You need to turn off the first idle script starting another! And chack my
example map! The burny is pushing a fake button(he can't realy push you know) and before the end everything fades out! As for the shake you will need an
First give it a name(of course)
In the Amplitude write a number between 0-16,this means how strong the shake will be! It the '0.1 = jerk, 255.0 = rumble' value write a number between 0.1-255, this is the frequency between evry movment of the screen! In the Duration(seconds) value write the time that the quake will last! And in the Effect Radius write the number of units till the end of the area the entity will effect! Now target the entity and the screen will shake!
Ohh I didn't notice the last quastion! Okey,first you will need
Now that you have downloaded it open the pak file(in this case pak0.pak) and now you will see mant folders in it! The ones that I remamber are models(contains Hl's models),gfx(in it you will find env that contains the skys and shell it not for mapping but for modding so I want tell you),sprites(contains all the sprites) and sounds(contains all the sounds)! Open the sounds folder and in it you will find meny folders choose one of them! Now choose the .wav you want and now for the ambient! Write the directory of that sound in the pak,in the 'wav's name' value.
Example: sound/ambience/bees1 (I'm not sure thats the real name so don't use that directory)
And here you go!