Great, we always like new input.
You can submit the tutorial directly to me, my e-mail address is in the members section.
What I prefer to work with is a .txt file from NotePad or similar, But if you can't do that, a Word document is fine. Get the text down and indicate where you would like any screen shots by just putting a line in the text [Image door.jpg here] or something. As for the images, I am not on broardband or cable
so I would appreciate them in JPG or GIF format and about 600x480 but if you can't crop them or resize them, then just send them full size and zipped with the text.
What will happen next?
I will format your words, insert the pictures and upload it all to a test page. Once our massive staff of highly trained editors (Atom, SlayerA and I ) go over your work with a fine tooth comb, checking validity at each step, and approving content, then I will send you a copy of what it will look like before it goes live, and give you the oppurtunity to make last minute changes. After that it will be posted and you will be famous in the mapping community.....
Well maybe not, but what a rush....Your Tutorial.
It really is that simple.