RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Created 19 years ago2005-05-18 12:21:26 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 19 years ago2005-05-18 12:21:26 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 06:01:03 UTC Post #117196
I hate this childish kids! Grow up ffs (jk) :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 06:08:49 UTC Post #117199
Someone has taken happy injections again :P
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 12:51:19 UTC Post #117264
Hunter, are you going to do the chapter or not? Its been 4 days...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 12:58:23 UTC Post #117266
It would be cool to make this into a mod later.. don't ya think.. it would be the official TWHL Story Mod..
Yeah,but when is it gonna stop.Everybody is continuing the story!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 13:27:05 UTC Post #117269
writing it now
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 13:33:42 UTC Post #117270
Please make this the last one!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 13:41:33 UTC Post #117271
"I shall release your binds, but the rest is up pto you. Frankly i don't care if you live or die. Live and I will hunt you down. Die and the job shall be done for me." Nemmerle was preparing to morph, even in this weak state, Y'ato could sense it.
"Then.." He paused and coughed up some blood, "Then why are you cutting the binds?"
Nemmerle stopped and thought for a lenght of time that seemed suicidal to Y'ato as the footsteps came closer.
"Honestly, i dont know. I suppose part of me feels you still have a chance of turning out well. I was good friends with your parents. It hurt me deeply when they joined with Seltor.
Y'ato flinched as he heard this blasphomy for the second time.
Before he knew it, his leather binds were cut and Nemmerle was gone - Y'ato presumed that such a powerful morpher could turn into something as small as a flea. He desperately tried to morph into something that might defeat the chanting monks and their sacrificial blade but the best he could manage was to give himself reptillian skin and even that was thoroughly exhausting so he decided to give up and take it in his true human form.
The door handle shook menacingly and in came the Monks, each one with his or her head covered in a hood.
"Y'ato?" One of the monks spoke causing much shock between the others, "Y'ato, is that you? My god you look so old."
He slid back his hood revealing a face i knew only too well. Wosaki, Y'ato's greatest friend. Exactly how he remembered him - not old and grey like Y'ato, nor covered in blood and dying as he was the last time Y'ato saw him but exactly how he remembered him. Young, dashing with dark brown hair and an un-explained scar down his neck.
It was then Y'ato saw the delicately carved and patterned blade that Wosaki held...
Saribous is up
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 15:23:21 UTC Post #117292
Ok,lets make a book then a fortune :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 15:23:22 UTC Post #117293
Chapter 20 - Pwnage
This Y'ato guy I know nothing about since I haven't been following this is brutally slain at the hands of a giant banana who goes on to slaughter the whonkeys and in return the world.

Only kidding, of course ;x
DAMMIT!!!! Why were you joking!? That couldve been a great ending to this :P
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 17:39:26 UTC Post #117326
ok, i'm up. tomorrow... gotta read the chaps first ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 18:55:11 UTC Post #117335
Chapter 21 - "All" is not what it seems
"Wosaki?", Y'ato gasped, unable to grasp the situation. "What are you doing here?". Wosaki quietly walked up to Y'ato, still holding the beautiful blade in his hand. "Silence!", he shouted. His voice echoed in the room and made his voice sound deep and malevolent.

Wosaki grinned and continued, "Soon, when the moon reaches its zenith, shall I Wosaki, slay this creature that was chosen by the Pantheon, as our guide to eternity. Regal splendour shall ascend in the wake of his death, by My hand!" The other monks in the room began chanting an archaic mantra. The words stung at Y'ato's soul, he knew their meaning and their power even though the words themselves were foreign.

Several more monks entered the room, all of them carrying small goblets made from silver and bejewelled with all sorts of mountain crystals. Silently they walked up to Wosaki and Y'ato and formed a half-circle around them. "Your lifeblood is the key to eternal grace, where we may live without fear of Death. Ironically, this demands your sacrifice, Y'ato", Wosaki said and Y'ato winced as he heard his name being spoken by his greatest friend, a friend who now would sacrifice him to attain eternal life.

The chanting became more intense, the very air felt electric and filled with power. Black forms began to take shape in the dark recesses of the sparsely lit room. It seemed to Y'ato as if the room itself had come alive. Suddenly the monks stopped chanting and looked upon Y'ato with eerie expectation. "The time has come", Wosaki announced aloud.

Wosaki leaned forward and whispered in Y'ato's ear, "This is where we cheat the Lesser Divines, my friend". Wosaki turned and exclaimed, "Vertu Innitu Wera!". In that instant, Y'ato felt the magic which held him in place loosen as a dark blue portal appeared between the monks and Wosaki. "I didn't mean to startle you", Wosaki said as he grabbed a hold of Y'ato's arm and pulled him into the portal, that closed the very next second.

Darkness followed, Y'ato did not know how long he had been unconscious when he finally awoke and found himself in a small room. He was laying in a comfortable bed. In front of him sat Wosaki in a chair. "Oh, you have finally granted us with the honour of your presence", Wosaki said with a smirk. "I'm truly sorry for the ordeal I had to put you through but it was the only way. I had to play along to get close enough. You should rest more friend, for you have been through a lot. It seems you have aged quite a bit since I last saw you in that ravine that day".

