Half-Life2 Borg Wars Recruiting Created 19 years ago2005-08-18 14:10:23 UTC by v0rt3x v0rt3x

Created 19 years ago2005-08-18 14:10:23 UTC by v0rt3x v0rt3x

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-18 14:10:23 UTC Post #128320
Hi there,

v0rt3x here, mapper of the Borg Wars project. The current web page of the mod is located at http://borgwars.hlgaming.com.

Borg Wars intends to place the player in the immersive universe of Star Trek, more specifically somewhere around the early 2380s.

Many people have asked us if we were going to follow the Elite Force game style, well let's settle that right now, the answer is no. We want to stay as far as possible from those games, and as MJCS-gTFC-, our team leader, so eloquently put it, this is a game that "Will go boldly where no game has gone before...".

An interview between the Star Trek Gaming Universe fan site and MJCS containing some basic information about the mod can be found here .

Now to the real stuff. In the Borg Wars single player campaign, you will play as a Federation captain, newly assigned to the USS Prometheus, a top-of-the-line experimental Tactical Assault ship. During the campaign, you will have to fight against both the Borg and Species 8472, an alien race living in a "parallel dimension" filled with fluid. In the multiplayer part of the game, you will naturally be able to play as either a Federation officer, a Borg drone, or an 8472 Warrior. We currently have dozens of special game concepts of planned, most of which are things that we never or only very rarely used before on the gaming market, much less in a total conversion. Sadly, those are subject to our non-disclosure agreement, as revealing them to the public would be removing any surprise effect those features will have in-game, when the player is not expecting them. Gamemodes for the multiplayer part are as of yet unconfirmed and are considered "work in progress", but we do have many ideas planned, including but not limited to:

-Regular Team Death Match.
-Battlefield-style "capture point" mode.
-Capture The Flag (although we do plan to replace the flag with something more proper, such as data you will need to download and bring back to your communications uplink system).
-Threeway capture point mode (that oughta make things a 'lil bit spicy, eh?).
-UT2004-style Assault mode, featuring an offensive team that needs to achieve certain objectives, and a defensive team that tries to prevent them from doing so.
-Threeway Objective mode, where all three teams need to achieve some specific objectives to win the game, such as assimilating a whole section of a ship or hitting the self-destruct button to prevent them from doing so, while the 8472 try to drain all ship power by planting power suckers into key systems manually.

And there are many other original game modes we've thought about, but we'll leave those for the staff's design document .

Here are some eye-candy renderings and concept art your viewing pleasure:

Now, we have a lot of ideas and concepts, and great projects for this mod, but we are currently in need of more people to get this mod done. Here is what is required to join the team:

-Able to show past work or able to create something for us to see
-Able to work with other people
-Can finish tasks on a deadline
-A passion for Star Trek (Optional)
-Willing to agree to a Non Disclosure Agreement

We are currently in need of the following positions to be filled up, in order from most important to least important:

Programmer - Minimum 2 required, maximum 4.
Texture Artist - Minimum 2 required.
Concept Artist - Minimum 3 required, maximum 6.
Character Modeler - Minimum 1 required, maximum 3.
Item Modeler - Minimum 1 required, maximum 5.
Object Animator - Minimum 1 required.
Character Animator - Minimum 2 required.
Mapper - Minimum 1 required, maximum 2.
Writer - Optional, maximum 2.
Team Management Assistant - Optional, maximum 1.

If you have any of those skills, or wish to offer your help in some other way, please head over to our forum and post the proper information or contact dafranker --> dafrankerxd@hotmail.com, deathmerc_dafranker@yahoo.com or DaFrankerXD on AIM. As a side note, position maximums are there only as guidelines, but I do not see why we couldn't have three additional mappers in our team if we get a good team management assistant.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-18 14:41:24 UTC Post #128323
Star Craft? Sorry - not my kinda game.. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-18 14:42:38 UTC Post #128324
This sounds like an interesting project. A mod in which I'd like to work but sadly I wont have the time. I actually like star trek and I've done 3 ST maps in the past years :(

By the way, the links for the concept art dont seem to work in my PC :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-18 16:52:02 UTC Post #128344
Yeah, those image links are definitely broken. Post the correct one's and a moderator will update them.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-18 17:16:59 UTC Post #128348
Star Craft? Sorry - not my kinda game..
Urr..? Star Trek you mean right?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-19 13:42:36 UTC Post #128483
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-19 13:58:59 UTC Post #128485
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 21:02:35 UTC Post #128721
Hello again - ppl - we are in desperate need of a modeller and sound engineer! Even if you don't wanna work full time - pls consider joining our team and helping out with your knowledge!

We'd appreciate all the help we can get!

again - pls visit http://borgwars.hlgaming.com , sign up - post a request or send an email to one of the members in the team section!

Thx -
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 04:16:12 UTC Post #128738
so you use 3.4? you know that 3.5 is for hl1 mapping too? v4 is for source.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 08:51:40 UTC Post #128817
Currently we are in need of the following -

Programmer - Minimum 2 required, maximum 4. (SOURCE)
Texture Artist - Minimum 2 required.
Concept Artist - Minimum 3 required, maximum 6.
Character Modeler - Minimum 1 required, maximum 3. (Human & Aliens)
Item Modeler - Minimum 1 required, maximum 5. (Guns, Ammo, etc)
Object Animator - Minimum 1 required.
Character Animator - Minimum 2 required.
Mapper - Minimum 1 required, maximum 2. (SOURCE)
Writer - Optional, maximum 2.
Team Management Assistant - Optional, maximum 1.

pls contact us if you're intersted!

Priorities right now are Animators, Modellers and Coders!
It would be a help to have an extra experienced Mapper with Star Trek knowledge, as I'm the only current one right now!

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 19:49:24 UTC Post #128921
k ppl!

Update again!

Programmer - Minimum 1 required, maximum 4. (SOURCE) - 1 JOINED
Texture Artist - Minimum 1 required. - 1 JOINED
Concept Artist - Minimum 3 required, maximum 6.
Character Modeler - Minimum 1 required, maximum 3. (Human & Aliens)
Item Modeler - Minimum 1 required, maximum 5. (Guns, Ammo, etc) -1 JOINED

Object Animator - Minimum 1 required.
Character Animator - Minimum 2 required.
Mapper - Minimum 1 required. (SOURCE) - 1 JOINED
Writer - Optional, maximum 2.
Team Management Assistant - Optional, maximum 1.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 16:38:18 UTC Post #129115
Alright - got lots of updates for Borg Wars! Except new stuff on the website very soon! :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-23 09:25:12 UTC Post #129217
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 09:16:18 UTC Post #129390
I'm no sound engineer but I can make battle ambiences and machine broken.wav and stuff... :
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