camera? Created 21 years ago2004-01-11 23:22:42 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 21 years ago2004-01-11 23:22:42 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-11 23:22:42 UTC Post #11724
how do I make the camera move. like, to create a movie or so? can you move it in the middle of a level? can the whole level be of the camera? by camera, I mean the view. What you see. I've seen much manipulation of this in many mods, but want to know how for mine. :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 01:30:42 UTC Post #11732
Read the Camera tutorials. I would imagine it has something to do w/func_train although I haven't looked at it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 18:30:59 UTC Post #11847
thnks, I will.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 18:56:13 UTC Post #11858
A camera is moved around like a train. Exactly like a train, except no origin brush. The Player cant control a outside camera, it uses path_corners. You can make the camera follow the player to create, maybe, some scary over-the-top views.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-12 19:16:41 UTC Post #11868
I want it to appear that the player is sitting in a chair, and he can't move. He is looking at people over the table, and he nodds and shakes his head when they say stuff (Only, thats just an extra). Then, I want it to change levels to an entirly new place. lol, another movie as it is, one of a scientist looking in gordans locker, (Or a barney) and something killing him. :) it will help my mod
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-15 20:26:47 UTC Post #12200
hey, I still can't do the camera thing, how do I do it? I need to make a camera that is not the player just sit there. How did everyone do it like in the map a movie contest?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-15 21:51:34 UTC Post #12204
To make a camera you need 4 entities:

Place the trigger_camera where you would like it. Under properties set "Name" cam1 and "target" to focus 1. Set Hold time to 5 (ammount of seconds the camera will be "filming"
-Side note, the line in the circle (not sure of technical name, maybe the Directionaliser) is which way the camera will fist be pointing. If this is not at the target then you will get a panning (camera turn) effect

Place the info_target where you want the camera to point. Under properties set "Name" to focus1.

Create a multi_manager, set "Name" to multi1. To edit other properties you have to turn off the smart edit. Press the add button and enter "cam1" under key and 0 under value. This will tell HL to use cam1 after 0 seconds.

To trigger the multi_manager, place a trigger_once entity around your info_player_start and set "target" to multi1.

Compile your map and run it. Should work. This was pretty much straight from the guide at only trimmed down to have just one camera, a great resource if your looking at using any game engine to make movies.

Hope this helps.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 12:01:44 UTC Post #12231
You can switch the info_target for a func_train. Lot cooler.
You cant make the player sit. Maybe, if you take the model and make it a monster and make him sit, with a nod-sequence.
Why would gordon want to sit and nod? hes a man of action, he'd blow their brains out.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 18:13:03 UTC Post #12259
ok ,i can do it now, and its not gordan whos sitting! Its Kyle Johanson. I'm making a MOD where you aren't Freeman.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 18:20:47 UTC Post #12260
gordon, not gordan. gordan sounds like a girl.
What model do you use for this kyle?
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-07 11:23:09 UTC Post #18643
How do you make teh cameras move? I just revived this old one so I didn't have to make a new one.
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-07 11:29:47 UTC Post #18644
let it move on paht corners ore follow a funct train
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-07 22:31:20 UTC Post #18706
it won't move on my path corners, I'll fool around with it till it works.
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