Y'ato sat up and shook his head. "I thought you were going to kill me Wosaki, where am I?" Wosaki smiled and said, "Alas, as I said, I had to get close to you in order to cast the spell. And to answer your question, you are in a secret location I dare not utter the name of." He paused for a moment, then continued, "We are known as the rebels, Y'ato. And we have been looking for you a long time now."
Sorry if it's a bit long, I just felt i had to bring it back to the rebels and the oncoming war ;)

Next up is... ZeG
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 04:33:46 UTC Post #117376
How about making a flash AND a mod? ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 04:49:42 UTC Post #117382
Saribous, i swear i have orgasms at your incredible grasp of the english language.
I envy you.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 05:24:26 UTC Post #117394
Fantasy-Action type story? :
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 05:45:42 UTC Post #117403
nice chapter, quite a turn :P
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 08:21:23 UTC Post #117441
Haha once again, thank you Hunter :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 11:42:02 UTC Post #117480
>.< All I worked for to get close to the end, and now we're back where we started!!! ...bastards...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 11:45:13 UTC Post #117483
this would be the perfect time for the king to reveal his ultimate weapon, THE EVIL BANANA OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
And the rebels get slaughtered, Y'ato goes nuts and commits suicide with a stick, a paper clip and his legs. And everyone lived happily ever after....

That would be what i'd write if i went next.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 13:09:02 UTC Post #117506
why do u want it to end?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 14:01:24 UTC Post #117513
Because its dragging on and on... its like the zombie that wont give up.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-28 16:05:06 UTC Post #117583
zombies shouldn't give up, this should keep going until there is an accuall end, and not a crudy, it needs to end, kinda ending
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-28 16:20:31 UTC Post #117585
maybe with Y'ato killing Seltor and finding piece or Y'ato dying, who knows?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-30 14:36:24 UTC Post #117922
ZEG is late. Post moves to Gargy
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-30 14:44:34 UTC Post #117924
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-30 17:16:07 UTC Post #117949
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-30 17:55:12 UTC Post #117951
doesn't sari have to decide who goes next?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 05:05:48 UTC Post #118028
ok. i just wanted to keep things movin. Saribous, decide!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 08:20:41 UTC Post #118060
Garg can have a go if he wants to
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 12:16:53 UTC Post #118091
ill go, just give me some time this time.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-03 20:22:29 UTC Post #118455
Someone gonna put all this shit together? ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-03 20:55:23 UTC Post #118459
someone else go, i don't have the time for another few days
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-03 23:33:11 UTC Post #118469
Hidden Chapter: The king revealed his secret weapon, a giant banana of mass destruction.

Nah, Im just kidding.
garg decide who's next
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-03 23:58:21 UTC Post #118474

(Roughly put together ;) )

CHAPTER 1 - A new beginning ? The Hunter
Y'ato started running. He didn't look back, knowing what he would see.
A growl startled him but only makes him run faster - the beast must be morphing into something worse.
A curb. He trips and badly slashes his knee on the lumpy pavement.
Y'ato cursed silently before shakaly picking himself up and finally looking behind him. He had been right - The Beast was now representing something that looked like a giant wolf. At least 9ft tall and double the length with teeth as big as Y'ato's arm.
Scared out of his mind, Y'ato tried to start running again but it was useless. The great mass loomed over him and roared.

CHAPTER 2 - Confusion - SariBous
Y'ato closed his eyes, in a few seconds the beast would devour him. His head ached from the impossibility of it all, why had he been dragged into this nightmare?
As minutes passed, Y'ato began to wonder why the beast hadn't killed him. A gentle breeze caressed his cheek in a soothing way, Y'ato took a deep breath and opened his eyes to find himself sitting in the sand of a beach.
Unable to grasp the situation, Y'ato looked for any familiar sign, something that would give him some clues to help solve this riddle. He was alone on the beach, only the wind which seemed to be whispering to him could be heard. Far away in the distance burned a fire..
Y'ato got up and started walking towards the small light.

CHAPTER 3 - Unknown Lands - BrattyLord
Y'ato had been walking toward the small light on the endless beach for an hour, realising that he was getting no closer, nor farther away. His mind raced as he searched for an explaination for the events preceding. Finally, exausted by his trek across the beach, Y'ato sat down in the sand, crossing his legs, and looked around him.
Realizing that the beach was not a pleasant habitat for him, Y?ato started up and walked off of the sand, moving further into the jungle-like terrain that covered this mass of a land. Finally, he sat down on a ledge that overlooked his new home.
The sun had gone down and the moonlight had filled up the sky. Occasionally the smooth black clouds covered the moon, creating a pitch-black darkness that covered the foresty, grassy terrain below. It was a normal landscape, full of greens, but now as the sun had shrunken, and the moon had emerged, they appeared dark, black to the eye. Small lakes and ponds were scattered around this area like droplets of water falling off a string that was pulled out of a puddle.
From this darkness, a few dim lights could be seen. They were very dim, almost as if someone was hiding. Through this dim light a building could be made out, but not the very building itself, just the presence of it, as the light brought out large dark forms of what appeared to be buildings.
Y'ato laid his head down, creating a pillow for his head out of his jacket and a smooth rock. Soon, he was asleep at last.

CHAPTER 4 - Habboi?s Chapter - Habboi
Y'ato woke up the next morning to find that the darkened buildings were a lot clearer to see. His curiosity made him walk closer towards the mysterious buildings. On his way he saw an injured koala lying helplessly on the sandy floor. He decided to help the poo creature but little did he know that it was a dead koala set as a trap to capture trangers who were not meant to be there. Suddenly strange figures came from amidst the trees and a rope grabbed his legs and pulled him up...
He overheard foreign voices "Ohh ba goo bahhh" said one of the shadows. He could not understand a single word but remembered the noises of the wolf that chased him and noticed strange markings on the walls of the village he had been taken to. He could barely see because a bag was put over his head but there was a tiny glimmer of light coming from a hole for which he could see people dressed in animal costumes. The costumes were not just random animals but they were all in wolf costumes!
Y'ato panicked as he remembered the fear he experienced when he was chased by the wolf figure. Suddenly the bag was removed and he could see that he was in a village with any buildings...
A strange man in a costume that looked more important than the other villagers approached him and said...

