London Created 19 years ago2005-07-07 07:13:38 UTC by The Killer The Killer

Created 19 years ago2005-07-07 07:13:38 UTC by The Killer The Killer

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 10:55:33 UTC Post #122717
m0p, I don't think they went "ZOMG SEE DE SWARTHEE FOREIGNER" <bang bang>. One eyewitness on the BBC said he had wires dangling off some weird belt. The police told him to stop. Pretty dim fella :|.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 12:12:56 UTC Post #122728
He might've had a cd player in his pocket, with headphone cable hanging out ;)
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 12:14:13 UTC Post #122729
Cops: Woops! wlaks away whistling
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 13:16:35 UTC Post #122751
Theres that but there's also harrow street, which was different from the tube incident. Besides, the guy was a hazard and, as seventh said, is rather dim.

Nah the one in harrow street is where the police sealed off a smaller section of the street because someone was found armed in an apartment building.

i heard the bomber had a backpack. Maybe the wire lead to a secret detonator hidden within the belt [/conspiracy]
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-22 19:16:19 UTC Post #122838
He got shot cause he ran from the cops, jumped a security barrier and charged into a crowded train. The police told him to stop and gave him fair warning. I dont think he was innocent. Why else would he have forced his way into a crowded train? Either he was trying to bomb the train or he knew he was gonna get busted for something bad he did.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 01:51:21 UTC Post #122879
Yeah, but that wouldn't warrant being shot.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 05:06:49 UTC Post #122894
Im not one to brag but i dont think the undercover cops chasing him had time to think if he was innocent. Besides the police have a new 'shot to kill' policy since the bombings a few weeks back. From the police they probably would've considered it the right thing to do since most of the bombs in london were either detonated or failed in tube stations.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 09:08:49 UTC Post #122922
What I found interesting was the fact that they even admit to having simultaneous bomb drills at the exact same moment as the bombs went off! (Admitted by Mr. Scotland Yard :thefinger: on the BBC - never mentioned afterwards)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 10:31:02 UTC Post #122933
So much for a conspiracy theory eh? Jazhel?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 10:45:23 UTC Post #122941
Well, so much for a 'theory', more like a conspiracy :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 13:22:33 UTC Post #122976
Yeah, but that wouldn't warrant being shot.
If he was purported to have a bomb strapped to him, [i]that[/] sure would. :|

Considering the recent events especially, I don't see how that wouldn't be a forgone conclusion.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 13:53:44 UTC Post #122985

'nuff said.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 13:55:44 UTC Post #122986
I would be a millionaire if everytime jahzel posted a link to prisonplanet, i got a dollar. :)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 13:58:11 UTC Post #122987 << Shot Man NOT Connected to London Bombings
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 14:04:46 UTC Post #122988
I also recommend you read this article before you continue to bombard me with posts about how 'crazy' I am for trying to confirm to you that these current events are examples of how history has a tendancy to repeat itself (especially when those currently in power share the same tactics of control as previous dictatorships)

So "up yours!" 'Coincidence-theorists and brown-shirts alike'. :thefinger:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 14:20:53 UTC Post #122990
It's very interesting, but for example, none of this works with the Madrid bombings of March 2004 (which I hope everyone knows Al Qaeda admitted being responsable, not ETA)
-After the bombings, people agreed even less with the idea of fighting terrorism abroad.
-Because of that, the elections 3 days afterwards were surprinsingly won by the left wing against all pre-attacks predictions.
-As a consequence, the Spanish government decided to pull out from Iraq like they had promised to do if they won, delivering a very hard blow to the current plan of world conquest by the US
-Other countries eventually decided to leave the coalition, in some cases to avoid suffering a government change.

So, this attack was a another step for the New World Order? In any case it would be a step backwards. There are many other examples we could discuss. For example, I find it hard that the members of the conspiracy purposedly ordered some terrorist to attack oil pipes and refineries. They are far to greedy for that I think...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 14:47:02 UTC Post #122992

'nuff said.
Oh really? For your information, not everyone subscribes to the crap that's put out on a regular basis from pp, where they take 5% fact/95% creative manufacture, and paste The BBC logo/links everywhere to make it appear legitimate.

Seriously, take this garbage and stick it someplace else.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 14:55:48 UTC Post #122995
Seriously, take this garbage and stick it someplace else
Whats with all the conspiracys? Everytime Kasperg points something out it becomes more and more clear that conspiracys about the london bombings are crap. There not conspiracys, their theorys. It seems that prisonplanet is behind this. The drill idea is just something concucted by that evil website. Im not trying to offending you Jahzel, im talking about how much prisonplanet posts crap like this constantly. Its a shame the man was innocent. But the police chasing wouldnt exactly say ''hello, dear chap, i say are you carry a bomb with you?'' not that they had the time...
they take 5% fact/95% creative manufacture
i agree with you all the way.

And exactly why is the US so desperate to dominate the world? Their only gonna lose to the martians :glad:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 14:58:53 UTC Post #122997
Oh dear, it seems genuine good guys are slipping into the vile cesspit known as the 'Government's Official Line of Events'.

