but gets a job coming along as a matnence guy that works on probes. sry, but IT just worked out that way. :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 07:32:32 UTC Post #11601
lol, the whole part with freeman's locker in it, is included as a .rmf in the original versions of worlfcraft!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 07:47:10 UTC Post #11602
and it the hl sdk
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 07:47:45 UTC Post #11603
Its also included with the Half-Life SDK
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 10:31:58 UTC Post #11610
That you once again. How should he find freeman? after he gets the clues, he should somehow find out where in the desert he is. I could make it obvious, because the blakc mesa was nuked and the government never went back and found anything out.

I was thinking about puting in a distinct bad guy, one that tries to kill you all the time, and you kill him while hes driving an apachie. Would that be a good idea?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 12:45:33 UTC Post #11623
sorry, did someone just say you can get the .rmfs for the original half life?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 13:52:44 UTC Post #11629
no, just one map or so in Worldcraft 2.0 or something
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 15:06:50 UTC Post #11639
would you play this one? anyone?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 15:35:41 UTC Post #11646
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 16:13:19 UTC Post #11651
maybe is not a good answer, if I were a nuclear engineer and the captin told me to stop the reator from blowing, I don't say "Maybe" becuase 1. he would kill 2. once I'm dead, The ship will blow up because I can't fix the reactor.

(Just Kidding, they would never let me near uranium.)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 16:54:37 UTC Post #11831
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 17:06:30 UTC Post #11833
i woudl play ti , but tlax has a similair mod almost ready so...... :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 18:42:37 UTC Post #11854
really? I got tis Idea from my head!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 19:06:07 UTC Post #11863
Tlax's working on a mod?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 19:13:50 UTC Post #11865
is that that bug guy?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-13 09:51:13 UTC Post #11918
hey he couldve told us! fiendish fiend of scum
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-13 10:12:33 UTC Post #11920
erm..if he dindt want to tell why shoudl he then?? :
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-13 10:14:23 UTC Post #11923
its just downright indecent, thats what it is!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-13 10:40:07 UTC Post #11929
Swanman, seriously. calm down.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-13 12:20:02 UTC Post #11934
emr he gone crazy, i go try to make a opfor intro for hl :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-13 19:32:00 UTC Post #12013
what does that mean?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-14 13:15:25 UTC Post #12070
i aint crazy. n i think it means hes gonna try n make the opfor intro usin hl.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-14 16:10:12 UTC Post #12092
Ok... Xen might suck. But it's still valuable knowledge knowing how to create heal pools, jump pads, plant's that turn off their light if you get close, gravity, etc.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-14 17:05:27 UTC Post #12101
Very true Steinin. Those are usefull things to know. Also Xen sucks, I only use HL zombies until My models are finished then they will be replaced with better home made stuff. Any way as for the Idea what about genetic experimentation on xen and you are an angry ex employee who goes and releases the experiments?. This means that you can alter all the xen stuff and have reasons for the different abilities.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-14 17:21:39 UTC Post #12107
Um, actually, Black Mesa got completely taken out by the nuke. Got vapourised in the radiation etc. However, you can still continue, you just need a good explanttion for it being there still.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-14 17:27:56 UTC Post #12110
how bout sum remainin sci's manages 2 put up a barrier or they closed these door things over it that prevented the nuke hittin em.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-14 20:34:44 UTC Post #12120
Black mesa is an underground place, so my guys just waited 40 years, then came to look through the explosion site, and realized that some parts thatr were underground didn't blow up. This would also explain why my guy uses the hazard suit, radiation.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 17:34:31 UTC Post #12680
this is all good.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 18:00:02 UTC Post #12689
4 topics for the same thing? : Bratty calm down. Making a mod takes time. And more time and even more time and even even more time. :lol:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 21:05:04 UTC Post #12736
cant ppl ever make a totally new mod? like that has nothing to do with black mesa? i mean u dont have to change the weapons and all that but cant someone ever create a mod that has nothing to do with half life? same weapons and models if u want but a diff storyline? im getting bored with these 'play a different character in the same story' mods

ok thats the end of my rant, keep up the good work guys!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 00:17:12 UTC Post #12756
well, I was going to do that, but this whole tieing thing is kinda cool, how you can make plot twists that totally change everything you thought about HL.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 13:38:47 UTC Post #12822
A few things, BL. One, do you have a good ammount of people following you in this? Two, are you advanced yourself in mapping, moddeling or coding? And remember, 80% of all mods never get finished. Hell, 60% never get out of the planning stages. If you're serious in doing this, learn, and take it slow. And stop spamming the damn forums with crap that's not needed.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 15:34:06 UTC Post #12845
The crap will not stop.

But, there is only one person helping me now, and I'm expirienced in mapping, texturing, and a little coding. Not much coding though, I Don't want to screw anything up.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 10:35:06 UTC Post #12945
Hey BrattyLord keep on with good work.

Story is ok, exept that nuke/train part. How will train work in nuked area! It is fried... Insted of that use some "fancy-lookin-not-to-distant-future" hovercraft. After all you sed that is 60years after Xen invasion. And, by all means, in 2060 they have upgraded version of Crowbar!! "Titanium-self-guided-not-forgivin" crowbar..... jeeezz, i'm loosin myself... me takin prozac
Back to subject. I'm wondering about one thing. You saed that "Gordan" is lookin exactley like G-Man? WTF? That will NEVER happen! He is Lowfull Good if you get me.
One more idea: it will be nice to put Shepard's son/doughter in play. That will be exelent.

PS: RichT stop doing that!
me looking mad

A wormhole, also known as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is essentially a "shortcut" from one point in the universe to another point in the universe, allowing travel between them that is faster than it would take light to make the journey through normal space. The name "wormhole" comes from an analogy that was used to explain this; imagine that the universe is the skin of an apple, and a worm is travelling over its surface. The distance from one side of the apple to the other is equal to half the apple's circumference if the worm stays on the apple's surface, but if it instead burrows a wormhole directly through the apple the distance it has to travel is considerably less.

anyone get it? :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 14:26:15 UTC Post #12974
it says exoctic mater, thats what gave me the idea in the first place, the material Gordan was expirimenting with. The wormhole was created, leting the aliens through. accualy, a whole lot of wormholes where created.

thnks, but I'm leaving the train part out. From the time he leaves his lab, to the time he enters BM, there is a warp, (Exep to show snarks kill some scientists :badass: )

this way, you can make up what happens in your own mind. the area isn't that fried, since it was all underground, there was still a cavern of it that exists, including his locker.

I've changed my mind, it won't be 60 years, since Gordan would be long gone, but 40. since the Orig HL took place in the 50s or 60s, that would make it about mdern time. :P

don't worry, there can be futuristic stuff when they go through the wormhole.

Dieh@rd, do you want to participate?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 04:16:08 UTC Post #13082
well dont think that i will have much spare time in next few weeks. But when i'm done with my buisness, ill will contact you, dont worry. Ill be glad to help.
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