Chapter 5 - Holy sh*t - IEMC
... "We have chosen you." Y'ato sits there, very confused. The strange man speaks again: "We have chosen you, to lead us to the new world." Y'ato is now boggled is to what is going on. He tries to talk, but cannot. He reached up to feel his mouth, it seemed to be still there, but he could just not talk. As he was reaching up, the strange man reaached into a pouch. He pulled out a strange stick. Y'ato thought it looked like the shape of a banana, excpet with something sticking out the side of it. The man then gave Y'ato the strange stick, he didnt know what to do with it. Y'ato would've asked, but he remebered that he couldnt talk. The man then points to Y'ato's mouth. Y'ato tries to talk but alls he hears is moaning.
Suddenely, the strange man looks at Y'ato frighteningly, as if he saw something hororific. The man then yells something to a group of rather large men, and they tackle Y'ato to the ground. They club him over the head and he passes out.

Chapter 6 = What a day ? Dr. Mapper
Y'ato opened his eyes, although he could not see anything. His head throbbed with pain where he had been hit. Y'ato still could not speak, but that was the least of his worries. He was in a dark cave, in the middle was a pile of logs, set alight. Suddenly, he heard this weird noise, impossible to describe. It grew louder...Louder...

Chapter 7 = 'The Oskillian' - Unbreakable
LOUDER, grew the now echoing mumble. Shaken by the events of his past, Y'ato lied there breathless, awaiting what it is that lingers in the dark. Then it stopped. Not a wisper could be heard, not a shuffle across the ground, whatever it was, it had stopped. All at once a bright light shown, blinding me once again. a sharp pain shot through his neck. He reached his hands to the back of his head, only to find what felt like stitches closing a wound. With his eyes clenched tightly closed, keeping the light out, his head throttled worse than ever. He curled into a prone position, hands tightly around his head, and yelled, "What is it that you want?" But noone answered. Still, nothing was heard. He rose up. Again sitting, with his eyes shut, afraid to open them, but fear was already partaken, and curiousity set in, He slowly opened his eyes, and to his surprising, he had been moved. He was no longer in a cave, but in an empty, white room, noticing this, he relized that he was messing with a far more greater power then his own.. Then the door opened. And beyond the threshold, was a long narrow hallway. Head still aching he rose to his feet, and made his way through the hallway. Once he reached the end of the hallway, he came to another large door, with no handles. The door opened, and he heard a voice, saying "Come in. Have a seat". The voice seemed rather familiar, only he could not place it from anywhere. Y'ato stepped in, and took a seat, and waited. In the corner of the room, he saw another person.. only it was dead. It's yellow hair, long, loose, and bloody. Then at the sound of another door opening, Y'ato jumped, and rose quickly, facing his captor. He was an older man, in his late 30's, with his dark grey eyebrows pointing in an angry manner. His voice quavered like a birds voice when he spoke, only Y'ato could understand it. "My name is Nemmerle, I am an Oskillian, in need of your help."
Chapter 8 - 'Help' - The Hunter
Nemmerle and Y'ato stared at one and other for a long while, neither one daring to speak in case their owrds offended the other. Y'ato presumed that Nemmerle was the only chance he would have at going back to his old life again... Before the morphing genes were ever placed in his blood.
"It would appear that neither of us have a choice" Y'ato murmered cautiously.
"Indeed it would. Will you please follow me?" Nemmerle replied far too quickly for Y'ato's liking.
He eyed the body in the corner of the room and as if sensing his thoughts of doubt, Nemmerle spoke, "You must understand that i killed him in self-defense. Like you, he is a morpher, but unlike you, he chose to join Seltor's gang of thugs."
It was reasurance enough, Y'ato hated Seltor with a burning passion. He had killed Y'ato's best friend in front of his eyes and had simply laughed.
"Very well." Y'ato held back the urge to weep at the thought of his friend's death, "I shall follow you."
And he did, through and endless, blinding white corridor until finally, they came to what looked like an ordinary CI scanner... Something to scan very large images onto a computer.
However, when Nemmerle opened the lid, a deep dark staircase greeted them.

Chapter 9 - Unexpected Change ? G_KID
'Careful' Said Nemmerle, 'The steps are pretty slippery and unstable'.
'Where...do they lead though?' Y'ato asked hesitantly.
He seemed not to hear his question.
Nemmerle stepped into the darkness, and motioning Y'ato to follow. Y'ato thought about it, then did as he was asked.
They descended the stairs until it was too dark to see. Nemmerle pulled an item out of his pocket, he hit it on the wall making a cracking sound, then it illuminated the narrow staircase in a faint green.
After walking for what seemed like ages, they saw a dim light at the end of the stair case.
'We are almost there' Nemmerle announced.
When they came out into the light, Y'ato blinked as his eyes adjusted to the chance in light.
'Oh..Jesus..' Nemmerle muttered under his breath, barely believing what he was seeing.

Chapter 10 ? Willhence ? Vallian88
There under more than 1,000 tons of rock stood a vast city. It appeared very old, yet perserved. The great walls that once defended it still stand as an omipresent gaurd against foes. Y'ato assumes the city was abanoned long ago, and he would be right save for one...
Nemmerle explains that this use to be the home of all morphers. At one time all stood united under one flag, however times have changed and differences have arisin.
"We are going to search for the key that will grant you your true morphing power." says Nemmerle, "You may have noticed you have not been able to morph as of late."
"I didnt know I could morph at all!" Y'ato replies.
"I see..." Nemmerle says, "Perhaps Seltor's power is far greater than I estimated, he has kept you from knowing your true self. Nevertheless we will search for the object that will allow you to morph in this tainted land."
Into the city they began, unknowing of the presence listening in the shadows...