Am I the only one here immune to propaganda?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 15:03:33 UTC Post #122999
Nah, even if I agree takes it a bit over the top. And I won't even start with David Icke's website! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 15:05:06 UTC Post #123000
'Prisonplanets Official Line of Events'
Am I the only one here that denys that, for once, the government may not be using propaganda?
Sorry for being harsh here, but come on. Dont you think these ''theorys'' are going a little too far?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 15:08:09 UTC Post #123001
Sorry for being harsh here, but come on. Dont you think these ''theorys'' are going a little too far?
Yes. :)

I was just listening to the news on TV... They shot the man 5 times in the head? Oh dear.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 15:08:16 UTC Post #123002
[sarcasm]Sig Heil![/sarcasm]
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 15:13:38 UTC Post #123004
That is what i call effective shooting from point blank.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 15:14:04 UTC Post #123005
Am I the only one here immune to propaganda?
Of couse not. You know I agree with you that the 9-11 line of events is full of strange coincidences that point to at least government passivity when it came to preventing the attacks (Pentagon invisible plane, Norad procedures, etc)
But Al Qaeda has been making terrorist attacks in countries where the ID card and Big Brother schemes are something pointless. Just dont tell me that hundreds of people died in Bali in order to introduce a Police State in the US or UK...
And about mainstream media etc, let's not forget that conspiracy sites are also propaganda in their own way :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 17:22:03 UTC Post #123025
/me remembers Jahzel's weird lizardpeople-theory :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 21:07:19 UTC Post #123040
[quote]Prisonplanet is a pretty reliable source, if a little biased to conspiracy theories.[/qoute]

M0p, you need your genitals thoroughly scrubbed by a hedgehog for spouting such shite. You make Mephs cry.... And YES! THIRD PERSON you fisted fook!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 21:49:21 UTC Post #123043
Prison Planet or Propaganda Planet? :lol:

Just cause I dont believe in all this conspiracy crap doesnt mean that Im brainwashed. I come to my own conclusions. I think stuff over.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 09:12:06 UTC Post #123135
Hehe, it's funny how y'all seem to suddenly backlash :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 09:37:25 UTC Post #123139
they've just detained one of the men whose face was plastered all over the news yesterday.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 09:39:07 UTC Post #123141
one of the patsies, huh :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 09:57:45 UTC Post #123145
wtf is patsie
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 15:52:15 UTC Post #123238
You know whats interesting is that I had a de_subway map in the works before the attacks. Dont know if I should continue it now or not.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 15:58:33 UTC Post #123240
Fuck yes. Make the terrorists plant the bomb in subways full of people, like in real life, instead of lame shit like "Blow up the ancient gay aztek temple".
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 16:01:45 UTC Post #123241
Ok Ill continue work on it but it wont be finished until after the compo.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 16:04:26 UTC Post #123242
Cant live a day without hard sarcasm eh? zl?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 16:13:08 UTC Post #123245
Two at most.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 09:35:01 UTC Post #123411
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 12:16:47 UTC Post #123449
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 12:21:41 UTC Post #123452
Mifive? What the hell is that? Unless.....
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 12:25:05 UTC Post #123455
MI5 did it, you moron :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 12:26:23 UTC Post #123457
Oh yeah...why do i always miss the obvious!? :zonked:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 13:14:41 UTC Post #123471
Cus you have a short attention span.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 13:40:41 UTC Post #123475
Or maybe because i expected MI5 to show as MI5 and not MIfive :sarcastic:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 23:49:32 UTC Post #123574
Cute new AV 38_98! Is that a big blunt, or a knife in Ernie's hand? :)
MI5 did it
Um...I really don't think so. No I'm sure you're full of it Jazhel! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:39:16 UTC Post #123630
Cute new AV 38_98! Is that a big blunt, or a knife in Ernie's hand?
you like it? I was doing random searchs on on google, i found this one through image search. No its not a big blunt, its real knife all right :P

I cant honestly thing that MI5 did it, considering that they have been pulling off alot of raids in the past years againt terrorism
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:14:03 UTC Post #123640
The MI5 has been caught red handed carrying out bombings in England during the 1980's, it's nothing new.

Anyway, former MI5 agent David Shaylor admitted during interview that this activity does take place.

Also, it's handy to understand that at the exact same moment the tube bombs detonated (simultaneously), 'terror drills' were taking place in the exact same locations at the exact same time. The same scenario happened during 9/11, drills were taking place on the morining before the attacks. The drills act as a cover for these operations -- hence why NORAD stood down - they were told that the whole thing was another drill. There are some good people in NORAD and if they were not told that the attacks were drills, millions of lives could well have been saved.
A lot of 'conspiracy theorists' assume that everyone in Government is corrupt, this is not the case at all. A lot of these people are deliberately misinformed or completely unaware of what's going on (in higher levels of secrecy) and they are simply doing their job exactly as instructed.

So never assume that I am an anarchist or completely anti-Government - we need a structure of control, it's what prevents an apacolyptic scenario of tribal warfare and social decline.

Anyway, when world leaders today openly admit that they are 'above the law', that's when we people have to worry. That's anarchy. That means they can murder anyone and get away with it because they are above the law - they create the laws so they dont have to follow them, or they do is change them.

You see how it all works?

One day you will eventually (hopefully) get the jist.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:30:34 UTC Post #123644
if i could see a link to this 'interview' with David Shayler, then i may end up believing you. And just because MI5 have been bringing bombs into the country doesnt mean that they have used them for purposes like the tube station bombings. We just cant assume that.

The drill acts are only slightly understandable. But why would there be a drill on the No. 30 Bus? that just doesnt make sense.

I know about the government being above the law. Have you ever heard of 'inquirys?' the government doesnt always get away with everything. Certain branch's can attempt and sometimes fail.
One day you will eventually (hopefully) get the jist.
probably not seeing as conspiracys are usually wrong. As i have said most conspiracys are fake and very few ever speak the truth.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:31:05 UTC Post #123645
he he we should rename this topic 'conspiracy discussions'
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:31:59 UTC Post #123646
So true.
But did that happen in London? Did security and medical services fail to act quickly to the bombings? Could more lives have been saved if those drills had not take place?
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