Posted 19 years ago2005-07-21 16:35:31 UTCPost #122575
Yes, you can set the healing value to 0, but he will still try to heal you (As in, he will pull out his needle and stick you with it, but it won't heal you any.) Really, the only way to maake him not heal you is through coding.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-03 04:29:25 UTCPost #125576
no i tjhink he won't try to heal you. Game will look at your heath and if it's != 0 then it won't heal you and wont do that sequnce. Just try to change that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-03 09:31:09 UTCPost #125649
Once you've got the code and a compiler, removing the needle is easy as what. You just need to find the right line and comment it out if I recall correctly.