Chapter 11 - The Temple of the Warden - SariBous
The abandoned city was quiet. Shadows lurked everywhere, it seemed as they were alive, as if they were observing every move of Y'ato and Nemmerle. " 'tis awfully quiet here" remarked Y'ato, who felt uneasy in the ghost town. "Yes" replied Nemmerle, "perhaps a bit too quiet. Be ready for anything".
They quickened up their pace, casting nervous looks around them as if expecting to see someone else. "We must hurry to the temple" said Nemmerle with a trembling voice, something that frightened Y'ato.
Around them, the shadows seemed to grow thicker and thicker, like a black mist. "What temple?" Y'ato dared to ask as they ran through the empty streets. "The temple of the Warden" Nemmerle repiled without the slightest hesitation. "This is where you must go".
Y'ato stopped in his tracks. That name sounded so familiar to him, he knew he had heard it before, but where? It was like a distant memory that he didn't know if he should awaken. Would this temple lead him back to his real life? Y'ato looked up to find that Nemmerle was nowhere to be seen, and for the first time, Y'ato noticed the black mist swirling about him. "Nemmerle?", he asked the black void. No answer could be heard. "Nemmerle!", Y'ato screamed at the top of his lungs. When he got no answer this time either, he ran into the pitch black mist, not daring to stay still for one more second in this place.
The darkness was absolute. Y'ato had to rely on his other senses now that he could see nothing. Suddenly he came out of the mist and saw a great cathedral looming before him. "The temple of the Warden", he whispered to himself as he made his way up to the huge door that stood cracked ajar..

Chapter 12 - Final Beginings - GarglyWargly
Y'ato walked up the steps into the Temple. The giant steel plated doors greeted him. he reached out his and and pushed open the left one, it swung almost effortlessly, even with its age. Y'ato entered and saw Nemmerle siting in the center of the temple. He was seated on what could only be called an alter, even though it didn't seem to be for any god.
"Y'ato, did you know that just by entering this place you will gain some of your power back." Nemmerle said.
"h.." began Y'ato.
Nemmerle continued "You are one of the very last of the pure bread morphers. And that is a gift and a curse. A gift because unlike the rest of the morphers, the ones who have never deviated there bloodline from the originals have a limited power to also morph objects. And a curse becasue you were hated, you had to much power, your kind ruled this city with a iron, no, diamond fist. you used to bring suffering so you could live however you pleased. And because of that much eninimity still exists for the pure breads still in the world. and because of that I have tricked you here."
"what do you mean tricked. I came here of my own freewill." Y'ato blurted out.
"you stupid naive little boy, If you grow up and learn the extent of your power you will get greedy to. Im going to end you here to end any chance of that. Im going to finish what Seltor tried to do, only this time with finality."
"But I haven't done anything wrong"
"To bad"
With that Nemmerle leaped into the air and morphed wings onto his back. he flew up into the hights of the temple, and into there shadows. Y'ato was still tring to make sence of what had been said, and had just watched the flight. But as Nemmerle emerged from the shadows, now with giant crab claws as hands. he plumeted tward Y'ato. now acting on instict Y'ato rolled out of the way, Nemmerle impacted the floor where he had stood just a momount before, the giant marble tiles shattering around him.
You can't beat him in the state your in now
Y'ato heard that voice in his head and knew he had to flee into the heart of the temple, not the alter, but beyond it, to his destiny.
He ran, the temple was vast. he could feel Nemmerle above him, reading for another stike. when Nemmerle began his plunge Y'ato dodged into the areas of the temple where the roof was low, he moved around the small colums here to avoid attacks he knew would come. he quickly came to the great doors of the warren room. he still didn't dare to look back. he shoved them open, his adreniline pumping. the cilindrical room he ran into was taller then any other part of the temple. he finaly looked back and saw Nemmerle's claws open and readying to cut off his head.
Y'ato reached down and touched the tileing, and although try as he might he could not morph it, the only thing he managed to do in that split second was break a massive splinter of hardened marble off. Nemmerle almost triped over his crouched body but saved himself with his wings.
"How did you know how to do that kid" Nemmerle said as he recoverd his balance.
"I used to be an avid reader" replyied Y'ato as Nemmerle began a charge tward him. But Y'ato knew what he was doing now. he picked up his marble spear and thrust it tward Nemmerle, who jumbed up and flew back into the shadows. Y'ato could feel where he was becasue of the morph's on him, Y'ato felt like this place was having a great effect on his powers. Y'ato felt him begin to drop strait down tward him. He trust his spear into the ground, and morphed it. it narrowed and lenghed, going strait through the falling Nemmerle's head.
Y'ato jumped out of the way and onto the great dias in the middle of the room, seeing Nemmerle's body slide down the poll with great speed, becomeing further impaled. Y'ato turned around and looked at the pedistal in the middle of the dias. knowing what he had to do now he reached out to place his hand on the pedistal.
now your quest has been given Y'ato, finish it or there are more things then you can imagein at stake.
Y'ato paused for a second when he heard that voice again. but he reached his hand the last few inches and onto the pedistal.
He felt like his heart was being ripped out. his chest seared with pressure, but not pain. There was a sudden sense of great hollowness inside him. And Y'ato felt like he was about to die, and in a sence he did.
Y'ato opened his eyes, feeling that he was still alive

Chapter 12 - Awakening ? The Hunter
'good! good!' the voice in Y'ato's head urged him to continue, 'keep reaching! ignore the drain! Pick it up!'
He struggled as he felt weaker and weaker. During the fight with Nemmerle, when his pwers were at their peak, Y'ato had sensed something of great power on the pedistal but couldn't see anything. Then, when he had touched it, the top had opened grudgingly revealing such a light that Y'ato couldn't see.
His temple was a mass of sweat and veigns that looked like they were going to burst with the strain but then his fingers grasped something solid and instantly all power came back to him. In fact he felt stronger... He WAS stronger. He could see things with a clarity that is completely in-describable.
He removed his hand and it all left him again.
Much more quickly this time, he reached in and removed the object that was in the hole, once again filling him with power.
Y'ato took a deep breath. The damp, murky air seemed like the freshest he had ever breathed and the dark, gloomey stonework of the temple looked like it was made of gold. And his strength! His power! He realised that he was morphing. He, Y'ato Brett - the last remaining light morpher was morphing. And with the morph, all his forgotten memories came back to him.
The war.. The war that had seen the end of the light morphers, beaten and replaced by the dark morphers. All before the human race had even begun it's evolution. Y'ato had been part of it. He Had been someone important but who?!
He cursed himself for not remembering and at this sudden halt in his train of thoughts he noticed one very strange thing... He was a Panther!
And this revived his thoughts once more! He had been the leader of the last light army. He had taken the shape of a panther and had stormed Seltor's castle with no more than six others. Including his best friend.
It was as if he was back there - his memory was so clear.
"MOVE!" Y'ato commanded as they dropped the bodies into the moat, "Break down the door!"
Ke'yako was the first to move - he morphed with ease into a Rhinoseth, an armour plated beast with tusks and the ability to breathe fire.
The door was down in less than two minutes. What awaited the troop was slightly more confronting.
12 Dragons - everyone of them in the last stage of evolution.
Only three of Y'ato's troop were powerful enough to morph into such powerful creatures. Wosaki (Y'ato's greatest friend), Ke'yako and Y'ato himself.
Y'ato paused. He didn't want to remember what happened next but like all things you don't want to happen, he did.
"'ARGH!' Screamed Tha'tor as he fell to the ground, a flaming mass of guts and brain matter."
"NO!" Screamed Y'ato to himself, "I'm not going to remember this!!! I'm NOT!"
"Who are you taking to?" Asked a familiar voice.

Chapter 14 - A New Chance - SariBous
(Cuz Hunter's chapter was really nr 13)
The voice that spoke to him was neither male nor female. It contained both the wisdom of age and youthful naivety at the same time. It was filled with joy and laughter. Yet, it also vibrated with the sorrow-ridden notes of pure grief. This was the voice of All. The voice of the Creator.
Y'ato knew this, he could feel the power touching his very soul. It was a feeling of comfort he had not felt in a long time. He knew this being of pure benevolence would not harm him. He just knew.
"Open your eyes Y'ato Brett, True Morpher", the powerful yet soothing voice said. "Open your eyes".
Y'ato did, and at first he could not see anything. He was standing on solid ground, at least it felt like solid ground to him. But the place he now found himself standing in was just a black void, endless and barren.
"Show yourself", Y'ato dared to say. The memory of Nemmerle surfaced and Y'ato no longer felt he could trust this being. Nemmerle had tricked him and Y'ato knew he should trust no one.
"I am not Nemmerle, nor do I have any desire to lead you to your death", the voice said as if it had been reading Y'ato mind. "But if it will comfort you, I can assume any shape you want me to".
The outlines of something vaguely human materialized a few feet in front of Y'ato. Just as the voice, the figure was neither male nor female. It was breathtakingly beautiful and at the same time, dispicable.
"Who are you?", Y'ato asked, though he knew the answer before the question had been asked. "I am All, the Creator. I have brought you to this empty place", the being answered, flittering in front of Y'ato.
"This..", All continued, "is one of many possible futures for your race and every other race on this planet. Long have I watched in silence, fearing my interception would bring even greater damage. Now I know that I have to intervene, lest the future of the entire Creation be at risk".
A moment passed, when Y'ato did not respond, All resumed his speech.
"I froze time itself so I could summon you here. The war against the black morphers was lost before it even began, they have reached a level of power beyond anything even I could have foreseen. That is why you are here, why I have chosen to reveal myself. You, Y'ato Brett, must go back in time, to before the rise of the Dark Morphers, and unite the True Morphers against this threat. It is the only way. You had to remember you true self in order for me to contact you. That is why you had to go to the Temple of the Warden."
Y'ato nodded. He remembered the war, how his friends and family had been butchered by a superior enemy driven by a hatred so profound it could be seen in their eyes. They had been totally overwhelmed by the power of the enemy.
A portal appeared in front of Y'ato, and the Creator signaled for Y'ato to step through. As he did, he heard the voice of All in his head;
"I sense the presence of the Lesser Divines. Beware Y'ato Brett, True Morpher, the future depends on you now"...

Unknown Chapter by Mercenary

Y'ato finds himself in a forest, an old forest. As he looked back he could see the portal closing. Now he understood there is no way back. Y'ato started walking. He didnt know where he should be going or where he is, he has to trust his senses. After a while he comes to body of water. This water, apart from the other water in the forest, was fresh and clean. He could see right to the bottom. He rested there for a moment untill he heard someone coming. He looked back quickle and saw a big man covered in armour from top to toe. The man looked angry and evil.
-Who are you? And what are you doing here?, the man asked.
-Dont you know that these water are the holy waters of the True Morphers?, he continued.
-I am Y'ato Brett a Morpher from the future, a good morpher. Y'ato answered.
-What do you mean with 'good morpher'?
-I mean that I'm not an evil morpher.
The man laughed a little and then said: "There aren't ay evil morphers".
-WHAT???!!!1, Y'ato yelled. How much back in time have I travaled, he thought for himself. Probebly to far!
-Well, enough chatting. I have to arrest you for touching these holy waters.
-But... but I have a mission to accomplish, Y'ato said while he started to run away.
Due to the many trees and the sun right into his eyes, Y'ato could see almost nothing. Then suddenly he saw normaly again. But he couldnt feel anything under his feet either. In the last nano second the man grabbed Y'ato and saved him from falling down the cliff. Now Y'ato had nothing but his clothes, and he was trapped in a cage that looked like it was built for animals. The cage was cowered with something so he couldnt see, but he heard people. It sounded like he was in a town...

Chapter 16 - The Arena - Elon Yariv
...Suddenly a bright light apeared and the cage's door opened. In the instent that Y'ato stepped out of the cage two armed morphers grabed him and forced him into the light. A foul stench of decay filled his nustreils and in front of him there lay thousand corpeses. As he entered the light there was a great appluse and thousand of morphers who sat above him ceared. In front of him a door opened and another morpher steped out of it. Y'ato then understood that his punishment was to fight in this arena!!! When the secound morpher entered the arena a voice ordered the two gladiators to fight or they will be throwen to the crocodailes!...
Chapter 16 - Realisation ? The Hunter
Y'ato mumbled something to himself, the full scale of traveling through time had finally hit him. When he first arrived, it had all seemed very natural. He took a drink, he admired the forest, he got abducted.
He gave a quiet sob at the mess he had got himself into.
Karaneena village, which he now realised he was being held captive was one of the most active market villages in the Southern land. Before the dark morphers arose, Y'ato would spend many a happy day here showing off his skills with his friends, entering tournaments or simply relaxing by the great fountain.
"HEY YOU!" Shouted the man that Y'ato had learned was named Bronan, "You're wanted in the arena again. The audience like you... Can't think why though, you piece of trash."
Y'ato had been in this time for four days now. Each day he would be dragged out and held in front of an audience of thousands. They would decide whether he was to fight... Or die.
Not surprisingly, after the first fight, the audience loved him...
Yato had stumbled at the mention of crocodiles, the other criminal that he was intended to fight looked just as scared but given the choices, Y'ato knew he must kill this man. And to be honest, when he entered tournaments when he actually belonged in this time, he had no problem killing his opponents... It just felt different now... After the war.
The croud were on their feet. Stamping and clapping and urging us on.
The other man was the first to act; he morphed into a salamander at a very mediocre evolutionary stage - the sort of thing they tought 12 year olds at school.
I pitied the man as i changed into my fully evolved pantherosis - a normal panther with metal for skin and tritanium claws. The fight was fast and brutal.
The second fight on the second day had been similar - the opposing criminal changing into a jaglet which is honestly no more than a housecat with sharper claws and teeth.
The third day had been harder - but still easy with Y'ato fighting a Skeletor. Very hard to kill but appaulingly slow.
With no fear, Y'ato climbed the steps that he had climbed three times before. He lowered the cheap bronze face mask that they provided to crowd favourites and awaited his gate to open.
He heard a cheer as the other man walked on. Thsi was rare - it must mean he would be fighting another crowd favourite.
the gate opened and there he saw Nemmerle. A distinctly younger Nemmerle but the same man no doubt.
they eyed each other and Y'ato couldnt help notice a glint of understanding in Nemmerle's eyes. He knew who Y'ato was and he knew why he was back in time...

Ch 17 - Almost To Easy - GarglyWargly
Y'ato stood there. he didn't want to fight another morpher, only because the war had not started yet. a voice called out "let the fight begin.". the man turned into a bear, a giant grisly. Y'ato choose to take the form of a agile black panther. the power of the stone he had touched in the temple was still coursing through him, he belived it would probably remain there for the rest of his life. he used it and further enhanced his mucles. his opponent roared, and started charging to him.
Y'ato sprinted, his supercharged panther legs carrying him to over 70 kilometers and hour. his opponent stoped running and planted his legs apart and prepared for Y'atos attack. Y'ato had an idea and tucked his tail in, consealing it from the bears eyes. he turned the end of it into a scorpion stinger, poison and all. Y'ato moved to dodge between his opponents legs, clearly he had been expected to jump by his opponent, who awkwardly swiped down. Y'ato ducked lower and brought the stinger out and drove it into his opponents belly as he ran under him. the tip of the stinger ripped out of the rest and felt to Y'ato like he had broke his ass.
Y'ato turned and ,seeing his opponent gaging from the poison, turned back into his human form. he knew that the amount of poison a stinger that size would kill him within a few minutes, painfully at that. Y'ato was going to finish him to save him the pain but that voice called out again, saying "the difieler must be killed in punishment for drinking the sacred waters, finish him guards." Y'ato turned and saw to men jump out of a large both in the stadium walls. they turned into rinosorusis on the way down and landed hard. they were within twenty yards of him and they charged him, pincering him in a V.
Y'ato sprinted to the wall of the stadium his body still enhanced. the guards followed him, the ground thundering behind them. Y'ato jumped off the wall and turned 180 degrees. he hadn't jumped high and when he landed he took a step back, reaching his arms out and placing them on the wall. calling on his powers he reached into the sandstone, manipulating the molecules of it like he would his cells during a morph. stone shot out of the wall, impaleing the rinos. the entire stadium gasped, and broke out in wispers and exclamated conversations.
a man dropped down in front of him and, before Y'ato could do anything , smashed him on the underside of his jaw with a club. Y'ato broke out into stars as he heard the man say "the king wishes an audience with you." Y'ato half saw, half felt more guards drop down. the flurry of club stikes unrelenting, but the pain he felt didn't last long as he finished passing out.
Y'ato found himself chained to a wall, he could not exactly see in the dim lighing but he heard chanting around him. he looked down and saw a stange rune glowing under his feet. Y'ato tried to morph himself out of his bonds, but he felt a huge electrical shock move up him and place him in an agony so strong he could not. Y'ato was about to pass out again, but set himself against it and held his contiousness.
A door opened in the back of the room, hidden in the dim light from Y'atos eyes. the door close again and a siloete stepped into view. "that was a trasmutational morph you proformed, that is a forbiden and forgoten art." the figure said, "the only few who know how to proform them are either dead or with the rebels. and so you must be with those magot rebels, and for that you will die like you should have in the arena for your other crime. and im sure the world will be happy to be rid of you."
The door opened and closed again quickly. a figure hurried into the room and began speaking on his way to Y'ato. "King Leetus, you can't kill him, he is the one the prophecy speaks of."
"what do you know of this man priest, he is a befouler and a killer and a transmutist as well." the man in front of Y'ato replied.
The priest replied "but I cannot allow you to kill him sire, not until he is proven not to be the one the prophe..."
"You damn priests and that damn prophecy, you sound like those F#*%!&6 rebels. those rebels are always saying that when he comes is a signal that this entire kingdom will be cleansed and rebuilt, and they claim that they do not want to be part of This kingdom so they can help clense it of all its corruption." the king harshly stated, "but he will not die yet, if your nagging is true then he will be killed anyway."
"What do you mean killed any..." Y'ato began, but the kings hand smashed his head against the wall and he passed out again

Chapter 18 Sacrifice ? 38_98
Y'ato woke sleepily to find himself in a dark, damp room. Light shone through steel bars and the far end of the room, on the other side of the bars a guard was sitting quietly, a load snoring noise erupting from him periodically. Y'ato ran through the recent events in his mind, after fighting a vicious battle in the arena. He had been brought before the king where he had something about a prophecy. He was puzzled with the part on the prophecy. Just as he was thinking this a large shadow was casted over him, his eyes were immediately greeted with the familiar figure in which he had seen with king Leetus. His instincts naturally urged him to morph, just as he was doing so one of the guards charged up and bashed him agaisnt the wall, the little strength that Y'ato had quickly dispersed. The priest approached him silently, speaking as he went ''You may have heard me talking of a prophecy, correct?''
he nodded quickly. ''Good, saves me having to explain that bit....'' he trailed off, his voice sounding rather odd. He cleared his throat nosiliy and began his explanation in a deep loud voice ''Let me fill you in on the rest of it, our prophecy states that when the full moon reaches its zenith once during every month, that the light will show us the path to the tomb of the ancients....'' He trailed off again in the same odd voice. To Y'ato, his explanation was rather confusing. The priest once again continued ''but to show the way, 3 offerings must be made, one of earth, one of sky and one of.....flesh'' A cruel smile formed on his face, his guards split to form a semi-circle round Y'ato. ''but of course, we need the flesh of a particular person. Those of which have been gifted in the ways you have, we have tried many time each month to follow the prophecy. And we believe you are the key'' As soon as the priest finished he clicked his fingers and the guards moved in on Y'ato, clubs raised, weak and defenceless. He was knocked out in moments...

Chapter 19 - The Truth is Painful - Vallian88
Y'ato awoke to the sound of priests chanting incantations of old. Dora maka vasekai, dora maka... It meant little to Y'ato, although he had recovered his lost memory, this was a language unused for a millennia. Y'ato was very drowsey, as if drugged. He slowly opened his eyes but they kept closing without his control, it became a massive struggle in order to stay awake. The sight he saw didn't seem worth the effort. Stone ceiling, he finally realized he was facing up. His arms were strapped to the floor, or at least, what he thought was the floor. His body felt limp and without strength, there was no way he could morph in this state. Y'ato rolled his head to the side and began to stare at a torch off in the distance, the light appeared as a line to his blurred eyes. He tried with all his might to keep his eyes on the light. If only he could stay awake, he might survive. The chanting priests we're nowhere in sight, but the words still echoed through the cavern. After some time, Y'ato had regained enough strength to roll his head to the other side. There he saw barred window; it was night, and the sky was filled with stars. After what seemed like hours, he heard a door open and close.
"Who's there?" Y'ato said in a quiet, scared voice.
"One who knows why you're here..." Replied a familiar voice.
"Nemmerle! Why are you here!?" Y'ato was so confused. "Have you come to finish me off?"
"That is your fate, is it not? Do you remember when we first met? In that white room where I asked for your help."
"Yes, and I also remember you tried to kill me!"
"That is... correct, if you look from your point of view. However, we're you in my position, you would have done the same. Your death would have made life simpler for everyone, the whole world could have continued living. Im supprised you never realized who you really we're. Seltor really did a number on you. You're his masterpiece, his ultimate weapon. He built you from the beginning, a perfect mixture of hate, strength and well... incompetence."
"What the hell are you talking about!?" Y'ato screamed, "I have nothing to do with Seltor!"
"So sadly mistaken you are. Do you remember your parents?"
"Of course not! Seltor murdered them while I was a baby! Thats why Im going to kill him."
"That is your first misconception, your parents we're Seltor's elite. When he found out about you, he decided to put you to great use. Your parents willingly gave you to Seltor for his Y'ato project. That is where you get your name by the way. You we're brainwashed since birth to hate Seltor with a passion so great, nothing could stop you. Then you would do anything for revenge. You would then be sent back in time by the so called god 'All' who infact, was Seltor himself. Here you were to cause havoc while Seltor's elite took control of the city and ensured victory for Seltor. Even now, his warriors are infiltrating the palace, about to assassinate the king. Seltor built you into the perfect person for the prophecy, the whole city is currently in delusions of grandure. They believe you're death will show them a mythical temple where a fountain of youth is!"
"It can't be true! You must be lying! I don't believe it!!!" Y'ato tried to cosole himself but something told him it was true.
"Yes, Seltor sold you on the story of winning the war for the light morphers didnt he? My goodness, incompetence nothing, your flat out moron. The only thing that is going to stop this whole mess is you. I was lucky to morph my vital organs out of the way of the impaling spear, but I am still quite wounded because of you. I won't be able to stop the warriors myself you're going to have to clean up this mess you made.

The Hunters Unknown Chapter?.

"I shall release your binds, but the rest is up pto you. Frankly i don't care if you live or die. Live and I will hunt you down. Die and the job shall be done for me." Nemmerle was preparing to morph, even in this weak state, Y'ato could sense it.
"Then.." He paused and coughed up some blood, "Then why are you cutting the binds?"
Nemmerle stopped and thought for a lenght of time that seemed suicidal to Y'ato as the footsteps came closer.
"Honestly, i dont know. I suppose part of me feels you still have a chance of turning out well. I was good friends with your parents. It hurt me deeply when they joined with Seltor.
Y'ato flinched as he heard this blasphomy for the second time.
Before he knew it, his leather binds were cut and Nemmerle was gone - Y'ato presumed that such a powerful morpher could turn into something as small as a flea. He desperately tried to morph into something that might defeat the chanting monks and their sacrificial blade but the best he could manage was to give himself reptillian skin and even that was thoroughly exhausting so he decided to give up and take it in his true human form.
The door handle shook menacingly and in came the Monks, each one with his or her head covered in a hood.
"Y'ato?" One of the monks spoke causing much shock between the others, "Y'ato, is that you? My god you look so old."
He slid back his hood revealing a face i knew only too well. Wosaki, Y'ato's greatest friend. Exactly how he remembered him - not old and grey like Y'ato, nor covered in blood and dying as he was the last time Y'ato saw him but exactly how he remembered him. Young, dashing with dark brown hair and an un-explained scar down his neck.
It was then Y'ato saw the delicately carved and patterned blade that Wosaki held...
Chapter 21 - "All" is not what it seems - SariBous
"Wosaki?", Y'ato gasped, unable to grasp the situation. "What are you doing here?". Wosaki quietly walked up to Y'ato, still holding the beautiful blade in his hand. "Silence!", he shouted. His voice echoed in the room and made his voice sound deep and malevolent.
Wosaki grinned and continued, "Soon, when the moon reaches its zenith, shall I Wosaki, slay this creature that was chosen by the Pantheon, as our guide to eternity. Regal splendour shall ascend in the wake of his death, by My hand!" The other monks in the room began chanting an archaic mantra. The words stung at Y'ato's soul, he knew their meaning and their power even though the words themselves were foreign.
Several more monks entered the room, all of them carrying small goblets made from silver and bejewelled with all sorts of mountain crystals. Silently they walked up to Wosaki and Y'ato and formed a half-circle around them. "Your lifeblood is the key to eternal grace, where we may live without fear of Death. Ironically, this demands your sacrifice, Y'ato", Wosaki said and Y'ato winced as he heard his name being spoken by his greatest friend, a friend who now would sacrifice him to attain eternal life.
The chanting became more intense, the very air felt electric and filled with power. Black forms began to take shape in the dark recesses of the sparsely lit room. It seemed to Y'ato as if the room itself had come alive. Suddenly the monks stopped chanting and looked upon Y'ato with eerie expectation. "The time has come", Wosaki announced aloud.
Wosaki leaned forward and whispered in Y'ato's ear, "This is where we cheat the Lesser Divines, my friend". Wosaki turned and exclaimed, "Vertu Innitu Wera!". In that instant, Y'ato felt the magic which held him in place loosen as a dark blue portal appeared between the monks and Wosaki. "I didn't mean to startle you", Wosaki said as he grabbed a hold of Y'ato's arm and pulled him into the portal, that closed the very next second.
Darkness followed, Y'ato did not know how long he had been unconscious when he finally awoke and found himself in a small room. He was laying in a comfortable bed. In front of him sat Wosaki in a chair. "Oh, you have finally granted us with the honour of your presence", Wosaki said with a smirk. "I'm truly sorry for the ordeal I had to put you through but it was the only way. I had to play along to get close enough. You should rest more friend, for you have been through a lot. It seems you have aged quite a bit since I last saw you in that ravine that day".
Y'ato sat up and shook his head. "I thought you were going to kill me Wosaki, where am I?" Wosaki smiled and said, "Alas, as I said, I had to get close to you in order to cast the spell. And to answer your question, you are in a secret location I dare not utter the name of." He paused for a moment, then continued, "We are known as the rebels, Y'ato. And we have been looking for you a long time now."


There ya go... Once I read all this stuff, I'd be happy to add on :)

Sorry for leaving guys
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 00:04:26 UTC Post #118477
One of Hunter's chapters doesn't count(chapter 16) for he stole M_grag's place! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 00:08:40 UTC Post #118479
haha, I thought it was one of saribous chapters :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 15:04:10 UTC Post #118586

I'll see if there is any confusion when I finally read this...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 15:53:53 UTC Post #118599
villan can go
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 15:59:52 UTC Post #118603
That could make a novel. Send it to a publisher.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 16:16:04 UTC Post #118613
well, if you wanted me to, I could edit it up and send it to a few...

I can tell you now, from what I've read so far, they would definatly not be impressed, lol.

When I finish a novel, I send it to like 40 publishers, hoping at least 1 will give me posotive feedback. Its pretty hard to get something published.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-05 16:13:39 UTC Post #118918
I really doubt anyone is going to publish that shyte... My turn already? mmm...
I really don't feel enthusiastic about this anymore. I'll pass my part onto Hunter, he's always glad to do a chapter =D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 10:28:43 UTC Post #119867
sigh... whats the point...



join us again in a few weeks for the beginning of the end!

The next one will be more strict and will follow a rough story line so's its not too wacky.

The war will be relived of course,
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
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